The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2022: Real institution master

At the same time that Qin Lan went to the mine, the Qin family and son also continually urged the driver and desperately went to Nile Hell.

This is a race of time, but unfortunately, Qin Hao is the first one to come, because God always cares about him, never changed.

"Going down."

Liu Jin went to the mine and ordered the road.

There are some guards in charge of the mine: "Qin Daren said, without his orders, no one will go on."

"Made, you only have Qin Daren in your eyes. Isn’t the Qin Daren talking to me not counting?"

"Don't forget, this is also one of the leaders of the Qin family, and I will prepare quickly, otherwise I will let you go."

Liu Jin raised his hand and slaps the guard, screaming.

There was a repression of his dual identity with Qin and Qin. After several hesitations hesitated for a while, they prepared the building for the downhole. Qin and Liu Jin rushed to the big library at the fastest speed.

On the big library, the enchantment big lock seems to have been blessed a few times, especially the method of unlocking the big lock has become more complicated. Obviously this is what Qin has called for the improvement of Liu Jin and Qin Yu.

However, this also conveys a good news, at least the spar is still inside, otherwise Qin famous name does not need such a big expense.

"Adults, the locks have changed, and the energy has doubled. This lock is made by the best locksmiths in the Western Hell. Unless it is a key, it is impossible to open it by external force alone."

"It seems that we are running this white."

Liu Jin frowned.

"Then we will open him with the key."

"You are waiting for me here."

Qin Lan took out a piece of paper and waved at the lock, then turned into a lounge inside.

He directly entered the square inch with the gods.

If he remembers correctly, Lu Qianqiu of Fang Congshan is a skilled craftsman. Maybe he can solve it?

Perhaps because of the unique sense of pride of the Orientals, Qin Yu always feels that the so-called singularity of the West is the rest of the East, so there is no worry.

When he arrived at Fang Inch, Qin Hao directly led Yao Sheng to the house of Lu Qianqiu.

As soon as I entered the yard, a big dog made of wood rushed to the ground. The good guys were filled with various wooden organs, some were knights who were practicing swords, some were monks who practiced boxing, and various wooden birds were The sky is flying, it’s so lively.

"A thousand years, come out, there are big things." Yao Sheng shouted outside.

"What bird thing, Laozi is busy, I have no time to take care of you." Lu Qianqiu's arrogant voice came out of the house.

Yao Sheng shrugged and smiled bitterly: "I have seen it, and these guys are getting more and more rude. I am a brother in the upper hole, haha."

"Isn't this good? Family, good and humble, and peace is true. He doesn't see us, let's go in and see him."

Qin Xiao smiled and went to the house of Lu Qianqiu.

Lu Qianqiu is immersed himself in researching a Malaysian horse with a height of two feet. Perhaps it is an institution that has not studied it. He looks extremely annoyed. When someone sees the house, he is impatient: "All said, Laozi. Busy, you are not finished yet."

Qin Xiao smiled, and no one thought that Lu Qianqiu looked very good on weekdays. When he started doing things, he was so stubborn.

"Well, Yao Sheng, Qianqiu does not want to see us, then come back tomorrow."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Lu Qianqiu listened to the voice of Qin Yu, and quickly looked up and saw it. He quickly greeted him and said, "I don't know if the emperor is driving, but also forgiveness."

"This is a slap in the face, it seems that our organ masters are in trouble." Qin Xiao smiled.

Lu Qianqiu is full of bloodshot eyes: "No, I intend to build a Pegasus for Emperor, but I can't find enough flying stones to support it, otherwise he can vacate."

"Most of the Lingshi's Lingshi has been ineffective, and the ordinary Lingshi of the mortal world can't exert its power and can't fly. This horse can't make sense."

Yao Shengdao.

"The horse's business, let's go back and say, I have a lock, you can help me find a way to break."

Qin Hao took out the symbol and handed it to Lu Qianqiu.

Lu Qianqiu shook, the shadow showed a big lock, Lu Qianqiu carefully looked at a few eyes, sneered: "Who did this?"

"The first institution of the West." Qin said.

"Westerners are wastes, they are only in their own shape, they are not seeking internality, and they have nothing to do with it."

"There are seventy-eight enchantments here, but these seventy-eighth roads are all spread on the basis of the lock core. If you change me, you will set up seventy-eight lock cylinders. Every one must be connected. Anyone can open. If you make a mistake, you can start the protection process."

"And this, all on the face, this lock core, breaking him is easy."

Lu Qianqiu disdain.

"Great, I really didn't guess wrong, this thing can't help you at all."

"Get me the way to unlock."

Qin Yudao.

Lu Qianqiu slammed in the cupboard for a while, handed Qin Qin a purple gold to create, something like the ear spoon, handed to Qin Yudao: "Imperial, saw it? His lock lock in the third Hole, the other is virtual, you just use this key to puncture the third hole, absorb the energy, you can crack it."

"Okay, I am running out, come back."

Qin Yudao.

"I am still awkward, this is just an ordinary key. I will play it out in minutes, and the Emperor will use it."

Lu Qianqiu laughed.

Qin Lan was also welcome, took the key and flew directly out of the square.

Liu Jin stayed in front of the big library at this moment, pacing back and forth, and rushing cold sweat on his head.

Every time he stays here for a minute, there will be risks. If Qin Tong and his son come back, they are afraid that they can't explain it.

Just about to urge, Qin Hao came out of the spring breeze, took out the key, ready to unlock.

"Mr. Qin, you always figured it out, and you are dying. Hey, this, what is this, reliable?" Liu Jin asked.

"Reliable, okay."

Qin Hao waved his hand, and the key fell precisely in the keyhole, bursting with a golden glow.

All the secrets of this lock are in the third hole The appearance of the enchantment is powerful, but the energy of controlling the third hole is limited. With the key extraction energy, it is rubbed, the keyhole It was instantly opened.

Then, with the sound of a mechanical sound, the big Kumen opened.

"Mr. Qin, you are a **** man." See Qin Qin opened Kumen, Liu Jin admire the five-body cast.

"This is nothing, and you will have an eye-opener." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Great, there are a lot of spar, all here."

"You install it first, how much can be loaded." Qin said.

Liu Jin shook his head and said: "Still forget it, how much can I load?"

These spar wins in number, but with Liu Jin's space ring, I am afraid that I can't install thousands of pieces, and I have to change the money ticket to hundreds of thousands.

"Okay, then I will install it." Qin said.

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