The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2025: Enemy, friend?

The Qin dynasty screamed for danger, and the eight four-winged fallen angels were absolutely big. You must know that Baldé was the first swordsman of the Nile Dynasty, but only the three wings. This is really going to be laid down. He is absolutely Can't beat it.

It seems that Lucifer is really going to put him to death.

"Come, I will respect you for the adults, I wish you a thief." Yan Ya tossed him to the side, deliberately bent down, let him see the white in the low collar.

"Well, thank you Mrs." As soon as I saw the sultry, Roel was in a good mood. Last night, I was very good at serving him. It is a famous monk in hell. The technique is a lever. How happy it is.

Seeing the hot light in the eyes of Roel, Yan Yamei sent back an autumn wave, and Joseph was very satisfied with her performance.

Anyway, this woman is as good as she can, as long as it can bring value to herself, Joseph is happy to see this scene.


Torre on the side was quite dissatisfied with a cough.

He has always been the pursuer of the elegant, and she saw her and Luer eyebrows, quite uncomfortable reminder.

Joseph quickly toasted: "Lar's adult, I forgot to introduce you, this is the Son of Torre, that is, the Lord God who defeated the Satan Lord and detained him in Hell."

"Oh, I know, the son of the **** of defeat, the **** is not known." Rohr disdainfully laughed.

Torre is not very big, but the arrogance in the bones is arrogant, just about to leave.

Yan Ya busy said: "Adults, words can not say that, our son Torre, today's identity is very different. According to the reliable news from the neutral zone, the heavens have been turmoil, the main **** is already dangerous On the eve of the day, the angels are eager to welcome the Son to the city, and it is a secret return to the city."

"So our Torre is likely to be the new Lord God in the future."

"Oh?" Roel was shocked. A saint wouldn't naturally be in his eyes, but if Torre became the Lord God, it was the first person in the heavens, and how noble he was. When he thought of this, he put away the meaning of contempt. Incomparably respectful: "It is that I am abrupt to the Son, please forgive my stupidity."

Torre’s heart was finally a little better, and he waved his hand: “No matter, if I became the Lord God, I would like to help a lot of adults in the future. So, in order to prevent someone in the heavens from playing the banner of hell, find me to make trouble.”

"That is, if the Son is a master, don't forget the friendship between the family and his wife's family."

Joseph is also a toast.

"Unfortunately, Master has not arrived yet, and can't do the next step for someone. Otherwise, I will let the goddess of the gods bring you back to the neutral zone, and God will inherit the Datong."

Joseph’s pause was quite annoying.

"It will come sooner or later, I am not in a hurry." Torre seems to be dull, and his eyes are all on Mrs. Yuya. For him, it is far more pleasant to be a **** than to be a god.

"Everyone, now I am waiting for a good thing, and I will be happy tonight, Ronaldin, whoever looks at it," said.

Joseph said.

Luoer had a pair of old eyes and finally turned around and fell on An Qi. He smiled and said: "This little doll is quite pure, I like it very much, just she."

"Teacher." An Qi was full of fear and looked at Qin.

Qin Hao nodded and motioned her.

Several people each picked a beautiful woman, and Torre chose 黛雅, because of his upcoming identity of the main god, even Rohr had to be respectful.

The banquet was scattered, and each person led the beauty out of the Yulefang.

When Ral came to the Nile Dynasty, he came from a very ordinary passer-by. After all, whether he killed the Qin or wanted to subvert the Nile, he could not be exposed.

Qin Lan originally wanted to kill Joseph first, but when he thought about dispelling this thought, Rohr’s arrival gave him a chance. Did Lucifer not want to kill him?

Perhaps Nero is a sharp knife that he counterattacks on his hand. The existence of Joseph is the sharpening stone that polishes this sharp knife.

Luo Er lives in a remote house in Xicheng. The eight fallen angels he brought are living around the houses. These people are dressed in ordinary clothes. If you don't know this guy, it is very difficult for ordinary people to find out their existence.

This guy doesn't look like a fallen angel. His status is noble, but his bones are a true color demon. When he arrives at the room, he can't wait to tear off An Qi's skirt and want to take the next step.

If An Qi was naturally obedient in the past, but like tassels, the seeds of freedom sprouted in her heart, and it was inevitable that she would not cry.

This moment annoyed Rohr, and gave him a slap when he raised his hand: "The skunk, how is it, I am still very rare, I believe you will kill you now."

An Qi replied without a word, after a lot of pain, he finally succumbed to strength.

"Hey, like you slaves, you are born to serve men, what to wear?"

Rolle smiled and tried to shoot.

At this time an invisible smell filled the room, and Rohr felt a whirlwind, and the first one fell to An Qi's feet.

An Qi was shocked by this sudden change. Qin Hao jumped in from the window and gestured to him to go.

He just used Peng's ecstasy. According to common sense, the power of the ecstasy is not enough to bring down a master like Rohr, but Rohr drank too much wine today, and there is no precaution. The heart, even the body enchantment did not open, this gave Qin Hao a chance.

An Qi took a big sword next to him and killed Rohr.

Qin Lan raised her hand and stopped her: "When it is not killing him, this person is still useful."

"Teacher, like this scum that is against you, why not kill, chances are rare." Angel could not help but ask.

Qin Lan smiled indifferently: "Because he is not a wise man, if he kills him, Lucifer will send a more savvy, more powerful person, and even the deity will come in person, which is more unfavorable to me."

" Go ahead, I will take you to a place."

Qin Yudao.

He took An Qi to the mine.

Since the spar was stolen by Qin Lan, Qin and his father and son were afraid of Joseph's attack and hid in the city. As for the mine, it was completely ruined, especially the large library inside, which is a rare hiding place.

Of course, Qin Hao, cleverly changed the keyhole of the big lock, so that even if Qin is famous, he will not be able to enter.

After resetting An Qi, Qin Hao returned to Nile City and began the next step.

He had to successfully pull Nile around before Lucifer returned, as his helper, to deal with the dark people.

After all, there are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, and he has enough chips to touch Nile.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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