The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2097: Military law

"This **** beast, where is he, bring me over."

Shelton growled.

Once Alton was the successor he cultivated in the army, it was his pride, and he was cultivated as the star of the future.

But now, this **** guy is still a bad traitor and has lost his face, making Shelton shameful, just want to be ruthless.

The sergeant took Alton to the front, and when he met Alton, he slammed on the ground: "Adult, uncle..."

"Bee, why do you want to renegade the enemy, and repeatedly send information to mislead me, if it is not Houye insight into the sky, the 30,000 army will be planted in your hands." Shelton yelled.

Alton has nothing to say, his rebellion is already a real hammer, no matter how explained, it is impossible to wash away the embarrassment of this body.

"Army, how to deal with it, I see if he wants to go to the horse camp to take care of the horse, so as not to shake in front of your eyes, disgusting." Shelton proposed.

He clearly punishes Alton, but in reality it is obviously sheltered.

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "Sheldon, if other generals committed crimes against the enemy and surrendered to the mutiny, would you punish him to feed the horse?"

"This..." Shelton paused.

He originally thought that he was the commander of this army. Qin Hao would give some face, but he did not expect that Qin Hao was more real.

"Come on, drag on, and the first three military forces show the public to show the police."

Qin Hao was indifferently ordered.

"What, you want to marry me? Uncle, I am your only nephew, you have to protect me."

"Every uncle, beg you to help me with the words, give me another chance, even if I kicked me out of the army."

Alton listened to panic and quickly pleaded with the public.

"Army, Alton is young, the reason why he made a mistake is to make meritorious deeds. This is the way to spread the first."

"You will give him another chance. I believe that after this time, he will definitely not make mistakes again. He will be able to make a sin, and he will be honored."

Shelton quickly pleaded.

Others will also help to say good things, and want to protect Alton life.

The Qin dynasty was as cold as a knife, and it was swept away from the faces of the people. It was extremely cold and cold: "Everybody, the military law is like a mountain. The coach is guilty of breaking the law with the army. The behavior of Alton has seriously damaged the military power. If it is released today, After he passed, there will be ten or a hundred Altons appearing tomorrow. This matter will be spread on the heads of others. I am afraid that you have been killed a hundred times earlier. Is it because he is the nephew of Shelton? Want to protect him?"

"You are soldiers, not old moms!"

"If an Alton does not kill, it is a scourge for the whole army.

Qin Yu nailed the railway.

The public will change their face. The words of Qin Yu are like a sharp knife. They are tied in the hearts of the generals. Of course they know the stakes. No one will dare to come out again.

"Uncle, uncle, you, you said something." Alton shouted.

"Army, since I have been in the city, I have always supported you, can't you sell me an affair?" Sheldon daringly and making the final request.

"Sell you a private affair, who will sell the 5,000 soldiers who died?"

"Also, this team can only be the one who has the final say. Under my hands, I have to do things according to the rules. If you are not happy, you can roll now."

"But this person, I am going to fix it."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

Sheldon’s face was so bloody, and no one thought that Qin’s attitude would be so determined. The commander from the East was completely out of place with the Western family of military officers. It’s a joke to count on such a person to talk about private affairs.

"Qin Hou, you are just an outsider. You have stolen the army of my Nile dynasty. You are a thief. What qualifications do you have to kill me?"

Alton sees no hope of survival, simply asks to go out, wow wow.

"It’s my sword, it’s a public heart, it’s a rationale!”

Qin Lan sneered a sneak, and with a hand, Alton's head fell to the ground.

"Come, come to the big camp, let the soldiers of the three armed forces see clearly, this is the end of the traitor."

Qin Hao told the road.


Immediately there was a sergeant who took the head.

Although everyone has a slight regret for the death of Alton, they are military personnel after all, and they are justified in this way. Only in this way can we comfort the dead souls of 5,000.

Shelton shook his head and smiled. In the face of all this, he could do nothing.

Because from the moment he hit the windy city, Qin has established a prestige in the army. The brand associated with the Nile king has been eliminated. This army has completely changed its name to Qin.

Even if he is, he can only obey a road, otherwise he can only be eliminated, and even the family can not return.

Dealing with Alton, the following sergeants are not happy, the soldiers at the bottom are more and more supportive of the Qin dynasty, only a fair commander can be convincing.

Qin Lan immediately convened a military conference, and the public will discuss plans to attack Baoluo City.

"Everyone, our army has been pulling out for a week. I thought it would be impossible to lay down Doro City to supplement the grain and military needs. Now it seems that it is not enough. In order to maintain the army's I want to attack Baoluo City ""

Qin Yudao.

"Adult, this is not appropriate. Doro City is the first of us, and then the invasion of Sasang. It has already attracted the attention of Lucifer and Claysey. At this time, Baoluo City must have been stationed in the army, and the city defense is strong. We didn't bring siege equipment and heavy weapons this time. I am afraid that it is difficult to win."

Shelton frowned.

"I am clearer than you, but this is an order. You must attack the city and attack at all costs."

Qin Yudao.

Lucifer is a wise man. If you want to win opportunities and time for Tarim's barbarians, acting will definitely not work. It can only be a life-strike attack. Only in this way, Lucifer will focus on Baoluo City and cause delays.

"grown ups……"

Shelton also wants to express her opinion.

Qin Lan raised his hand and stopped him: "This is a military order, be sure to implement it, you generals, please urge your generals, be sure to fight, dare to retreat, kill on the spot."

"I can't be sure what can be brought to you, but the battlefield is the fate of every soldier. You should fight for honor."

"Otherwise, it will starve to death, waiting for the enemy's butcher knife to slaughter."


Qin Yudao.


The public will lead the way.

In the early hours of the morning, Qin Yu’s 30,000 Nile Army began to attack Baoluo City.

The attacking position, the first troops were several siege cars that were robbed in the city of Doro, and the soldiers were divided into four roads, four northeast and northwest storms!

A big battle kicked off.

The 30,000-strong army of Nile attacked Baoluo City. In the absence of equipment, he said that Lucifer had been wary of it, that is, the original city defense force of Baoluo City was enough to withstand it.


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