The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2042: Mark Zhongji

The next day, the evening was the day to decide the future direction of the devil's land. Mark personally went to a family and held a meeting, especially the generals in the army, to ensure that the backyard would not be anti-water.

However, this meeting did not make him feel good, but it was even more dazed, because two-thirds of the tribal leaders were absent from Fred, which means that in addition to the military generals, others may not buy him. Account.

However, Mark believes that Fred can't change anything. In this year, only military power is the most real. A small priest, in addition to flicking a few words, will be stunned, what waves can be turned up?

Returning from the tribe, Mark has not yet returned to his official residence. A carriage stopped at the side of the road, and a subtle shout came from the car: "General."

Mark was trembled, he was known by the carriage, and his voice was familiar. This is the most beautiful woman of the devil's land, Princess Feili.

In the land of the devil, Fei Li is like the existence of beasts and beauties. Every demon is amazed by her beauty. Every heart is willing to beat her. The devil is simple. They are naturally strong for beautiful things. Possession.

Everyone knows that Fei Li was the **** of the gods and the goddess of heaven, and was later imprisoned by Mamen as a king. Her arrival, let Mamen and all the demons are like treasures, willing to sacrifice everything for her.

Because of this, there have been countless demons who are unbearable and want to break into Wang Hao’s palace to want a kiss, because in the land of demons, women are always shared. It is not unusual for women to have several husbands. Therefore, they think Feili should also be everyone's.

There are some important ministers, some of the brothers of Mamen. However, Mamen never allowed his own imperial concubine and dignity to be damaged. After killing many powers and national sects, the talents of the Devil's Land recognized the reality, Fei Li. Wang Hao is like a beautiful rose, only a distant view, not a play.

Therefore, everyone can only suppress this heavy emotion in their hearts. Mark is naturally no exception. He is willing to commit the following crimes and seek the throne of Mamen. There is an important reason for winning the Faye. Even if she is already the mother of the child.

These don't matter. When you think of the beautiful and attractive figure of Fei Li, Mark is burning like a flame.

"Mrs?" Mark sighed and said hello.

“Can you say a few words on the bus?” Fei Li said in the car.

Mark quickly got on the bus and got on the bus. He was pleasantly surprised to find that today's Princess Feili is extraordinarily beautiful. She is wearing a thin veil and the snow muscles are looming, compared to the youth she had just come to the Devil's Land. The image of a girl, nowadays, the more charming and charming, like a ripe fruit, mouth watering.

This is absolutely rare for Wang Wei, who has always been conservative in clothing. Mark is more and more happy in his heart. Is it that Wang Hao knows that I am in power now, and that the end of Mamen is coming, want to favor me?

"Mrs. summoned, Mark sincerely feared, what is the command?" Mark bowed his hand, and the pair of eyes with fine eyes, unscrupulously swaying in the body of Fei Li, after all, it is rare to see the face, this is a difficult opportunity, I can cherish it.

"General, this morning, I heard a few points in the hall, I don't know what the generals have." Fei Li smiled and asked Mark to look at it, but it was a bit more welcoming.

Mark looked up and proudly said: "That is also used to say that nature is united with Lucifer. Lucifer now has the strongest strength of hell. Only by uniting with it can we protect our people from war and have infinite wealth. ”

"Oh, the general said yes, but the king is now being washed by the Qin dynasty. He has to put his people in the fire. I am worried that Lucifer will anger and destroy the land of demons."

"I have been in the land of demons for a long time, and I am so depressed. The king has forcibly banned me in the palace. I can't see the brothers and sisters of the heavens before. I can't hear the generals and see the generals. Now I am in danger, I can't protect myself, and I have a lot of generals. It’s good to convince the king."

Fei Li cried, but she was an anxious woman who was rushing to escape the deep palace.

When Mark heard this, he still didn't understand it. He quickly grabbed the hand of Fei Li and excitedly said: "Mrs. Rest assured, there is me, no one can hurt you. Dawang, I think it is difficult to convince, but as long as you have the heart." Escape from the Forbidden Palace, Mark will surely satisfy you."

"At that time, the lady can completely leave the land of the devil, go to the vast, prosperous Nile dynasty, drink the most alcoholic wine, listen to the most beautiful songs, sing the most beautiful songs, I can guarantee that the whole **** will be proud of your beauty. "

When Mark spoke, he still wanted to go further to the waist of Fei Lili, and wanted to put two white snow on her chest.

Fei Li was a pretty face, and quickly sneaked back and said: "General, please pay attention to yourself. If you really have a heart, please come to the palace to pick me up at night. I will then open all the guards and give the generals. Manufacturing opportunities."

Mark screamed that it was a pity that he thought that he could get a fire in this car. He was a pro-Fangze. It seems that Fei Li is not stupid. She is using her body to trade with herself.

Oh, no matter what, he is going to eat this meat tonight.

After returning to the mansion, after Mark and Bruce had discussed it, they directly expressed their determination to be anti-Mamamen. Bruce had no doubts about his suddenness and was too skeptical. He thought that Mark was supported by the power of the tribe. Very happy.

After sending Bruce, Mark summoned the generals, including several Mamen generals who secretly voted for him.

Their only task was to drag the Mamen by the time of the evening, on the grounds of negotiating big things, but they didn't know that their chances of getting out were just for Mark to enter the palace to meet with Wang Hao. You invited me to love.


The night is coming soon.

Mamen and Qin Lan drink alcohol in the Forbidden Palace. After Fei Xiao sleeps with the children, they give the two people a barbecue and add wine.

"Mr. Qin, tonight is the moment to decide the fate of the Devil's Land. No matter what, your friend, Mamen is settled, come, have a drink." Mamen raised his toast.

"All along, people say that God is kind, demons are greedy and stupid, but I think that God is always mean. On the contrary, you in the darkness must be much simpler. This is an era of interest. No doubt, you are my friend, because you will not treat me badly."

"Come, my friend, cheers."

Qin Hao clinks a Mr. is expected to be a god, I got the exact news, Bruce, this abominable guy came this time, deeply hidden, and actually lobbied Mark to take my place. And the wife confirmed this point today. Fortunately, Mr. reminded him in time. Although Mark has the heart, there is no time for us to be fast. ”

"He still thought that I didn't know his curse, but tonight will be his death."

Mamen is gloomy.

As he said, the guards went in and reported: "The king, the generals are waiting for you in the front hall, saying that there is something to discuss."

"Oh, the coming is finally here, Mr. Qin, I will hand it over to you here. I will go to the front hall to accompany them to perform."

Mamen extended his fist and said coldly.

Qin Lan met him with a fist and smiled: "Reassured, everything has me."

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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