The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2058: Rebel siege

"I have said that it is surprisingly successful. It seems that you are only suitable for being a guard. It is not suitable for commanding the army. Nile still has a vision." Qin Hao patted his shoulder and looked sympathy.


"Then let's go and let me go. If I lose, I will admit you to you, and I will serve you as a teacher."

"But if you lose, you have not come to the rebels tonight, I hope that you can get out of the palace, really, I don't like you at all, because you are hiding too deep."

Niebo looked directly at the Qin dynasty and was cold.

"it is good."

"At their speed, in a short period of time, I can hide in any place in the palace. I want to hide it here. Make sure that you don't let outsiders know."

Qin Hao promised, and asked for a sentence, went to the front hall to drink tea.


Charles transferred the forbidden army of the Forbidden Palace back to the city defense center. When he entered the military camp, the deputy general, Derrick, greeted him. He asked: "General, how can this all be transferred back to the royal palace? So, Wang Hao Not dangerous?"

Derrick is more than forty years old, and he is extremely tall and mighty. He is known for his bravery in the army. It is the only subordinate that Charles is still trusting.

Charles smashed his horns and shook his head. "I can't help it. The king said that he got the news. Lucifer and Mamen joined together. They will attack the city tonight. They can only do this for the defense."

When Derrick’s eyes were bright, Lucifer really joined forces with Mamen, and Bruce’s visit was successful. This is a fact.

However, I am afraid that Nero can't think of it. I am the protagonist tonight. The so-called army does not exist. It seems that Becker is still playing chess and turning Nile to a group.

Derrick secretly fortunately voted for it, otherwise he followed the Nile to go to the black, fearing how to die does not know.

"Hey, it’s really a good thing for the King to do this. I have to wait for him to serve him."

"General, you have been exhausted for the past few days because of the rebellion. If you don't want to take a break, I will go on a tour for you. Otherwise, even if the iron is going on, I can't hold it."

Dedicham admired.

"Alright, then you will stare at me, Derrick, now the whole army, the person I trust the most is you, and never let me down."

"If we can resist the siege army tonight, and come to Japan to fight for profit, the positions of the three military commanders should belong to you."

The Charles device is heavy.

"The general will be assured that the end will definitely try his best to be with the city."

Derry Chillin.

With him standing, the tired Charles was more relieved, went into the big account inside, and lay down with his clothes. After a while, he fell asleep.

Derrick got on the wall and looked at the sky from afar. In a short time, I saw two smouldering fireworks, rising from the distant hills. It looked like a nobleman had a party, but actually only Delhi. Odd knows, that is the signal to start the rebellion.

He exchanged a look with each other with a few people who had already bought it.

Several guards immediately went down to the city defense station and the whole army. After a while, the 5,000 city defense forces had already assembled.

"General Charles has orders, and you immediately follow me to the palace to protect the car."

Derrick ordered.

"Yes, general."

The soldiers are leading the way.

Because it was a city defense mobilization, and Derrick was the second person, even if many other city defense leaders were confused, no one dared to stop, and Derrick led the rebel army to the camp and went straight to the palace. .

For them, as long as they took the Nile, everything else was not a problem, and they could hold the Nile completely, so that Charles’s ignorant loyal minister could not move.


Under the leadership of Derrick, five thousand rebels rushed into the restricted area.

At the door, there were still a small number of banned troops patrolling the face. I saw Derrick’s questioning: "Who are you, dare to swear at the palace."

"Let's go, even our General Drich does not know? According to the generals of Charles, there are assassins tonight, so I am waiting for reinforcements and go away."

A general in the hands of Derrick, a slap in the air and a guard.

When the gate opened, Derrick rode his head and slammed into it.

Nile, Qin Yu, and Nibo are drinking tea in the front hall. Niebo has always had anger of suspicion, while Nero is restless, no matter who the rebels are, and ultimately his courtiers. Disrespectful and embarrassing to him.

Qin Lan is not shocked, there is no trace of emotional fluctuations, sitting in danger, drinking tea slowly, no words.

The three men sat without words, and suddenly a guard rushed into the hall and shouted: "The king, outside came to the city defense army, said to protect the safety of the king, has arrived in the front hall."

"Protect safety, it should also be a request for further action, where can they chaos, who is the person?" Niebo took a look at Qin Qin, then jumped up and shouted.

"There is a number of Charles, the number one general of Charles, who has come to no less than 5,000 people."

"People have already arrived outside the main hall, only to open the door and come in. It does not seem to be escorted. It seems to be a rebel. Rebel."

Guard the road.

"Delci, hateful, how could it be him?" Nile took a table and was extremely sad.

Derrick is a good warrior. He is quite famous in the military. It is still a loyalty. It is the courtier that Nile intends to reuse in the Battle of Pingding Road West. I didn’t expect this person to be a fool. Inside the ghost, it is really so sad for Nile.


"Go, go will meet him."

Niebo Road.

The three men went to the inner wall of the inner palace, and now that Derrick had reached the foot of the city wall, he only needed to open the thin city gate under the wall, and he could enter the palace to kill.

"Dritch, what are you doing?"

Nile shouted.

Derrick smiled and said: "Da Wang, I am waiting for the order of General Charles, I know that there are assassins, come to protect the car, please open the gate."

"Let's go, I don't have an assassin, I don't need your car, I will immediately retreat." Nile shouted.

"The safety of the king is the world. You don't pay attention to yourself. I don't dare to neglect. I also ask the king to open the gate for the sake of the future. Otherwise, I will storm."

Derrick is a reasonable person, obviously an anti-thief, but the flag is very loud, which is quite oriental.

"It seems that you are bent on reversing, let's say, what benefits does Lucifer give you?"

Niebo smiled coldly.

"Dawang, the banned army in the city has all been withdrawn. Chen said that this time only for the escort. Since the king does not heavier, don't blame me for being rude."

"Bumping the gate."

Derrick shouted.

"You don't have to hit it. If you want to reverse it, I will fulfill you."

"Open the city gate."

Nero raised his hand and shouted.

The banned army in the door immediately opened the door to the inner palace.

The gate opened and the inside was empty. Except for the luxurious palace lanterns, the shadow of the guards could hardly be seen. However, Derrick and others were stunned, and some of them could not understand the situation.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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