The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2096: It turns out that you can still play like this.

"Sleeping?" Qin Yu had some doubts about this word. In the eyes of Lucifer and others, sleep is a kind of honor for the devil and death, but Qin can feel the power of Satan flowing in hell.

That feeling is derived from the awakening of the Sword of Death, because he clearly senses that the death is sealed in the soul of the sword, and the anger is increasing day by day.

Death is angry, the only possibility is that Satan has recovered, and the story of the deadly enemy continues.

"Yes, for ordinary people, sleeping is really dead."

"But who is my big brother? The first person in **** who masters the power of destruction, how could he die so easily, so he stayed in the land of seals, the soul was eternal, under the blessing of the mysterious power of the Satan family ancestors A little waiting to call for awakening."

"And I am the same, I stayed in the land of the seal, and repaired nothing like the Lucifers."

"I think that the power of destruction left by my ancestors in the land of seals must have a seed and a source. This is all the secrets about the Satan family."

Sai first said.

"The Lucifer has been in the Dark Royal Palace for so many years, has he not found this secret?"

Qin Yu frowned.

"He did doubt it, and he went down to the forbidden place many times, but he was destined to find nothing, because he did not have the seal of the Satan family, and all the secrets could not be opened."

"And now that you have this capital, you can take my dark glory and get everything you want."

"And what I want is countless women, and Lucifer's dog head. This is not a demand."

Sai first sneered.

"of course."

"With your glory, eternal life."

Qin Hao nodded and slammed into the head of Sai Xian, ending the fate of this poor fellow.

The silver dragon in Yintang is roaring, Qin Hao erects a sword finger, in Yintang, a short-term isolation of the connection with the dragon, the first soul mark is hidden in the body of the dragon, at any time will be like a ghost, nightmare The same thing came out to interfere with Qin.

However, Qin Lan still has the restraint of restraint. Now he has the secret of the first, and the power of destruction is exactly what Qin Yu chased. Perhaps it is the hope of cracking Qin Guangwang’s imprint.

"The first adult."

Tarim and others gathered around and stood next to the body of Sasang and wept in silence.

No one resents Qin Qin, because they know that Satan first had the first poison in heaven, and there is no way to live.

"Tarimu, Say is gone first. You have two roads. One is to stay with me to take Lucifer's dog life. The other is to take your people back to your hometown and continue to sleep until one day. wake."

"You choose it yourself."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

Tarim and others looked at each other, and everyone’s eyes were full of anger and full of pride.

They were originally called to wake up from the darkness, and they were full of fighting spirit in hell. They thought that under the leadership of Sasang, they could open up the territory and do a great job.

However, who can think of it, the first time it has just come out, it will be completely finished, which is undoubtedly a major blow to the military.

Now, Qin Qin can give them another chance, which is undoubtedly a gift, because once they go home, their destiny is destined to sleep in the dark again. That is what every black sand barbarian is not willing to want. life.

The real warriors have always been battlefields, and the bloodthirsty and arrogant soldiers are even more so.

"Qin Hou adults, we are willing to loyal to you."

After reading the exact answer from the eyes of the brethren, Tarim bowed.

"I am willing to be loyal to the adults, go to the fire and not leave, and must take down the dog head of Lucifer."

The public will bow together.

"Well, if that is the case, I will not let you down."

"Big brothers, since you are willing to entrust your life with me, I will not lose, go, first hit him in a city!"

Qin Hao is very happy.

Compared with Shelton, Tarim’s number of squadrons is between 6,000, but the combat power is much better, and these savage soldiers do not have the old oily intestines of Shelton, once they are fixed, loyalty It is guaranteed.

Originally, Qin Qin also planned to trick these barbarians into the cannon fodder to play Bao Luocheng, but now he changed his mind. He decided to cultivate the barbarians into his own confidant and become a weapon for attacking the hard.

Now he has five hundred Zuma defenders in his hand, 30,000 Daqin army, six thousand savage soldiers, and 25,000 Nile soldiers. In the future, if the three thousand corpses of Nile are brought to the hand, it can be used with any eye. People fight.

However, Qin Hao did not want to expose his family so soon, so as not to let Lucifer be suspicious.

The public will vote for the Lord, and they can hold a war meeting. Qin Lan painted a simple topographic map directly on the sand, using the stone as a city, pointing to the city of Ai Luo after the city of Baoluo: "From here to the Heilongjiang Dynasty There are eight cities in the city of Heilongjiang. Five of them are sparsely populated and have a bad environment. There are basically no desirable places. There are only three cities to be won, Baoluo, Ai Luo, Xiangluocheng, Lucifer Since I personally came to the city of Doro today, the next step in his character is bound to take strict precautions against the nearby Baoluo City. I mean, you will leave Heilongjiang to go to the northwest and go to the abandoned city. After a short period of cultivation, attack the city of Ai Luo with the thunder, during which I will mobilize the Nile Army to play Baoluo City, creating space and opportunities for you, so that you can They are not prepared, and they are caught off guard."

"Heaven, can you still play this way?" Tarim was confused by Qin Yu, and he scratched his head and was a little embarrassed.

In their view, snoring is nothing more than a charge, whoever slams who will smash whose head, this kind of battle, is unheard of.

"Adults, we have been wandering for a thousand kilometers, almost turning half a northwest corner, is it worth it?" Some generals said they were puzzled.

"Of course, when you are sitting in the city of Ai Luo and drinking fine wine, everyone is full of crystal coins, and the guys know how correct my strategy is!"

"If you don't have to wait, start."

Qin Hao smiled softly.


Although Tarim and others were suspicious, they still accepted the military order without hesitation. At the same time, they really looked forward to this style of play and gladly took it.

Qin Lan returned to the Nile military camp.

Standing on the top of the hill, I saw the fire in the city of Doro, and the residents of the city fled.

"Damn, Lucifer, the madman, actually indulged the army to burn the city."

Shelton took the jug and walked over, screaming.

"Lucifer is really awkward, like his style."

"If you burn it, you will burn it. I have never thought about getting a big deal."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Adult, General Alton was taken by our people. How can I handle it?"

A deputy will come over and drive down the voice.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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