The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2041: Ambitious

In the main hall, only Mamen and Qin Yu were left. Mamen looked at Qin Yudao with a cold eye. "Mr. Qin, you have seen it. Now people are worried, no one is willing to fight. You are running this white, oh me. Before you make a decision, let's go."

Qin Hao laughed loudly: "The king said that he is wrong. People are worried and no one wants to fight. It is Mark. I just saw a lot of generals saying nothing. Obviously most people still understand things, 岂Can it affect the overall situation because of a small mark?

"The problem now is that Mark does not agree. He wants to target you, even if I am powerless."

"You know, my devils are scarce and can't stand the big turmoil."

Mamen sighed helplessly.

"Da Wang, I have already said that before, you and Mamen are small things, and most of them are dead and half-family, but between you and Lucifer is a disaster of extermination, it is not too heavy, not yet is that clear?"

Qin Yuhong channel.

"The reason is this, but Mark can't move with it. His tribes account for nearly half of the demonic forces, and they can move all over the body. Can you act rashly?"

"Mark does not agree, this army can't go out, you see it too. He is now combined with Bruce, and he is getting more and more crazy. If you develop according to this situation, you will definitely take your knife. Mr. Qin, you are a smart person, or you have long been Decide."

Mamen glared at the corner and looked sad.

"Da Wang, there may be something you may not understand. Mark is indeed a high-powered person among his people, but his authority is given by you, and Mark cannot represent his entire ethnic group."

"Mark is Mark, it is a different matter from his people. King, among his people, is there not a rival of Mark?"

"I think he should offend a lot of people with his soaring personality?"

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"When you say this, I am a bit fascinating. Mark has a cousin called Fred. He is extremely prestigious in his family, but these two people are in the same position. The difference is that Mark is in power, and Frey De is a priest among the tribes. If he can win this person, he will be able to stabilize Fred."

Mamen took a thigh and said hi.

As a big king, it has always been a matter of distress, such as Mark. It is really a distressing thing. Now that Qin Hao has slightly dialed, Mamen can find a way to deal with Mark.

"In this way, I immediately went to find Fred, and jointly abolished Mark with him. In this way, Mr. Qin can help Mr. Qin to fight against Lucifer." Mamen said.

"No, the king must not go to Fred at this time, otherwise it will not only do nothing, but even life will not be guaranteed." Qin Hao quickly raised his hand and stopped him.

"Why?" Mamen asked.

"No matter what kind of grievances Mark and Fred have, they are a group of people after all. If you look for him to discuss Mark, it is very likely that you will be countered, which is not good for our plan."

"The best way is to kill Mark first and then Fred, so he has no reason to refuse."

"So, you can do more with less."

Qin Yudao.

After listening to Mamen, he was deeply shocked and said: "All said that the Orientals have infinite wisdom. Now it seems that they are not fake. There is Mr. Qin, everything can be decided. Please ask me to teach me how to Killed Mark."

"Killing Mark must have a reason to be justified. I heard that Wang Hao’s palace is banned. It is better to let Wang Hao think of deceiving Mark into the palace. In this way, he can kill him with this sin." Qin said.

"Well, this is a way, I don't know if she will agree." Mamen hesitated.

"Reassured, with Wang Shuo's profound meaning, so dangerous, she will certainly agree." Qin said, it seems that Mamen does not understand his wife, this woman seems to be weak, but the heart has a very powerful light power Sufficient to deal with any situation.

"Okay, let's try it. No matter what, you can't let Mark keep it." Mamen said.


Mark lives in the most prosperous street outside the Devil Castle. His castle is extremely prosperous, even if it is more than the Mawang's Wangbao.

"Mark Daren, today I can see the prestige of adults. When adults speak, they are full of enthusiasm. I see that the great talent is the innocent king of this devil valley." Bruce laughed and hid.

He really tried Mark's ambitions, and if he could separate the demonic forces from within, it would undoubtedly make a great contribution.

Mark was busy waving: "The adults are laughing, I am a general in the district, and this innocent king naturally does not dare to be a sham." Although the words are humble, Mark’s smugly shows that he is satisfied with the performance of today’s public. of.

After a pause, he said again: "However, my tribe has five thousand weights, most of which are in the military. Under one call, I dare not say that the three armed forces are shocked, and at least half of them are capable of calling."

"Adult, you are now highly weighted, have you ever thought about going further?"

"The land of the devil, the living environment is extremely difficult, adults do not want to bring your people to the outside world to enjoy life bliss?"

"It doesn't matter. When you come, the angel grows up and has an order. If the adult is interested, we can help you. Once the Nile **** is attacked, the king of Nile Hell is taken by the grown-up. You only need to believe in Lucifer. Adults can."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Cann't adults be tempted?"

Bruce looked around and lowered his voice and whispered.

Mark changed his face and was busy: "Can an adult fall into my unrighteousness?"

"There is a saying in the East that the husband has something to do, and he is not poisonous and not a husband. Mamen is not willing to kill Qin Hao today. He expressed his attitude to the adults of Lucifer. It is clear that the heart is not with the adults. The door is very important to you, but in fact he is only afraid of the family power behind you."

"You never thought about it. Once you lose your strength, the first one will take you to the knife. The adults are so promising and hope again, why should they be willing to give up?"

Bruce continued to lobby.

Markton was a bit tempted, but instead of Mamen, this was never thought of before, but Bruce is right, this world is a shit, only power is eternal.

Nowadays, because of the arrival of the Qin dynasty, the devil's land is full of people's hearts, just by this opportunity to help, once Mamen is relaxed, it can be replaced.

To think about it, Mark is not a strategy person, he needs time to plan.

"Well, Master Bruce, tomorrow night is the time for Qin Yu and your decision. If Mamen still insists on sending troops to the Qin thief, Lao Tzu is the opposite of his mother."

"But before that, I need to pass the qi with the people. I don't care about it. Although there are many people in my family, there are many contradictions in the interior. It is not something I can completely decide."

After seriously thinking about it, Mark replied.

"Okay, then I will wait for the good news of the general." Bruce was overjoyed.

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