The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2060: Lucifer's invitation

The next step was pure slaughter. The five thousand city defense forces, under the hands of the ancient corpses, did not have any room to fight back.

The corpse soldiers were murdered. After smelling the **** smell, the crazy slaughter, the soldiers were torn into pieces, and they ate a fine light. In the end, the back garden became a **** on earth.

Qin Lan is also considered to be well-informed, but in the face of such a ferocious corpse, it is still a chill, and at the same time, there is a very urgent thought in the heart, if this cruel and highly lethal army can be collected Return to yourself.

He has two strong soldiers of Zuma guards and corpses, and with the magic cavalry of the righteous Mamen, there is enough capital to scream with the fallen angel army of Lucifer.

After the corpses had finished eating 5,000 city defense troops, they were driven by Niebo, and after all, they left with a full stomach of grievances and unhappiness.

It can be seen that even if the Nile has a death command to control the corpse, but because the time is too long, with the decline of the effectiveness of the command, he commanded this group of brutal and bruised meat, still It seems to be powerless.

This has given Qin Xu the space that he can play. He now has the foundation to mobilize the power of death. Although he does not know how many things he can play, there is a blessing of the power of death. It is also promising to take away the dead soldiers.

"Call, it’s a sneak peek. If there is no Mr. Qin tonight, the king is in danger."

"Mr. is really a good idea. Today is the experience."

Nile returned to the main hall and toasted.

"The king is not polite, I said that without you, these appetizers will not be able to beat you, and then it will be a real good show."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"What plan does Lucie take in the next step?" asked Nile.

"The first move will not work. Next, he should make an excuse to talk about the king, but what is the specific method, I still can't think of it now."

Qin Haomo smashed the glass and sweared.

Nile frowned: "How did the husband decide that he would not send a large army to marry?"

Qin Hao haha ​​laughed: "Lu Xifa has long lost the courage of the year, and he can have a status that is extremely unsatisfactory. With his caution, he will never easily use his own roots. Because he will also scruple. Inside, as well as Mamen and so on, if I were him, I would also find an excuse to assassinate you. This is his best policy."

"If the assassination fails, he will also send the Heroes of the Heilongjiang to your internal consumption, and then consume your power, and then fight with you."

After Qin Hao analyzed it, Nile sighed a long voice: "Mr. is really wise, and it doesn't matter. Just before this rebellion tonight, Lucifer has sent me an invitation letter a few days ago. Next The month is the sacrifice day of my father. The father lives in the dark royal palace, where is the ancestral home of Satan's blood. Whether it is Heilo, Galo, or me, it is customary to worship at the Father's Day."

"The Lucifer is more embarrassing than I thought. Is the king going, or not?"

Qin Hao asked.

"I am thinking about this problem. If I don't go, he will have the truth of my disrespectful demon. I am so convinced that Heroo beat me and went. Maybe it is a massacre. Now I am deeply confused. I need Mr. Give me a puzzle."

"Sir, am I going, or not?"

Nile is annoyed.

"Go, you have to go. You have gone, maybe there is danger, but there is a chance to contact the relatives of Heilongjiang. Now Lucifer’s ambitions, they must have understood it, as long as they are sensible They may help you for a lifetime. On the contrary, if you don't go, your relatives want to help you too weakly. On the contrary, those who are controlled by Lucifer will take care of you by this mouth. When you are, you will fall into it. The dilemma is over."

"This is a banquet that has to go. Use your life and death to gamble on the future of Satan's blood. Of course, how to choose is all about you."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Hey! I think about it again."

Nile is annoyed.

"Da Wang, I think the gentleman said right, wealthy and dangerous, now that we have fallen into the dilemma of the troubled autumn, beat a hand, is not a way out."

Niebo came in and happened to hear the words of Qin Yu and sighed.

"Why, are you not always skeptical about Mr.? Do you feel that you can't go?" Nero asked.

Nibo had a cloak, and one knee slammed in front of Wu Lai. Hong said: "Mr. is a good idea, Nibo is convinced. From now on, I will be a teacher, and I would like to teach me wisdom."

"Get up."

"I said that our common enemy is Lucifer, so even if we are a teacher, we are already comrades fighting side by side."

Qin Yudao.

"Well, you have to discuss with the king, time is not early, I should go back to rest."

After that, Qin Lan got up and said goodbye to leave.

"Da Wang, will you go?" Qin Hao walked away, and Nibo looked cold and asked.

"Do you really admire him?" Nero asked meaningfully.

Nile sneered and said: "I admire him. That is what I want to know about him. This is an extremely dangerous person. The King and I must be wary."

"Well, I didn't misread you."

"If Lucifer died, he must get rid of this This person is not dead for a day, I am sleepy."

"However, he is right. There is something peaceful in this world. I will go this time."

"Hello has a lot of old people who support me. Unfortunately, my older brother, Heilo, does not live up to expectations. Let Claysey take power, and it will be an enemy. Otherwise, I will unite with my father. The foundation industry is less than the road to the West."

"Not to mention the Galois side, she is a generation of women, and she is united with the forces of light, and I can’t hope for it."

"Everything can only be won by me."

Nile Road.

As he said, the guards came in and reported: "The King, Charles, is coming, saying that he will sin for death."

"Let him squat outside, when he is awake, and then ask him to come in."

When it comes to Charles, Nile is mad.

Although there is no danger tonight, Drich is his most recommended ambassador, and he has just rebelled one, and now he is a heavyweight.

Not only did it pose a threat to Nile, it was more like a beating of his face, and there was no one available to the generals under his command.

In addition to scolding, he thought of Bald again.

If Bald is still alive and commanding the three armed forces, there will be no such mistakes.

It’s just that it’s too late to say that Nile’s dynasty is also bad because of Qin’s dynasty. Now he wants to save the crisis. He still has to rely on him. Thinking of this, Nile’s hatred of Qin’s sorrow has undoubtedly increased by a few points. A usable person, a person who has a plan, he will not be led by Qin Hao.

Because that is also a shame for a king.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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