The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2066: Lifting a rock and licking your own feet

"Retreating into the future, what do you mean?" Nile is a bit aggressive.

"Don't forget, the person who most wants us to enter the city is Lucifer. Since he wants to put them together, let us play with him to see who has consumed it."

"If it doesn't happen, he should send someone to ask for it soon."

Qin Hao has a well-thought-out smile.

"It seems that there is some truth to say." Nile is not stupid after all. It is such a rational matter to carefully ponder. Since Lucifer wants him to die, how can he miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Nile and his party just left, Lucifer was still immersed in the triumph, but as the team disappeared into sight, he suddenly realized that something was wrong: "Wait, Becker, Nile, this kid won't really go." ?"

"It looks like this now." Becker nodded.

"Mad, this kid is so sturdy, I really believe in the evil of Qin Yu, he has to go, how do we destroy Nile Hell?" Lucifer screamed.

Becker was almost laughing at the bottom of his heart. It seems that Lucifer is really a stupid person. He is afraid that he would not be able to put Nile in his own monitoring range, and he would be able to play a good hand for the sake of the district. Abolished, only Lucifer.

However, he would not show the slightest ridicule, but deliberately pretend to be a stunned expression, shouting: "Oops, I have to get this kid back immediately, if it is late, I am afraid to miss this big opportunity." ""

"I see this kid is really on the score, the average person may not be able to persuade him to come back, or you will go out in person, so you are also a uncle, he should give a face."

Lucifer was not completely confused, and quickly frowned.

"Well, I personally asked him to come back."

Becker Lang channel.

After that, I called a few guards and fought horses.

Nile is talking to Qin Yu, and sure enough, the voice fell soon. Becker personally led a team of people to chase after the horse, and he shouted: "The king please stay."

"It turned out to be an adult, how come you are."

Nero did not know, smiled and asked.

"Da Wang, I am here to ask you to go back." Becker smiled and kissed.

"Go back, isn't your person saying that I am mean and not worthy of entering the gate? If so, do you think it makes sense for me to go back?"

Nile stunned.

"That is the stupid behavior of the army commander. I have already punished it. It is absolutely irrelevant to me and Lucifer. I also ask the king to be angry." Becker said.

Nile smiled coldly and lazily took care of him.

Becker stepped forward and stopped him with his arms open: "Da Wang, according to the seniority, I told you that you are not too much. The king is the son of Satan, the important figure who presided over the ancestor. The mood is bad?"

"As a result, I am afraid that the soul of the Lord of the Lord will not be peaceful in the underground. The entire Satanic blood, old people, will be chilling."

"Does the king really want to destroy his authority in the eyes of the old people because of an ignorant guard?"

Becker is not a lobbyist, a few words, said Nile hesitated.

"Haha, since it is the great man and Lucifer who has the sincerity to invite the Nero King to preside over the ceremonies, it is good to call Lucifer personally, otherwise don't waste your tongue."

Qin Lan stepped forward.

"This is something inside us, it has nothing to do with you." Becker looked fierce.

"Unfortunately, from now on, the safety of Nile is under my responsibility. I have to come out and talk. Go back and tell Lucifer. Just give him half an hour. If you can't see him for half an hour, we will return to Nile immediately. hell."

Qin Yu nailed the railway.


Becker realized that he had encountered a hard scorpion. Qin Biao really didn't provoke it. Lucifer's trick was to throw a rock and lick his own feet.

After dissuasion was ineffective, Becker returned to the city in a depressed mood.

As soon as he met, Lucifer saw him with a gloomy face. A man ran back and yelled, "Is that kid refused to come back?"

"Yes, he must ask the grown-up person to ask him personally, otherwise he will never come, and the Qin Qin, extremely stubborn, if you don't go, he gave you half an hour, don't go in person, just immediately Back to the Nile Dynasty."

"Oh, it seems that they have already touched our intentions. This is holding you and me."

Becker Road.

"Abominable, hateful."

"I actually want to ask him, what is he, what is he?"

Lucifer furiously screamed.

"But if you don't go, will our plans not be ruined? There is no better plan than this. Adults, it seems that only you have a personal trip." Becker said.

"Damn, they don't plant in my hands, otherwise I must ask them to regret the stupid behavior of today."

Lucifer angered, but after all, it was sensible to overcome the anger, riding the glory of the BMW, under the guard of an angel, and rushed outside the city.

Nile did not go far, and Lucifer, a moment of martial arts, ushered in.

"Yin, I have been waiting in the city for a long time, how come I left, fast, my drinks are ready, go with me."

Lucifer jumped off the horse and laughed at the Nile's hand. It was very intimate. guards looked at me like a dog. I thought the old man would look down on me, so I thought about not being interested. It is. Nile and the snake smiled.

"Where, you are the son of Satan, the king who is now popular in hell. Who is disrespectful in the world, the guard is stupid, and I will take the other person's head to pay for your guilt."

Lucifer laughed with laughter.

"Since the old man came to meet himself, and the face is full, then let's go." Nile said.

"Mr. Qin, let's go together, we are old friends, aren't we?"

Lucifer also smiled at Qin Xiao.

"Of course, old friends, if you don't have me, adults are not boring day and night, Qin must naturally accompany the end, please."

Qin Yu Yang whip.

Lucifer smiled coldly and beat the horse first.

At the gate of the city, the guards led the people to stand at the door, completely ignorant.

Of course he knows that there is a disaster, but he also acts according to Lucifer, and he is not condemned to death.

"The army guards the adults, I am back. This time, can I go to the gate?" Nero came to the horse, stopped, and looked at him coldly.

"When, of course, the king, please." The leader of the dry bar smiled.

"I am very fond of this person. You just took my pigs and dogs better. Now they nod their heads. In the end, who is the dog, who is the master?" Nero is not good, he has a stomach fire, he It is necessary to vent some.

"That is of course the king, you are the master, I am... the dog." The commander looked helpless.

"It is good to know that it is a dog."

Nero said with a smile, this is to say to the commander and the guards, but to Lucifer, don't forget, he will always be a slave to his father.


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