The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2089: Help

Qin Lan looked at the faint light of Doro City, like a dark beast lurking in the darkness, ready to swallow the army from Nile City.

An unpredictable hunch is in his heart!

Qin Yu did not say a word, turned and walked to the secluded place, took out the chaotic mirror, the chaotic mirror could not see the people of Lucifer, and his current cultivation could not penetrate the powerful enchantment, but it was used to view the city of Doro. enough.

When he got rid of Alton in his mind, the mirror suddenly revealed the scene of Alton. The **** guy was sitting in the city hall and eating and drinking, and none of the surrounding was the Nile army. The generals are all face-to-face.

Sitting on the top of the first person, Qin can not see the appearance, can only see a group of vague shadows exude a strong, terrible murderous, this situation, there is only one possibility, that person's cultivation is far from him on.

Looking at the entire Western Hell, now he can't wear five people!

This person's gas field is not like Lucifer, nor Becker, but even Bruce. Who is he?

There is no doubt that this is definitely the rescuer that Claysey invited.

This is a strong enemy. Those who are stunned and arrogant can even compare with Mamen's magic cavalry. With the 30,000-strong army of Nile, if it is a frontal storm, it is afraid that it will not be beneficial.

"Army, what are you waiting for, and rushing to the army, the brethren can't wait."

Shelton couldn't stand it anymore, chased it over and anxiously urged.

"Alton has been captured and rebelled. Our people are all dead. The enemy has already laid down the nets and the nets, waiting for us to cast their own nets. At this time, we must send troops, but only the whole army will be wiped out."

Qin Yudao.

"Army, why are you so confident, Alton has been captured and rebellious?" Alton is the nephew of Shelton after all, he was a little unhappy.

"Real, don't you know until tomorrow night?"

Qin Xiao sneered.

After that, he disappeared alone in the darkness.

No matter who the person is, Qin Hao will not allow the first stop of the hegemony to be defeated.

To deal with the enemy, it is natural to know ourselves and know each other.

Nothing in the night.

Early in the morning, Sheldon hurriedly found Qin Yu and screamed: "The military division, I really told you that it was right. When Wang Ba Lazi entered the city, he was first dumped with dumplings. This time he has been mutinized. Fortunately, we didn’t rush to enter the army last night, or else the prospective guards will be wiped out.”

"Sao first?" Qin Yan frowned.

"Yes, he is the younger brother of Satan. He is the first silver demon in hell. He is a famous playboy. He has long heard that he was executed by Satan. Who knows that this ghost has emerged."

Shelton was depressed.

"The brother of Satan, no wonder there is such a strong murderousness, he is qualified to be my opponent." Qin Hao had an idea and laughed.

"Why did the military teacher laugh?"

Shelton is somewhat puzzled.

"Through me, all the soldiers are stationed in the downwind. No one can shake before I come back."

Qin Xiao laughed and jumped over to Malaysia.

"The military division is going to go? Where to go." Shelton was surprised.

"Short one day, long three days, will return, this battle will win."

Qin Lan went to the horse.


The so-called war, knowing ourselves and knowing each other, can be invincible.

Judging from the use of Alton first, this person is not only confident in his own cultivation and brute force, but also a very strategic person.

A person who is so dangerous, and a younger brother of Satan, is definitely a thorn in the eyes of many people.

Qin Lan knows that there is a person who can certainly put pressure on Satan first. Even if he does not kill him, he must help himself in the dark.

This person is Lucifer.

Lucifer is strictly speaking, and is now the in charge of hell. Except for Becker and Mamen, no one can compare with him in terms of qualifications and cultivation, but suddenly there is a first time, and he came over the same period, and Have their own private arm.

For Lucifer, this is undoubtedly the thorn stuck in the bone.

Qin Lan believes that as long as this news is released, for Lucifer, this thorn is far more uncomfortable than Qin.

Qin Lan was a person who never let the water go, and he quietly hit Ma Qianli to the Dark Royal Palace and found his old friend Bruce.

Bruce is really idle. His task is extremely simple. He is lying on his back and watching Lucifer. When he is at the most critical time, he will join forces with Mamen to give a fatal blow to Lucifer.

He is bored and bored. He is watching the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" recommended by Qin Lan. Although he has recently repaired the Chinese language, he still sees a mess, and the clouds are in the fog.

"Master Bruce, it seems that the **** book of the East is not very suitable for your appetite."

Qin Lan is now born and laughs loudly.

"Hou, how come you? You just didn't just hit the windy city?"

Bruce’s sudden visit to Qin Lan was extremely strange. He quickly put down his book and greeted him.

"Oh, it seems that you know the wind city too?"

Qin Lan sat down.

"Hey, Lucifer had heard that the wind city had been lost, and the soul was flying The army that is organizing Heilo here will prepare to attack Nile Hell from the Windy City. I did not expect you to Take the lead."

"I heard that he was slap in the face of a public meeting at the military conference, and he was a rice bucket. Haha, you have made a big mistake."

"Right, you took down the wind city. It is reasonable to take a city that can be stationed in the army. How can I run this?"

Bruce laughed and asked curiously.

"Old friends, I have a problem, there is a roadblock in the city of Doro, I can't cross it now." Qin said.

"Oh, there are people who can stumble Qinhou, who is it?" Bruce looked changed and asked.

"Sao first." Qin Hao spit out two words.

"Satan first." Bruce took a sigh of relief. If anyone in **** would shudder at the Angel Corps today, this is definitely one of them.

"Isn't he being sealed at the altar, never forever? Who put him out?"

Bruce asked.

If this is said by others, he will definitely think it is a joke, but this is what Qin Lan said, and it must be true.

"I don't know, but he is now leading the eight thousand weird brethren in the city of Doro, and swallowed up my five thousand front troops last night. If I don't get rid of this person, my plan is difficult to achieve."

"I know that you have dealt with Satan and others. You must know him better than me. At least Lucifer should be right?"

Qin Xiaojian raised his eyebrows and smiled and reminded him.

"I did deal with this person, sinister and sinister, but I am a true violent, mad, demon. If he wants to work with Hou Ye, it is quite tricky." Bruce frowned.


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