The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2040: good luck

Qin Lan had long expected that the Dark Legion would send it out, but did not expect to kill a mark.

Mark’s influence in the Devil’s Castle is beyond the expectations of Qin’s unexpected. According to this situation, Mark can’t stay, but how can Mameng calm down the Mark’s power, which is a difficult problem.

"Madam, it’s not the way to go. With my understanding of Lucifer, if Mark really wants to control the situation this time, he will definitely try his best to support Mark in the next step. When he is afraid of Mamen and your mother and daughter, It’s hard to have a living path."

Qin Yu frowned.

"What is the way Mr. Murphy has?"

Asked Feili.

"Do you have any forbidden places here? It belongs to the kind of outsiders who must not be arrogant, and the place where the culprits die."

Qin Hao asked.

"If there is one, it can only be my palace."

Fei Li thought for a moment.

"I came from heaven. When I first protected me, Mamen had ordered it. Anyone who broke into my palace without order would kill innocent people."

"But what does it have to do with the removal of Mark?"

Feili asked.

"Mamen kills Mark. There must be a legitimate reason. He has returned to the Devil Castle for some time. He should have at least the strength to compete with Mark. Plus his identity, as long as the timing is right, it can completely suppress Mark. ”

"So, I hope that my wife can lead Mark to your palace and give Mamen a righteous mouth. I say so, do you understand?"

Qin Yudao.

"I understand that in the heavens, this kind of thing happens more than once." Fei Li nodded slightly.

She looks gentle, but in fact she is the sister of the Lord God. She has a wealth of knowledge and a calm mind. Qin Yiyi said that she immediately understood.

"Good, go back first, I am going to see the king."

Qin Yudao.

"How do you see?"

"You won't go straight to the right?"

Feili can't believe it.

"Of course, rest assured, according to me, this mark is not so terrible, at least he still can't be willing to do it. Mamen does not open this mouth, he does not dare to move me."

Qin Xiao smiled.

If Mark is really strong enough, he can be more and more embarrassed. He will not be safely here now, and he may have been caught by Mark.

Therefore, Qin Yu concluded that Mark has status and strength, but it is not a hero.

"Since I am so confident, I don't have much to say anything. I will inform you the first time with news."

Feili left without saying goodbye.

Qin Hao changed his clothes and went straight to the Devil's Hall.

In the temple, Bruce is talking to Mamen, Mark and other people, and enjoys food and wine, dancing and singing songs. It is called a lively event, and it is not the hospitality when Qin Lan came to the office.

"Mamen, the resentment between you and my lord has been long. The archangel always said that there is no eternal enemy. After all, you have been good brothers, good comrades, and angels have been reflecting on the wrong things that broke in the past years. I want to come, the king and the archangel are nothing more than fighting for the throne of the dark royal palace. Now the dust has been fixed, and the archangel said, as long as the king is willing to recite the old feelings, he can return to the dark royal palace to be the deputy, and together with the dark army. Fight for glory."

Bruce sprinkled.

"Master Bruce, with my understanding of Lucifer, he won't be so kind?"

Mamen sneered.

Of course, he knows that Lucifer is a human being. In his heart, Qin’s words are absolutely correct. It is only because Mark et al. that he cannot directly give an answer.

After all, the demons were scared in the past, and now they are not recovering. If he is forced to go out, even if the reasons are correct, they will not be understood, and they will only be rebellious.

"Da Wang, I am coming this time, but I have taken my sincerity. Come and report to Mamen."

Bruce is very proud of his hand.

"In order to express the meaning of reconciliation with Mamen, the dean of Lucifer, I sent the amethyst three billion, the phantom iron rides six thousand horses, the weapon of more than five products, and the fine armor of three thousand."

"How, is this adult enough sincerity?"

Bruce's hand is down.

"Da Wang, if the adults of Lucifer are not intentionally reconciled, they will send us the fine armor and the iron ride. We have been in the land of demons. The resources have long been exhausted. If we are once again confronted with the Dark Legion, we will be blocked here. It is extremely unfavorable in the overall situation. ”

"Great king, peace talks."

Mark took the lead in approving the road.

Bruce and he exchanged a tacit eye with each other. Just last night, when Bruce went to the Devil's Castle, he went to Mark's house first, and privately gave Mark a billion-dollar coin, and promised countless benefits. I have already bought Mark.

"Great king, peace talk, can't fight."

Other generals have petitioned.

With these advantages, who is willing to go to war, and even if you play, you may not be able to play the Dark Legion.

Of course, most of these petitions are from the Mark family.

"what about you?"

Mamen looked at his own confidant.

Those people were tight-faced and no one spoke. These people were once slaughtered by the Dark Legion and their families and subordinates. Everyone was incompatible with the Dark Army and knew the treacherousness of Lucifer.

Nature is unwilling to reconcile.

Mamen saw these guys not talking, and there were counts in them. It seems that not all people are numb and stupid, and the devils still have salvation.

"Great king, can't reconcile."

"The heart of Lucifer is well known to everyone. This is a fascinating subtotal. It won't last for a while. Once it is reconciled today, the knife and iron hoof of the West Road will be invaded by the Devil Valley."

"All those who are in favor of reconciliation will be the chief culprit of the demonic demon."

At this time a voice, powerfully passed over.

Mark and others were furious, and Bruce was sullen: "Who are you?"

"My name is Qin Yu, that is, Qin Hou, who has always wanted to kill Lucifer, and of course, is the special envoy of Nile." Qin Xiao smiled.

"It turned out to be you." Bruce didn't expect to kill a Qin dynasty, and saw that Mamen was slow to speak. He already understood what was going on., you must give a decision today, if you listen This person’s rumor is to be enemies with the Dark Legion and the Archangel. I hope to see this person’s head tomorrow night. ”

"Otherwise, the consequences, the king is conceited."

Bruce glanced at Qin Hao and left the room.

The atmosphere in the field was extremely tense, especially Mark and others, and I wished that the Qin dynasty was swallowed up.

"Dawang, this person..." Mark just wanted to worry, Mamen raised his hand: "I am the king, how to choose, I have my own judgment, do not need you to say, all come back, before tomorrow night, I must I will give you a satisfactory answer."

"Very good, then I will wait for the good news of the king."

"Mr. Qin, I wish you good luck."

Mark smiled at the Qin dynasty evil spirits and led the people to go.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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