The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2026: You have no retreat

Qin Lan returned to Nile City and went straight to the residence of Yuya.

If he wants to gain the trust of Nile, he must resort to Joseph, and Yuya is a good candidate for him to see Joseph.

Moreover, he has an advantage that no matter whether it is Yuya or Joseph, he thinks that he does not know about Qintong.

Since the names of Qin Tong and Qin have been hidden, then Lucifer will kill his own things, and Joseph will not think that Qin has known.

And he can use the other side, and he can still speak at least on the bright side.

When I arrived at the elegant place, the voice of the men and women fighting in the room was heard. Only from the sound, Qin Lan could hear it. At this moment, it was Torre.

This saint is now rising in height with his identity. Naturally, he is qualified to be a pro-Fangze. It is inevitable to enjoy it.

Qin Lan had been waiting outside the door, and the two men were really able to toss, and after a full hour, they were dying, and Torre was satisfied, and this was accompanied by a full of alcohol.

As soon as Torre went, Qin Hao slipped in. Mrs. Yanya was dressing up and spraying perfume on her body. She heard footsteps behind her. She said with a dripping voice: "Adult, you are really worried, Torre just left. You have to make people take a break, so that people will die."

"Yes, play like this, you will die."

Qin Yu is cold and Sensen.

When Yan Ya listened to the wrong voice, he jerked back and saw that it was Qin Qin. When he was shocked, he would scream and scream. Qin Hao grabbed her throat and cut his eyes into a line. I don't want to kill you, but you better not force me."

"Mr. Qin, what do you say, you forgot, people once loved you, how can I force you?" Yan Yaqiang calmed, not naturally laughed.

"Now I am being smashed by Nile, you and Joseph promised my promise, when will it be honored?" Qin asked.

He wants to create one. He comes to find Ya, Joseph is just for fame and fortune.

"Calculate, of course, cash, now I can, I have not forgotten, after the event, people are yours." Heya smart, the nightdress took the initiative to solve, showing a graceful and moving figure.

"I am now indifferent, and I have been rejected by Qin. I have nowhere to go. Do you feel that I still have the heart to make love with you?"

"Call Joseph, I want to get something that belongs to me. He must give me a statement today. Don't think that I don't know. Joseph has been very popular recently. It is not difficult to arrange a good position for him in his position. ""

Qin Hao threatened.

Yan Yadao: "Is this not easy to say? Don't be angry, I am called the National Teacher."

Then, Yanya shouted out loudly and shouted: "Come, come to the National Teacher."

Immediately there was a guard outside the door to ask Joseph.

Yuya poured a glass of wine and handed it to Qin: "Don't be excited, Mr. Qin is a friend. If you have something to say, let's relax and drink."

Qin Lan took the wine glass and said: "You'd better guarantee that there is an account tonight, otherwise, don't blame me."

After a while, Joseph’s heavy footsteps came from outside the temple. While walking, the national teacher was screaming at the old man: “Mrs. I know that Torre’s children can’t satisfy you, and the old man has come to the battle.”

Joseph opened the curtain and walked in. He saw Qin Hao as soon as he entered the door.

He was shocked. He never dreamed that Qin Hao would dare to appear here. However, he suddenly thought that Qin Xi did not know that Lucifer had to start with him, and naturally he did not need to hide him.

"Mr. Qin, it turned out to be you, we haven't seen it for a while."

Joseph smiled.

"It’s been sixteen days, Lord Joseph, there are two things now. Do you give me an account?"

Qin Hao asked.

"What two things?" Joseph sat down and asked with a smile.

He was still very panicked, although neither Master Lucifer nor Rohr had said how high the Qin dynasty was, but he could let Master send so many soldiers to catch Qin dynasty. This guy is afraid of being far more than he imagined. To be complicated.

"You don't wear garlic, the people in the mine have all been withdrawn, and Qin has a name that has disappeared. Don't tell me that this is not what you did." Qin Hao first slammed and sneered.

As soon as Joseph stood up, he asked, "What do you say? Mine is gone?"

"This can still be fake. I have been to the underground mine. It has been abandoned. Besides you, who has such great energy and evacuated the spar. As a result, my money should not be found. Do you want an adult?" Qin Xiaohan asked.

Joseph’s cold sweat appeared on his forehead. The result was absolutely unimaginable. In fact, he was about to faint at the moment. It was a huge fortune. Once the Dark Legion reversed the Nile Dynasty, he also counted on the money. Create an army and buy people's hearts.

"I really don't know this, I, I immediately find someone to check, believe me, this is definitely not my handwriting, I just found a famous father and son in Qin, and asked to understand." Joseph said.

"Well, I don't ask about the money. The second thing, you took my poison and said that you are poisonous and dead, and there is no news?" Qin asked.

Joseph sighed: "It doesn't matter, chances are there, but I don't have the courage. After all, he is the king of Nile, a little careless, it is going to be dead."

"It's not that you don't dare, but you want to play two-faced, because I have removed Bald from you, you think that the power is in your hands, and you want to be your national teacher and enjoy wealth."

Qin Yudao.

"Yes, I have this idea." Joseph looked pale and he should have removed Qin Qin from the beginning. This person is terrible.

"But it's not too late, and you have to do it. I went to Heilongjiang these days. As far as I know, Lucifer has already helped a actually overhead Blackro, too That is to say, Heilo has already returned to the Dark Legion. And as a disciple of Lucifer, there has been no progress. If your Master knows, he will be very disappointed."

"At that time, if Lucifer personally subverted the Nile, would you feel that he would let you take care of everything?"

"So, you are not in a hurry, I am willing to cooperate with wastes like you, to get my own interests, and not to re-engage with the future Nile New King."

"You must be poisoned, must, understand?"

"For yourself, for Lucifer, it is for me."

Qin Lan lived in Joseph’s collar, one word at a time.

Joseph was full of cold sweat, and Qin’s words were like a sharp knife stuck into his chest. He really had no choice. Rohr came, to deal with this terrible guy in front of him, and also to deal with Nile. Come.

Once Rohr succeeds, he will certainly be squeezed out. It is not bad to be a deputy at most. Perhaps Rohr and others have secretly said that he is not doing well, and the head may not be able to keep it.

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