The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2068: I'm your friend

It is a very simple thing for Qin Lan to find Becker's residence. Lucifer is a wary person. In the Dark Royal Palace, except for the big Satan family who lived in the East Palace, it is difficult for outsiders to live. Inside, including Becker.

Becker lives in the streets to the east of the city.

The east is not prosperous. On the contrary, it is a bit deserted, and the house is not luxurious. It is far less luxurious than some old aristocrats in the city.

Qin Lan entered from the back door.

Anyone with a bit of a brain will have a back door, which is difficult for ordinary people to find, but it is hard to beat Qin.

In the narrow alley, Qin Hao rang the back door.

Soon, an old housekeeper poked his head and cautiously asked: "Who are you looking for?"

"I am Qinhou, I want to see Becker."

Being able to take charge of this door, this old man is, after all, the most trusted person of Becker, and there is no need to hide it.

The old man apparently heard of the name of Qin Yu, looked at him, whispered: "Qin Hou waits, I will go through."

For a moment, the old man opened the door again and put a suture: "Hou Ye invited, my master has a request."

Qin Lan followed the old man into a remote cabin in the backyard. Becker was sitting at the table and pouring wine. He met Qin Hao and raised his hand to signal him to sit down. He was seated. Becker smiled and said: "Hou Ye is so bold. If you dare to come to see me, are you not afraid that I will catch you and hand it to Lucifer?"

"Isn't the adult very courageous? You see me at this time, Lucifer wants to know, and with his personality, I am afraid I have to be jealous of you."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Haha, it’s a good mouth, come, let us have a bold drink for both."

Becker laughed in a toast.

"Let's talk, come to me for something."

Becker Road.

"I need the next step of Lucifer, and I also ask the adults to tell me truthfully." Qin Hao opened the door to see the mountain.

"Are you kidding me? Lucifer's plan, I do know, but why tell you? You know we are hostile." Becker looked heavy and cold.

"It's very simple. You need to keep Nile. If you can, you can restrain and consume the fallen angels of Lucifer. Nile is a sharp sword that cuts off the strength and power of Lucifer. If you lose it, you will lose it." I can guarantee that there will be no such opportunities now."

"We are all smart people. I don't have to say so much. I am an adult. Since I am here, I am worried about you. I am a deadly enemy with Lucifer. Only one of them will survive."

"So, you don't have to doubt my sincerity."

Qin Yudao.

Becker was silent. He looked at Qin Yu seriously. He wanted to find even a trace of hypocrisy from his pupil, but no, no matter from reality or in any aspect, Qin Zhen was the most wanted to kill Lucifer. people.

It’s just that he’s always used to being hypocritical. He’s so straightforward, and he’s not used to it.

"Hou, please be self-respecting. I am the same brother with Lucy. You are doing this to provoke my relationship with him. I am diversifying the Dark Legion. Please leave now, otherwise don't blame me."

Becker shouted coldly.

Qin Hao sipped a glass of dry drink and shrugged his shoulders: "Well, I am sitting here, although the adults are asking people to catch me."

"You..." Becker thought he was a master of tactics, but in front of this young oriental, there was a sense of helplessness and nowhere to start.

"Let's go, Nile is fighting for Lucifer."

"I won't help you. Between you and Lucifer, I certainly trust my old partner more."

Becker's tone softened.

"If the situation is not bad, Nile should have persuaded Oss at this time, and Lucifer is self-protected. You think, Bruce is flat, and the fallen angels have already divided one-third inside the angels. When he mobilized the internal power of the family and suppressed Clécy, Lucifer was equal to only two-thirds of the angels of the headquarters."

"And Mamen, it may not be true to unite with him. At that time, it must be sitting on the mountain."

"Nero and I really don't have to fight Lucifer, but if the adults join me, or the adults just watch the show, see if we fight both, and then smash a knife from Lucifer, your wing soldiers will even shoot a knife. You don't have to put it, you can send you to the throne of Satan. Is there anything better than this?"

Qin Hao smiled lightly.

His words are as sharp as a knife. In fact, this is the most perfect plan in Becker's mind. I just didn't expect it to be so clearly cut by Qin Lan. It is too bad to hide it at this time.

Thinking of this, Becker said with emotion: "You are really a good person. Since I have said this, what else can I say? You and I are not friends. Our grudges will be counted in the future, but now Lu Xifa has repeatedly hurt me. The self-respect of the tribes, the subordinates have long been dissatisfied. There is an old saying in your east that people are not going to die for themselves, I should plan for myself."

"You are right."

Becker used to be used on weekdays, even if it was at this I would also like to find a reason for myself.

"Yes, adults understand."

"In this case, please let the adults know, Lucifer's next plan, I am sure you win, come on."

Qin Hao raised his way.

Becker silenced for a moment: "The plan of Lucifer is like this. Tomorrow, Cassie and Nile will be sent to compete for the patriarchal power. Everyone knows that they used to be hosted by Heilo. Now they have become idiots. The main thing must be Claysey, but Claysey is not the direct bloodline of Satan. These are not important, the key is the attitude of Ossar and other Satan relatives. Lucifer is expected to have the power of the Black Roy, but not necessarily You can get the support of the old guys, and in the end it must be Nile."

"As a result, it seems that Claysey seems to have lost for a while, and must be resentful. At that time, Lucifer will invite Nero and others to participate in the banquet situation. At the banquet, the eight angels will start and kill on the spot. Nile and Mr., even Oser and others, pushed all these blame on Claysea."

"Removing Nero and Mr. and others, Lucifer will win the Nile dynasty in a lightning-like manner and complete the great cause. This is his plan. Right, Qin Hou is a good conspiracy. How about my plan? Please also give me a lot of advice."

Becker is quite self-satisfied.

"Perfect, almost no loopholes."

Qin Hao nodded.

With the praise of Qin Yu, Becker proudly said: "I plan to tell you all, I don't know how to crack Hou Ye?"

"The method of cracking is already in the chest. When the time comes, adults will know, but please believe me, I will not let you down."

Qin Xiao smiled and smiled.


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