The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2059: I lost

"General, the situation is not quite right."

One of his men’s eyes widened, and the empty palace was squatting.

Drich is also a monk of the second wife. He is completely puzzled. According to reason, he came to attack the city. Nile should cry out for help, or persuade him. How can he open the door and let him go in?

Is there a fraud?

No, it’s okay to know that Charles has transferred all the city defense forces back to the city, and the people that Drich has brought this time, regardless of combat strength or number of people, are prepared according to the time of the city defense army, even if there is a city defense army. It is completely empty.

Now the door is open, but it is evil. It makes the people somewhat dilemma and completely unable to understand the truth.

However, when Drich saw the Qin dynasty standing next to Nile, he suddenly laughed.

"Why did the general laugh?" The men are puzzled.

"Did you see the Oriental? His name is Qin Hou. It is the Lord of Lucifer. The person is good at strategy. In the east, there is a squad called Sima Liang who has set up an empty city to scare away."

"I was recently influenced by the adults of Lucifer, and I bought a copy of the Oriental Strategy, called the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I specifically said this."

Derrick introduced a serious introduction.

"Delic, you are right, this is really empty city, but you are not very careful reading, Zhuge Liang is called, and Sima Yi is scared away. Your research level needs to be improved."

Qin Lan was on the wall and smiled.

"Oh, the abominable Oriental, you can't scare me. I have five thousand troops, can destroy everything, and whatever means you have, in the face of strong strength, will be turned into ashes."

Derrick was more and more sure that Qin Hao was cheating on him, and his confidence was full.

"Since the general is so confident, what about my empty city plan?"


Qin Hao’s voice was thunderous and shouted.

"Brothers, for the fate of Lucifer, to enjoy the glory of darkness, it is in this battle, kill."

Derrick knew that from the beginning of the road of rebellion, he had no retreat, only to fight with death.

The army is like a dragon, and the wind is generally involved in the palace.

In the hall, there is really no one.

"Made, Nile ran, chased."

Derrick Road.

"This is my general."

Niebo smiled at him and disappeared into the ramp.

"Don't separate, so as not to take the enemy's tricks and follow me."

Derrick chased after him, and after a while, he chased the palace.

Behind the palace is a royal garden, which is large enough to accommodate large-scale battles.

The three Neros sat in the gazebo in the distance and looked at them with a smile.

"Strange, why don't they escape to a safer place, sit here and die?"

The deputy will be even more aggressive.

"No matter how much, kill."

The more he wants to get into the chaos, the more he wants to be lazy, and he must rush to go to the monk.

"Delci, you are dead, don't you know?"

Nile shook his cloak and pointed at him.

"The **** person is you, the dark army of Lucifer's adult will eventually cover the whole hell, Nile, you are now being lowered, I can spare you not to die."

Derrick slammed.

"It seems that you are obsessed with it, then don't blame me."

Nero jerked up the black token in his hand and shouted.

A black gas rushed into the sky, condensed into a sickle pattern of death in the air, and suddenly a cold death gas enveloped the entire palace.

"Death Scythe, what do he want to do?"

Derrick and others were flustered at the same time.


Only heard a heavy and powerful footsteps from the palace's surroundings, the coldness of Mori's corpse brought cold, filled in the air, actually turned into a black fog.

Followed by a black figure, along with footsteps, a **** red pupil appeared in the fog.

When the heavy guys came to the front, finally the soldiers recognized these embarrassing guys: "God, it’s the iron armor of the **** of death, the general, the corpse."

The panic is permeated in the hearts of every soldier. There is an army about the death of this god. They have heard too many legends. This is an army that can’t beat the invincible battle. Their muscles and bones are not broken. They The strength is endless, and all the gods can be torn into pieces.

Today, this army is strangely appearing in the palace.

This is not an empty city plan at all. This is a premeditated massacre.

"Delch, now you still believe in your Lucifer, do you still believe in your dark glory?"

"In fact, you are wrong. Rongguang has always belonged to the Lord Satan. Lucifer is just a dog raised by my father. Dogs are dogs. Even if it is 10,000 years, 100 million years, it cannot change this reality."

"Worship me, worship Satan, accept your life."

Nile sneered.

"It's a good show that Charles played with you, right?" Derrick asked.

"He doesn't know, he is just a chess piece. Everything is in the expectation of Mr. Qin." Nibo revered and looked at Qin Lan. At this moment, he has already admired the five-body, How is my empty city plan? Qin Xiao smiled.

"Why is it different from what you wrote in the Oriental book, the empty city is not empty." Derrick yelled.

"Empty but not empty, virtual and real, the Eastern Art of War is not so small, you can easily see through and understand, you must at least read through three thousand times, perhaps you can learn some fur."

Qin Yudao.

"I just want to know how you know that I will be rebellious. It should not be wrong for Becker to plan carefully."

Delhi was incomprehensible.

"There has never been absolutely no mistake in this world. You can think of it. Others can think of it. Your hand looks beautiful, but it is really stupid. Even without me, these three thousand corpses will always wait for you. ""

"Because your king is not a person who can be fooled and blinded at will."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Nile smiled. Indeed, even if Qin Xiao did not remind him of any rebellion, he had already planned to mobilize the corpse to protect himself. In this world, only he can master the fate, and Nero will never put all hopes on others. On the body, including Qin Yu.

"Oh, I think it's too simple, I lost."

Derrick sighed.

He suddenly realized that the original belief in Lucifer was not necessarily invincible, and that Nile was far stronger than imagined.

With this mysterious Oriental, it is already unknown whether Lucifer can win in this war.

Blind self-confidence will kill people, this is true.

There is no room for manoeuvre, and Drich knows that even if he kneels down and asks for mercy, he can't be forgiven, slamming out the sword and rubbing his neck to end his life.


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