The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2021: First come first served

"The archangel is right, but he is a guest after all. These days, in order to see you, in our dark royal palace, the left one gives gifts, the right one sends money, just to see you, it is enough to give you an adult, your face, to Don't you ask me to come in?" Bellier smiled.

"These deceitful Orientals, let him come in." Lucifer pretend almost, and raised his hand.

After a while, Bellier led the Qintong father and son to come in.

As soon as the father and son came in, they saw the fallen angels full of armed forces in the hall. They were fierce and sinister, and the magic was pressing, but they were not all. The father and son could be the ministers of Guangwang, and they were naturally knowledgeable and timid.

Lucifer was carrying a shelf, holding the sword of destruction left by Satan in his hand, and looking up at the dome, it was incomparably proud.

"Oriental ambassador Qin Tong, I have seen angels grow up." Qin Tong and his sons and two men bowed to each other.

"Your surname is Qin?" Lucifer said, his brow was locked, quite a bit unpleasant.

"Yes, my name is Qin, Qin of Qin Guangwang." Qin Tong is not humble.

"Which Qin is not important, but I really don't like this word, let's go." Lucifer said a word, and he waved his hand.

"This..." Qin is famous for being awkward.

He did not expect Lucifer to give up even the opportunity to speak, which is too overbearing.

Qin Tong raised his hand and beat his son. He once again smiled and said: "I know that adults don't like this Qin character. However, adults don't want to know too much about this word. For example, Qin Qin's Qin characters, how do you feel? ?"

"Hmmm?" Lucifer's smashing murder, Qin dynasty killed him a soul, which has always been a shameful shame for Lucifer, the pain of his heart, now see Qin Tong publicly mentioned, in addition to anger, even more aware of these two people Come, there is a lot of articles behind, and immediately converge on emotions, haha ​​laughed: "The Eastern ambassador is extraordinary, talking inside."

After that, Lucifer first marched into the inner hall, and Qin Tong and his son quickly followed in and waited for it. Lu Xifa said: "There is no one else here, let's talk, you come to me, what is it?"

"Adult, you and Qin Hao's grudges, we are informed, I believe that you must hate him, hate to smash his corpse, right?" Qin Tong opened the door to see the mountain.

"Of course, it’s just that this child is hiding in the East Hell. I can’t help him. What do you mean by this, is it...” Lucifer’s eyes were straightforward, and he was pleased to ask a case.

"The adults guessed it right. Qin Hao is now in the West Hell. This person is guilty of speculation. He was expelled from my emperor in the East, and escaped to take refuge here. He is currently making waves in the Nile Hell."

"Not long ago, this person also assassinated Vald. I even suspected that he seemed to have thoughts about the Nile Dynasty. Adults think about it. If someone divides the biggest territory of **** under your eyes, this is definitely not your will. See you?"

Qin Tong laughed.

"He dares."

"Dare to come to my Western hell, that is to find a way out, and save me to find him."

Lucifer is very happy.

In the mortal world, he recognizes that the soul and the Qin dynasty are dangerous, but in hell, he is a god, a demon, but also an Eastern district king?

This is definitely a great opportunity given by God.

"Your news is very important, so you can go back first, and Qin Hao will hand it over to me."

Lucifer Road.

"Then I would like to wish the king to kill the thief in advance and get a big hatred." Qin channel.

After that, the father and son left without saying goodbye.

For them, as long as the news is revealed, it is simpler to find the Qin dynasty with the ability of Lucifer.

The next thing, they just waited for Qin Yu to be imprisoned by Lucifer.

"Father, do you think Lucifer can deal with Qin Lan? I feel that these arrogant guys are not very reliable."

"I have dealt with this person, the incomparable traitor, and his undead body..."

Qin famously sat in the carriage, and his heart was uneasy.


"Remember, the immortal seal is the biggest mistake that Guangwang has made in this life. Don't mention it anywhere at any time."

"As for Qin Lan, this person is indeed good, but at the home of Lucifer, there are two big devils, he is difficult to get the benefits, let's take a look."

"In addition, my trip is absolutely confidential. Guangwang looks very heavy on the crystal mine. You let Liu Jin stare at it. I brought the king's ring of Guangwang this time. At least half of the spar can be installed. It’s not too bad for you to come to the West in this difference."

Qin Tong laughed.

"It’s still my father’s thoughtfulness. Really, I thought that Qin Hou and Guang Wang turned out to be deadly enemies, and I was almost deceived by him. Now I still have a lingering fear.”

"If this is not the father's arrival, I don't know how to die. Fortunately, he can't take it away. Otherwise, I am a sinner."

Qin famous thought of this, still surprised by a cold sweat.

"Yeah, your life is small, you lost the errands of Guangwang, that is sin. Guangwang waits for us to be as heavy as the mountains. If the ore is brought to Qinhou, it is undoubtedly given to him." Half of the country."

Qin Tong is also very emotional.

"If it is not too late, we will immediately go back and take the crystal mine. Qin Hou already knows the location of the crystal mine, so as not to have a long night dream." Qin is famous.


Qin Hao once again found Liu Jin.

He thought about it carefully. There are only two people in the world who he can't understand at all. One is Yan Dao and the other is Guang Wang.

Just as Guangwang couldn't see him clearly, they all knew that there were great variables in each other and they could not be constant.

So thinking again and again, Qin Lan decided to take up the spar immediately.

God knows what means Tong Teng will make, or cautious.

Liu Jin was talking to a foreign girl at this moment. When he saw Qin Lan, he almost didn't be scared. "Where is the trough, how is it again, the ghost is not scattered."

"Come with me."

Qin Hao raised his hand and pointed to kill the woman on the bed. He picked up Liu Jin and shouted coldly.

Liu Jin put on his clothes and looked depressed: "Big brother, are you stunned?"

"Follow me to the mine Is the big library key still in your hand?" Qin asked.

Liu Jin shook his head and said: "My key has long been taken away by Qin. He has already suspected that I am a spy, what is it, you still want to play the idea of ​​crystal ore?"

"Yes, I will take away the spar. Since he doubts you, you follow me, I will give you 10%, how?"

Qin Yudao.

"No, are you and Qin famous not a family?" Liu Jin was a little confused.

"No, my surname is Qin, but I am not a friend, but an enemy. I don’t talk nonsense. Do you want money or die?" Qin Hao was impatient.

"Of course it is money, money."

"Made, since Qin is famous and does not believe in Laozi, I will also go out and go."

Liu Jin was an opportunist and refused to be flat. He said that he went to the mine with Qin.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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