The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2085: Claire's final card

For the city of Kleiss, it is like his life, and the loss of the windy city is undoubtedly exposing the entire Heilongjiang **** to the eyes of the Nile army. It is necessary to know that in other borders, it is a positive stalemate, through diplomacy. Military means can fully achieve self-protection.

But if you lose the strongest lock of Fengcheng, they will undoubtedly have a sword on their heads. The city walls under the windy city are all important cities. The army can bypass the border at any time and directly attack the inner city pool. .

On the contrary, they want to fight the wind, just like the Nile army attack, it is almost impossible.

The most solid relationship under this heaven can be imagined.

The only thing that Clési can count on now is to pray that Anderson can resist the surprise attack of Qin Hou and drag it to support him.

"Fast, go to the barracks and send troops to support the windy city." Claysey shouted.


The guards immediately ordered the military camp to be ordered.

"Damn, how is this Qinhou again, what is he doing first? This madman." Claysey screamed, this gas touched the wound, and it was a painful long breath.

Irene was busy and comforted: "Father, the wind city is heavy, and it is not the first time it has been attacked. As long as Anderson has a little bit of brain, this will not be lost."

"Moreover, there are so many soldiers on the wall that they can't all blink."

Claire looked at the dark fog outside and sighed a long sigh: "I hope so, maybe it is a mistake for me to send Anderson to the guard."

The army had not yet made a haircut, and Anderson led several entourages, and the emperor fled back to the city of Herod, and the first time he ran to the house of Claysey.

"Great King, General Anderson is here." The old servant once again woke up to Claire, who had just fallen asleep.

"Quick, let him come in."

Claire sat up and was surprised.

Anderson screamed as soon as he entered the door. He only cried on the ground and didn't talk. It was a miserable.

"Anderson, you are not guarding the windy city, how come this is coming?" Claire felt cold in his heart and yelled at the case.

Anderson yelled at the big scorpion and mourned: "The regent king, the wind city lost, the wind city lost."

"What, you **** waste, such an important windy city, you lost him." Claysey only felt a whirlwind, almost out of a blood.

Nowadays, the situation in China is complicated. Now that the wind city has been lost, those oppositions will certainly be difficult to use this hair. How long can he sit in the Regent? It is totally unknown.

"Regent King, is a teacher incompetent."

"Qin Hou led a 100,000-strong army. Through dense fog, it raided the windy city. I led the army to fight against the wall. The original concentrator was completely able to withstand it. Who expected the thief as a thief to open the city gate privately? Put the thief inside."

"We are really unable to withstand the anti-thief and the Nile army. We can only choose to evacuate."

"I am guilty. I didn't see the sinister intentions of Yas earlier. He is blatantly retaliating against you."

Anderson threw all the pots to Yass. He estimated that Yas was afraid that he would have been cut into meat by the chaos, and he was not white.

Kleiss took a forehead and lamented: "Oh, how can I be so confused? That Yass is the son of the old master. I originally saw him as a personal talent, deliberately reused, but I forgot to forget it." ""

"Forget it, turn it off, and say no benefit. You immediately go to the order to let other major towns and cities in Herow enter the state of emergency alert."

"Yes, yes." Anderson knew that he had returned a life and secretly sighed.

Just walking to the door, Claysey said again: "Forget it, don't go, go back to your hometown and hide the limelight. Some people in the province take you to do things."


Anderson took the lead and hurried away, he was waiting for a place to nest.

"Come on, call Irene." After Claire sent Anderson, he quickly told the old servant.

Irene rushed into the palace. When I saw his face, I knew what happened. I couldn’t believe it and said: "Father, the wind city lost... lost?"

"Yes, lost."

"The situation today is completely out of control. We can't lose any more. Just lose another game. Not only those who oppose me will take the opportunity to make trouble, but Lucifer can't explain it."

"It's time to ask him to come out. You know, he has always been jealous of you, and you can only grieve your daughter."

Clare Road.

"You, are you saying that madman?" Eileen said with amazement.

"Well, he is our last trump card, and it is also the best fight for Heilongjiang hell. No one can call him, his daughter, his father's Jiangshan, our glory and wealth, it depends on you."

Claire shed a tear in the line, holding Irene's hand and pleading.

Irene was trembling, and the man was a devil. He was a pervert. He was a beast. When he thought of being stunned by the terrible guy, even Irene, who used to be in the wind, was a horrible thing.

But she knows better, if she doesn't ask for the man, Heilongjiang will reshuffle, and her father and her father are likely to be destroyed by the angry old to survive, For Ronghua, she only struggled to make it.


Niebo returned to Nile City at the fastest speed and told Nile about Qin Qin’s presence in the military camp.

Sure enough, Nile gas vomited blood on the spot, shouting: "Qin Hou is a traitor, a thief, he is going to hollow out my family."

"How many big troops do we have now?"

Nebo asked.

"All that can be played is transferred out. Qin Hao’s surprise attack was sharply selected. Now there are still 10,000 people left in the city, and most of them are not strong."

"In addition, there is a large army of Bald, and there are nearly 80,000 people, of which 50,000 are stationed at the border, and 30,000 elites are confronted with Lucifer in the vicinity of the Red River. There are only a handful of people you can mobilize."

Niebo Road.

"How could this be?"

Nile pinches his fist and is extremely angry.

He was originally the largest and most well-equipped army among the three dynasties. Now Bald does not listen, and Qin Yu took the last elite in the name of the expedition. The only thing left for him is an empty shell. It is simply pushing him to a dead end.

All of this was due to the arrival of Qin Lan, and in just a few months, Nile now has to tell himself that Qin Zhen really did not come to help him. This was a conspiracy from beginning to end.

"Da Wang, what do you do now? Your order, he is afraid that he will not listen, and the Fengcheng Guardian is now Yas, he only listens to Qin Yu, even if we want to forcefully recover, we can’t live in Windy City. One level. Qin Hao, this is to completely separate our army, the king, we must take a very special means."

Niebo came back this way and was always thinking about countermeasures, but obviously he could not find the answer.


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