The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2084: I have the final say

"Okay, okay, General Yass’s thing, let’s go back and say, now the windy city is also taken down. Next, is the class teacher going back?"

"The king has already set up a celebration feast, waiting for you to return to the triumph."

Niebo transferred the topic.

Qin Biao's brows sink, Niro really is an extremely sensitive and selfish person. First of all, he wants to transfer back to Yas. Now he has to go back to the dynasty directly. It is obviously afraid that Qin Biao will win the battle, the prestige will increase, and he will not be able to turn back.

"Everyone, the soldier's duty is war. Now the wind city is in hand. The next step is to drive straight into the hell, and wait for you to be the Jin Ge iron horse. It is a meritorious deed and a good name. Believe me this is enough for you. Children and grandchildren will always remember the battle of conquest."

"Do you want to be a hero, or continue to go back to be a beating bag, all by your own choice."

"However, you have to fight, I am still the same sentence, the king is not allowed to continue to follow me to the city of Heroes, I can let you dominate the life and death."

"You have to go back, no problem. Now you can follow Charles and Nibo and return to Nile Hell."

"You can do it yourself."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

Shelton and others are all embarrassed. The blood in their hearts is burning. As a soldier, especially in the Qin dynasty, it seems that it is not difficult to fight a big victory. As long as the army is going south, waiting for the infinite prosperity .

On the contrary, if you go back, in addition to a guard, or a guard, suffocating in the city, and the pain of attacking and plundering the land is completely incomparable.

The public will obviously be willing to go out with Qin.

But if you don't go back, there is an order that violates Nile, but it is going to kill the head. In other words, they have been able to sense that Qin Hao pulled the army out and did not intend to go back, or even risk being self-reliant.

How to choose is a dilemma.

"The military division is right, you have to come up with an answer, go back, or go on."

"Don't give an answer, no one wants to leave here tonight."

Nibo is cold and cold.

Everyone knows that he is a special envoy of the Nile, and what he said is Nero.

For a time, the hall was immersed.

Just when everyone was hesitant, Qin Hao pulled out the sabre at the waist and walked to Niebo, grabbed him and squatted on the big case.

The crowd will be shocked, and Charles is busy: "Army, you, what do you mean?"

"Before I came out, the king said to me personally, but the size of the military affairs will be decided by me."

"Now this person has repeatedly committed me here, and it is impossible to spare."

Qin Hao’s sword frame is on the neck of Nibo.

"The military division is angry, I, I have no intention of offense, I am talking about the meaning of the king."

Niebo had always feared Qin, knowing that he was a decisive person, and hurrying for mercy.

"Did the king say it? Why didn't I receive the order of the king? If there is an order, I can directly call the king to pass me."

Qin Xiao sneered.

"Military division, anger, anger, Nibo adults, the military division is right, you have orders in the future, directly let the special envoy of the king pass, you are here to be a voice."

"In the military camp, the military division has the power to decide. I see you still order."

Charles was afraid of a life and quickly went to the round.

Qin Lan did not want to really kill Nibo, he glared at him, threw him into a chair, patted him on the shoulder, and said to Nibo, who was undecided: "The grown-up is stable, my **** is my rule, you have to Know the rules."

"Yes, yes." Nibo was full of cold sweat.

"Well, you can make your own choices." Qin Hao returned to the chair and asked for help.

"I will wait for the military division and continue to move east."

The generals headed by Shelton have expressed their opinions.

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, trimming tonight, starting tomorrow, next city, Doro City, take down, each person rewards a million coins, and the rest of the sergeants are reduced ten times."


The public will be overjoyed.

It’s nothing but fame and fortune. If you hit a city now, you will get so much money, and no one will sell your life.

Niebo and Charles both looked at each other with a smile. As a result, Nile’s army for so many years was a good idea for Qin.

"Army, I will go back to ask for the order tonight, please let go."

This situation must be reported by Niebo, otherwise there will be major events.

"You please please."

Qin Hao disdain.

A victory, countless coins, this is enough for all the soldiers to sell their lives, Nile too takes himself seriously, Bald is an example, but he does not know.

As long as the army is in hand, Qin Hao does not care about any feelings of Nile.

He prefers this feeling of direct confrontation with Lucifer, without the need to resort to Nile.

Of course, this can also force Niro into a desperate situation, let him make his own hidden killer.


On the other side of the army of Qin and Qin, on the other side, the fast horse of the spy flew to the city of Heilongjiang.

Irene was giving Kleiss's ear medicine, and accidentally touched the wound. The painful Claysey grinned her teeth. "My daughter, can't you tap it?" ~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ **** Qinhou, let me catch him, I have not pulled his skin."

"Father, you don't think about this. Now Satan's family, Oss, and others are dead. Lucifer is good. Qin and Nile are not killed. They are all provoked. In the end, they will buckle your head. It is said that you are dissatisfied with Ossian’s support for Nile’s robbing of the ritual, and this is the beginning of the old people. Now the old people are united and looking for you trouble?”

"Recently our guards have caught the 18th assassin. I don't know how many waves there are behind."

Irene didn't have a good air.

"The old thief of Lucifer, I gave him a cow as a horse, but he still had to take a black pot for him. He didn't have the ability to come to the pit."

"Follow him, I will see that I will die in his hands sooner or later."

"And in my opinion, he is afraid that it is a fight, but Qin, hey, daughter, you said that this Qin dynasty came out from it, stirring my brain is painful, no one can cure him."

Claire said awkwardly.

Irene smiled slightly: "Father, Qin Hou is an outsider after all, he is noisy, and he can't move our roots..."

As he said, the butler stumbled and panicked in and took a secret channel: "Regent King, out, big things."

"What's the matter? Nothing is flustered."

Claysey was dissatisfied with the secret letter.

It has been bad news lately, and he is numb.

When I opened it, Claysey was dumbfounded and jumped up: "What, Qinhou secretly entered the army, attacked the windy city, fast, and quickly contacted Anderson with the fastest speed, let him step up to prevent, Fengcheng that is the life root I can't lose it."

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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