The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2067: Desperate

"Yes Yes."

The leader was crying and sorrowful, and there was still a bit of arrogance in the previous half, and he was honest on the ground.

"Luke Lucifer, I have no opinion on this dog slave." Nile is unreasonable and deliberately out of the limelight.

At this time, there were a lot of heroes and nobles who came from the gates of Heilongjiang and Galois in the gates of the city. Everyone was watching the opponents in this early rehearsal. Nile knew that Lucifer had killed his heart and simply disgusted him.

Lucifer's incomparable anger, the commander took his life to humiliate Nero, and now Nile is a kid left dog, the right one is a slave, obviously is the face of the commander, but in fact is arguing with himself.

With his temper, Nile can be killed on the spot, but because of the identity of Nero Satan's son, there is another unfathomable old rival of Qin Lan, and he only has to give this killing intention to his heart. It is.

"He is just a slave, why bother with him, what do you say?" Lucifer's eyes were filled with strong murder.

"Adults are wrong. The so-called Shangliang is not right. If such slaves are not strictly treated, then the world will be afraid of breaking the rules." Qin Lan stepped forward and looked directly at Lucifer. , cold and cold.

"Yes, I mean this too. I am the son of Satan, the king of the Nile Dynasty, but I was killed by a dog slave. If it is not seen today, the world may think that my Nile is a good bully. This can not be opened. ""

"Is this slave being instructed by the old man, otherwise where would he be so bold?"

"If this is the case, then I don't have to stay here. Now I will go home and ask my uncle to give me an accurate answer."

Nile was powerfully opposed to the world, and sang.

Lucifer’s lungs are about to explode. At the moment, he is already riding a tiger. He either falls out with Nile on the spot, has a **** battle at the gate of the city, or he is wronged and takes the next step.

He has always been a man who can't stand the anger. His eyes are filled with aggressive fierce light, and Nile is indifferent to him. It is obvious that this face is settled today.

Lucifer is hesitant about what strategy to take.

He has always been used to me, when I have seen people's faces.

Just as he was prepared to use this as an excuse, and Nile turned his face and directly angered and murdered, next to an old man with a long white beard and a gorgeous dress, he walked over and smiled and said, "Luo Xifa, Nie. Luo Dawang, the city gate is big, why not go in?"

"It turned out to be Prince Oss!" Lucifer nodded slightly, and there were not many people who could make him smile and say hello. Arthur is one of them.

Oss is the patriarch of Satan's entire clan. The Satan family is in charge of various resources in Hell. Even if Satan is asleep, this family has lost its greatest protection, but its overall strength and influence are still not to be underestimated.

It is no exaggeration to say that once Arthur and the family's Presbyterian Church are united, they can even use the family law to launch the abolition of any king in honor.


Nile respectfully worshipped.

"Luo Xifa, Nile is the person of my Satan family. It is the blood of the devil. It is humiliated by the next person. It is also a shame to the whole family. I think adults should understand the consequences."

"I want to know if this person is the adult you are instructing. If not, I hope that the adults will give us a statement."

Ossie smiled and smiled.

"Of course not, how can I make such an order."

Even Oss came to help, Lucifer naturally did not dare to murder again, only strong face with a smile.

"Well, since it has nothing to do with adults, then I will follow the rules of my disposal to deal with the following slaves."

Nile sneered, pulled out the sabre at the waist, stroking the chilly sword front, murderous.

"Adult, save me, I, I don't dare anymore, I am stinky..."

When I saw the Luxi law, I had to slap the pot and scared myself to slap my face and pray for the forgiveness of Nile.

"Since it is not an adult, then I will come according to my rules. After all, this is the Dark Royal Palace, my father's territory. I don't think Lucifer will mind." Nero sneered.

"of course not."

"You please please."

Lucifer chilled his face and glanced at his sleeves. He went in first.

"Great King, Rao..."

Not waiting for the command of mercy, Lucifer's long sword passed over his neck, rubbing it, and the head of the command was broken, and the blood was splashed.

"See? This is the disrespect to the Satan family."

The Nile sword was squirted, and looked at the onlookers coldly, then grew into the hall.

When I first entered the city, I killed a person, and Nile was out of the limelight. At the same time, it also sent a signal to the Satan family. Perhaps Nile is the hope of the Satan family.

The Satan family was not called the Satan family, but because Satan became the Lord of the Lord, in order to reflect his lofty prestige and status, the whole family was renamed the Satan family.

In fact, before Satan failed to become the Lord of Hell, he was not powerful in the family.

There are also many excellent candidates in the family, but now it seems that Satan is awakening and burning. In any case, this is a guy worthy of being guaranteed and worthy of a bet.

Into the Dark Royal Palace, Satan arranged him in the East Palace in order to monitor Nile.

The East Palace is the palace where the nine brothers and sisters of Satan lived in childhood. In the long years of the river nine brothers of their brothers now only have the brothers and sisters of Heilongjiang, Nile and Galois, among them, Heilongjiang is also abandoned. It is.

Back to the old place, Nile was excited and turned around the palace, and returned to her residence very late.

"Mr. Qin." As soon as he entered the yard, Nile saw Qin Qin carrying his body and standing, apparently waiting for a long time.

"Da Wang, Osser is a worthy person. He already has a crush on you. You should visit him." Qin said.

"I am in a hurry, the things on my body are limited, and Oss is not close to me. I am afraid it is difficult to convince him." Nero frowned.

"No, your verbal commitment is the most important, you can ask for the price."

"As long as he promises to help you, there will be more chances to survive in the Dark Royal Palace."

Qin Yudao.

"Well, I will go see him."

"Sir, what are your plans for the next step?"

Nile Road.

"Tomorrow is the ancestor, and it is estimated that Claysea will compete with you for the right to worship the ancestors. You must be mentally prepared."

"But these are not important, I want to see someone now."

Qin Hao reminded.

"See who?" Nero smiled and felt that she had a mouthful. This should not be asked.

"Tell you anyway, Becker." Qin said.

"Becker, he will definitely not be our friend, believe me, he is more insidious and more deceitful than Lucifer, and you will not be able to see him when you go to see him." Nile said.

"You are wrong. Becker wouldn't want me to see him at this time, because Osser intends to bet on you, so that behind you is the entire Satan family. Becker is an ambitious person, he will not Consider this."

Qin Yudao.


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