The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2087: Satan's brother

Although Irene is the first beauty in hell, her private life has never been restrained. In the city of Heroes, not only Lucifer, she has a lot of men who can't even count herself.

Logically speaking, she is happy with men, especially men who are passionate about that kind of thing.

Only this devil is excluded at the moment.

His name is Sasang, a brother of Satan, and Satan is first and foremost, especially in the hobby.

The most insane time, it is said that the entire city of Heilongjiang, up to the aristocratic beauty, down to the poor village, but whoever looks outstanding, he will try to win the virginity.

Satan was helpless to this younger brother. He sent him to the fiefdom. However, Satan did not converge. He declared silver on the cover of the day and night, and set a rule. But if there is a detainee, he must first enjoy the bride on his wedding night. Violators kill the decision.

This has aroused the anger of many local people, leading to constant uprisings, so that Satan, who has just established hegemony, is extremely distressed.

Satan was helpless, and he could only mobilize this guy to Wangcheng, and constrained him. He didn’t want to change the dog before he went to Satan’s harem, mixed with Satan’s cockroaches, and made Satan’s green hair. Hell is no one knows no one knows.

As the demon Lord, although Satan is heavy and pampering this younger brother, but going to the generals and descending to the civilians, there is no strong dissatisfaction with the first.

In desperation, Satan first sealed the first in the altar of the dark palace.

Satan said that Satan is not the demon Lord, and he has left one more mind. When he is at the time, he can firmly grasp the destiny of Sasang, but for the future of Satan, he connects the seal with his own life, once Satan is killed. Or decline, sleep, the seal will naturally be lifted, and the first silver magic of the first **** can be re-emerged.

Satan does not care whether Satan will protect his sons or tribes. As long as this evil is there, the Satan family will leave a seed.

In fact, it is true. Because of the fact that in the seal, the cultivation did not weaken with the attenuation of the aura of hell. When he was in Satan and others, he was not considered to be high, but now he is in a **** of hell. It is definitely the existence of top players.

At least, Sai first thought that now, with Lucifer and Becker, it will never fall.

Irene always knew that the first reincarnation of the devil was sealed in the altar. She even heard the hunger and thirst call in her dreams, so when she went to the altar, she first came out of the mountain, and the devil agreed very quickly. From the altar, he summoned the former subordinates who were sleeping in the land, and the black sands were directly killed in the city of Doro.

And Sai was so happy that there was only one request, and Irene was always surrendered to his feet and became a plaything.

This way, Irene has been completely numb by the first torture. This man is like a wild beast, never satisfied, never stops, like infinite energy, endless interest, until Squeeze her.

"Princess Irene."

Nolan led the people to respect the ceremony.

"From now on, the city of Doro will be taken over by the first adult, and the people and the army will be taken away." Irene cheered and resisted the strong impact of the first, trying to make herself look like a princess. The power.

"Satan first? Is it the one of the Lord Satan..." Nolan was shocked.

"Since I know it is me, still not rolling?"

Satan asked proudly.

"The first adult, there is no order from the Cassie or the Hero of the Dark, you have no right to withdraw the entire city defense."

Although Nolan heard the name of Sasang first, he was somewhat reluctant to think of giving up the city that had been eternal for tens of thousands of years.

"The wind city is lost, you know?"

Sai first said.

"What, the wind city lost?" Nolan was shocked.

This is a secret message. In order to stabilize the people, Claysey has no sound.

"On the way that the enemy is on the way, can you keep this pustule?"


Sai first coldly shouted.

"Adults, even if the wind city is lost, the city defense should also have a formal transfer..."

Nolan still didn't want to give up his high official.


A silver light flashed, and Nolan's head fell, and from the sword to the sheath, there was only one light, and it was almost impossible for everyone to react.


Nolan’s headless body fell to the ground.

The first green scorpion exudes an endless death chill, sweeping the generals present, and screams: "Do you still need me to say the second time?"

"Yes Yes."

The spirits of the generals were frightened and scattered, and they led their lives. They even climbed and fled.

Sai led the army and went directly to the city government.

"Call me, everything in the city is as usual."

"Before the early morning, no one is allowed to leave the city."

Sai first dropped two sentences to the deputy and held Eileen into the house.

This road is to work immediately, and Sai first did not enjoy it. When he entered the house, he dropped Eileen into the bed, and called several city owners, Nolan’s wife, to come and serve together. One dragon and five phoenixes rolled together, joyfully stand up.

"Shang Xian adults, are you a hungry ghost to reincarnation? People are almost tossed by you."

After the rain, Eileen was lying in the sand of the first lady.

"Are you not a famous coquettish? This should be what you like."

Sai first laughed.

"Adult, Qin Hou, who sent troops this time, came from the East. The last time I was connected to the West, I couldn’t help him. You can’t underestimate the enemy. People also hope that adults can be good with me day and night."

Irene Your father is a pustule, and his team is full of waste. Don't worry, if I am there, his country will not die. ”

"What about the Orientals?" After all, it’s a clown. He can be crazy elsewhere, but I’m not the one to scatter it before I scatter it.”

Satan is extremely proud of the road.

He was very mad at the time, and now the only brother who can sanction him is long gone. Who is his opponent in the world?

"So, it would be great. As long as I can kill Qinhou, Irene will always be a woman of adults."

Irene is very happy.

Her heart was annoying to Qin Qi, not only because this person poses a threat to her father's country, but more importantly, Qin Hao refused her when she was in the Dark Royal Palace.

For a woman who is high above, this is undoubtedly a huge shame.

Irene never allowed such a thing to happen to herself. Since it is not interesting, the best way is to let the oriental man kneel down and ask for mercy.


Outside the city of Doro.

Qin Yu and Sheldon and other generals stood on the foothills and looked at the city of Doro under the fog.

"Army, Alton is ready, can you set off."

Sheldon’s temperament came out.

When you think of your nephew, you have to make a great contribution. The one who is an uncle is really light.


Qin Hao nodded.

Shelton turned to the Al channel that could not wait for him: "Boy, let's go, your glory is here."

"Yes, adults."


Alton pulled out a knife and waved his hand. The 5,000 men were rushing to the city of Doro.


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