The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2088: Bloodthirsty

Doro City is like a bright pearl, waiting for Alton's capture.

His five thousand iron rides with the heroic capture of the windy city, rolled into the gate of the city with a misty wind, and as expected, as far as he thought, there were only a few sparsely guarded soldiers on the wall, and the gates were not even closed. .

I want to come to the city of Doro City to be too confident, thinking that there is a windy city in front, everything can be innocent.

This is a rare heaven-given opportunity. Alton is definitely not to be missed. Therefore, he led the army to directly reopen the city gate, and a group of people cheered and rushed into the city of Doro.

However, the city is dead.

There is no pedestrian on the street. Apart from the bright lights, the whole city is like a dead city.

"What happened, where did the people in the city go?"

Alton’s deputy shouted.

"There will be no scams for adults? Would you like to withdraw them first?"

Another veteran who is accompanying is also feeling bad, reminded.

Alton was eager to make a difference. He finally sneaked into the city. If he slipped, he would not miss the opportunity in vain, and then look for such a good opportunity in the future.

"Oh, no matter whether he is fraudulent or for other reasons, we have 5,000 troops into the city, that is, 5,000 death gods, enough to harvest everything in this city, go, take me directly to the city government."

Alton raised a long knife and led the crowd to the city government.

Just arrived at the wide square outside the main government house, a murderous murderous, overwhelming, but in the dark, countless blood-red pupils flashed cold, staring at the invaders.

The soldiers were like a sculpture, and even if Alton had arrived, there was no reaction at all, but the release of arrogance and anger was constantly released.

The horses under the seat of Alton and others are screaming!

A fear from the depths of the soul spreads in the hearts of every soldier.


The simple, cold words sounded, and the spar on the square lit up at the same time.

Talents such as Alton found that these horrible guys are all extremely sturdy, burly, and incomparably mad warriors. Everyone's axe is shining with cold light, and the pupil is spraying a hot flame.

Alton has an unpredictable hunch that these guys will tear them into pieces, and he vows never seen such a terrible army, never!

The soldiers let go of a road, a silver-colored robes, silver-haired sloping shoulders, and a sullen, innocent young man with his hands on his back slowly.

"You are not Nolan, who are you?"

Alton realized that he had counted it and asked in amazement.

"My name is Sasher, I think you should have heard of my name."

The youth is cold and cold.

"Sar, the silver devil first!"

"You are the uncle of Nero, the legendary demon?"

Altun asked.

"You are wrong, I am not my uncle, I am just me."

"You should be honored. You are the first general who has fallen into the hands of my black sand barracks since my recovery."

The spear of the mouth of the first spoiled, the endless coldness emerged.

"Damn, go."

Alton yelled and he was about to run.

Sai first smiled, only slightly hooked his fingers!

The barbarians waved the sharp axe in their hands at the same time. The axe crossed the silver light in the air. The heads of countless Nile soldiers fell to the ground, and the blood sprinkled on the ground, smelling the madness in the **** savage. Like a beast, it rushed into the crowd and began the massacre.


An absolutely unfair battle.

The soldiers of Alton’s men, at this moment, have no courage to resist, but they are rushing to the gates of the city, and they are killed by the death of their own people.

But their escape is simply meaningless.

No matter the speed, the strength of the barbarian is in the repressive advantage. All the way is chasing the madness, and the city is said to be out of the city. The five thousand sergeants have all become the souls of the barracks.

"The first adult, I am ignorant, I don't know if you are here, I beg you to give me a way to live."

Altun feared watching the killings of the savage soldiers, and his legs were soft on the ground, pleading.


"What agreement can you have with Qinhou?"

Asked first.

He is not a gentleman, but a devil, a villain, what is sinister in nature, what is vicious, what tricks to use.

"Yes, I, I have."

"I agreed with Qin Hou. As soon as I hit the city, I immediately put a signal and called the follow-up troops into the city."

Al channel.

"What are you waiting for?"

Sai asked first.

"Yes Yes."

Alton was so eager to get out the signal crystal from his pocket, pinch it, and a purple energy light column rose to the sky.

"Dry beautiful."

"I heard that Qin Hou has been very popular recently. Do you think he is powerful, or am I powerful?"

Sasang did not rush to kill Alton, but asked with interest.

"This is also used to say that you are a great adult. You are a younger brother of Satan. Qin Hou is just an oriental child. Compared with adults, he doesn't even have shoes."

"Very well, remember your words. When you come back to Qin Hou, you can't have a single word. The original book is in front of him."

Sai nodded with satisfaction.

With a wave of hand, there was a brutal soldier who took Alten with him.

"Adult, what should I do next?" asked the commander of the barracks.

"Unfolding the battle, Qin Hou is not 30,000 people? We still have six thousand savage soldiers These wastes, one enemy three, is not a problem."

Sai asked first.

"Blood to say that one enemy is three, that is, one enemy ten, no problem, he has to dare to come, tonight is a death."

The commander is arrogant.

"Well, just wait for him here, I am afraid he will not come."

When he first looked at the distant mountains, he smiled coldly and turned to enter the city government.

He did not take any Qin Hou seriously in his mind, on the strength of the army, on the strategy, on the poison, he asked the whole hell, and few people can compare with him.


"Army, you see, Alton sent a signal, like in the direction of the city government."

"Great, this kid has already won the city's capital, haha, the first effort, and really does not bear the military division and the prospects."

"General Alton is young and promising, and the future is boundless."

"It’s still the military division’s guidance, and we are naturally invincible.”

The crowd will be excited and can't help but be overjoyed.

Only Qin Hao’s face was awe-inspiring and he did not say a word.

"Military teacher, what happened?"

Sheldon asked.


Qin Yujian's eyebrows sink, cold and cold.

"What is wrong?" Shelton and others were awkward.

"The time is wrong, it is too early."

"too fast."

Qin Yudao.

"Army, do you think more, we are strange soldiers, Nolan is a famous waste, it is estimated that the army in the city met us, and even surrendered without hitting."

"I can't help Alton have been sitting in the city's main house for a while, and banquets, welcome me to enter the city."

Shelton is still full of confidence.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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