The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2043: Mark's death

Mark is very confident.

He is flying at the moment, he has already planned, and he will take over the kingdom of Feili tonight, and he will return to his own ethnic land, and with the agreed generals, holding Bruce, in the palace by killing Qin. Directly abolished the throne of Mamen.

As long as Mamma is dismounted, the whole devil's land is naturally what he said.

According to the agreement, Mark came to Wang Hao’s Forbidden Palace in the evening. As the king said in the Forbidden Palace, there was no one inside, and all the guards were mobilized.

Even so, for the sake of safety, Mark still brought a few high-level hands to accompany him.

Seeing that the Forbidden Palace was in sight, Mark could even smell the scent of the Princess of the Feather, and the whole soul flew up.

Who said that Jiangshan and beauty can't have both?

Isn’t Laozi just in the hand, do you want to enjoy the beauty of the world?

"Mamen, Mamma, so the best has been hidden by you for so many years, it is time to change the owner."

"From now on, your Jiangshan is coming by me, your woman is hurting by me, haha."

There was a sneer in the corner of Mark’s mouth, and there was no worries.

Into the palace, the king of Fei Li was playing the piano according to the agreement, the sound of the piano was melodious, Mark smiled and said to the guards around him: "You are waiting here, I am going to pick up my wife."

"Yes, general." The guards took orders and placed their hands outside the palace gate.

As soon as he entered the temple, Mark saw that the lady was wearing a white plain dress, and the glory of the angel was sacred on her face. At that moment, Mark actually gave birth to a drunkenness.

A good woman is not only used for enjoyment, but also a treasure worthy of appreciation.

"Madam, I am coming, congratulations, and I am about to break away from the shackles of the darkness." Mark stepped forward in front of Wang Hao, kneeling with one hand and carrying a light knight.

Just when she thought that Princess Feili would talk to him romantically, Fei Li changed her face, and she couldn’t believe it. She panicked and shouted: "General Mark, you, what do you want?" ”

Mark groaned and asked: "Madam, don't you agree with me to come here, will you pick up the palace?"

"The generals are arrogant, I am the wife of the great king, how honorable, the world knows that I am deeply concerned with the king, and I will do this."

"The general is a person who understands the matter. Please leave immediately, otherwise I will call the guard."

Fei Li looked awkward and screamed.

Mark Jianmei was locked, and he had to hold her hand before going forward, but he was hiding. He asked: "Mrs, do you have any difficulties, tell me that now my army is gathering in the camp, no one can force You, no one can stop your freshman."

"Don't be afraid, tell me."

Mark asked incomparably affectionately.

Fei Li raised his hand and gave him a slap, and shouted: "The general please pay attention, please leave immediately."

This slap hits Mark's face. It is a burning pain. He is a little awake, and he screams coldly: "Hey, are you playing me?"

"You are right, it is to play with you, how about?"

A cold voice passed over, and Qin Xiao slowly came from the screen next to him.

"It's you, the Orientals, here is the royal palace forbidden land, there is a big king who ordered it, and the courage to come to this place."

Mark pointed to the Qin dynasty and shouted.

Qin Hao touched the nose and asked: "I should ask you this sentence. You broke into this place and tried to marry Wang Hao. Isn't it to find death?"

"When you come, Mark wants to be out of order, according to the decree, when you are!"

Fei Lijiao shouted.

Immediately rushed out of the back of the hundred banned forces from the back, leaving the water around Mark.

"Oh, it turned out to be a trap for Laozi. Do you want to start with me?"

"Don't forget, the land of the devil is my family. I have half of the people, my generals, and my army is assembled in the tribe. As long as you dare to move me, it is a death."

Mark was not afraid, and he screamed.

"Is it? You have the intention to seek the throne of the king, chaos thieves, and dare to let go!"

Filipino channel.

"You are right, they may not dare to move you, but I dare, I am not a demon person, and I do not have to obey anyone's order."

"So, you are the head of this person, I will take it. They are just witnessing your intention to the throne and the witness to the disrespect of Wang Hao."

Qin Yudao.

In front of Mark, he saw the Qin dynasty in the hall, and suddenly he was a little panicked. He stepped back and said: "You don't want to mess, I want to see the king, I want to talk to the king."

Mark knows that Mamen is more awesome to him. Nowadays, I am afraid that only Mamen can save him.

"Did you not be led by the king to the front hall? This time, I am afraid that I am busy with the generals of yours, and I have no time to see you."

Qin Lan walked forward, and every step of the way, the murderous gas increased a bit.

"Come, come."

Mark was in a chaotic state and shouted outside the door.

"You don't have to shout, they have gone to drink tea with Satan, and die."

Qin Hao hand pressed on the cursed sword, murderous in the moment filled.

Mark Ben has no intention of fighting, and is full of fear of the sword of death, coupled with the chaos in his heart, has long lost the heart of the enemy.

But seeing the flash of light, the cursed sword has been sheathed, and a tiny red line appeared on Mark's neck.


Mark rubbed his neck, and blood drenched through his fingers like a spring.

His eyes were big, with endless resentment and glaring at Feili. He never dreamed that he was still dreaming of the pinnacle of life, but he was so dying a minute before he stepped into the hall. It is.

He lost, the unclear defeat, and defeated in the hands of a woman, this is simply a big joke, an inexplicable shame.

But he has no chance to regret it.

The struggle is like this. Who is more awkward, who is faster, who is the winner, and the weak is always destined to be a cloud of insignificance.


Mark fell to the ground and ended all his fantasies.

"Come on, to inform the king, I said that this has already been fixed."

Fei Li cold and cold.

Immediately guarded to the front hall to inform Mamen.

Mamen was absent-minded with the confession of Mark and the snakes. When the guards came to report, he laughed and laughed, and the generals were a little embarrassed.

Mamen violently pulled out the sabre and stabbed it near the chest. The blood splattered.

"Da Wang, are you this?"

Those generals will not understand.

"Come on, some people are stabbing, and all these anti-thieves are grabbed for me."

Mamen shouted.

Those generals are still in the doldrums, Mamen rushed into the palace, closed the temple door, is a massacre, directly killing the senior generals of the Mark department.

Looking at the body of the land, Mamen did not have the slightest pity, because he knew that today he would not kill these people. Tomorrow, their butcher's knife would cut to his head. Whoever started first was the king.

He knows that from now on, the land of the devil will truly respect him.

He won!

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