The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2098: Don't say 8000, 80,000 will not work.

When the cannon sounded, the flesh and blood of the Nile soldiers under the spar cannon, constantly turned into ashes, which was not a fair battle from beginning to end.

Bruce and Lucifer are now in the city of Baoluo. After seeing the ambitions of Qin and Sasher, Lucifer must be vigilant. Baoluo City is one of the three major cities that lead to the kingdom of Heilongjiang. He has already Lost the city of Doro, it is impossible to lose any of the three streets of the last three levels.

Because these three cities, in addition to the relevant defense, but also Lucifer's treasure trove of capital, the guards are all personally appointed by him, as long as the city is closed, he will continue to extract wealth from the energy source, filling his own angel city.

"This is already the first wave, Carlo." Lucifer stood on the high building, holding the fence, looking at the fire outside the city, and sneered.

"Returning to the adults, this is already the fifth attack of the other party. So far, we have injured less than 800 people. The soldiers who died in the artillery fire are at least 5,000, and our shells have a rich inventory of spar. If we continue to fight like this, we will be able to light up the grandchildren in three days."

Carolha, the owner of Baoluo City, sighed with joy.

There is no better credit in this world than this. There is no better fight than this. The other side is like cannon fodder. It is not a stupid thing to send to death.

"It seems that Qinhou is just like this. It is estimated that it is an urgent need. The military needs to be anxious. The adults burned down the city of Doro again. When he jumped to the wall, he only attacked Baoluo."

"The adults fired Doro, which was so great, and forced Qin Hou to the impasse."

The public will be amazed.

A top hat, let Lucifer be somewhat fluttering. Since the appearance of Qin Yu, a series of infighting, Lucifer is in a passive position. Now it’s hard to let Qin Xiao eat it, and my heart is inevitably happy. The fear of awe is also greatly reduced.

"In the end, everything has to look at the strength to speak, Qin Hou has a wisdom, but he is too small to look at me, just like his thoughts, can you get my eyes?" Lucifer took the hand and smiled proudly.

"Bruce, why don't you talk?" Lucifer was quite dissatisfied.

At this moment, Bruce has a lot of mixed feelings. He is a bit embarrassed. How can Qinhou’s strategy make such a stupid thing and use the life of a sergeant to fight for artillery? This is definitely the most stupid thing in the world.

But this is happening really, what is the master of this great wisdom?

I have always been wrong, I look at him high, or Qin Hou really has a picture, this is just a small stroke.

"Bruce, adults ask you."

The officer next to him reminded me.

"Oh." Bruce came back to God and quickly said: "An angel grows up to be the first **** of hell. Burning a city will force Qin Hou to a dead end. This is a brilliant trick. No one can compare with the past."

"Bruce, you also learned to compliment, let's say, do you mean anything else?" Lucifer coughed.

"I wonder if Qinhou will have other tricks?" Bruce said.

Of course, he would not anti-Qin dynasty water, but he was too curious about this answer. It was about the belief in the heart that Qin dynasty would collapse, and all his hopes would be shattered. Maybe Lucifer would give him an answer.

He reminded Lucifer that he was a real smart person. Proud and vain are the same thing, and the big things will never be vague.

"Where are the Qin Hou's troops?" Lucifer asked.

"Qinhou 30,000 troops are currently in the opposite camp, our people have been closely monitoring, there is no change." Caro snarled.

"No, no, what is the border?" Lucifer asked again.

"The border is too flat. There are Carter adults guarding the Red River. And I got the news that Bald has retired, so there is no problem."

Carol replied.

"How is Ai Luo, like Luocheng?" Lucifer tried to take everything into consideration as much as possible.

"The city is all stable, Qinhou has no extra troops to levy the city, but now the guards in the city are the confidants of the adults, can not get out."

Bruce replied.

"Where is the problem?"

Lucifer frowned and thought, and suddenly he cried: "Damn, where did the first black sand slayer go? This is a group of extremely dangerous guys."

Bruce smiled and said: "There is no need to worry about this adult. This subordinate has already been monitored. According to reliable sources, Satan is already dead. The body was taken by our people a few hours ago. His subordinate Tarim led the big. The Ministry went to the northwest corner. There was a ridiculous land there. It was estimated that it was afraid that we would chase after the dark army."

"The ridiculous land, sure? These guys are not playing with a carbine."

Lucifer is still not at ease.

Bruce laughed and said nothing. He wouldn’t talk about it too much. Lucifer had always liked the shabu-shabu and said so much. If there was any moth, he would have to turn the pot on his face.

Carol did not understand this, and bluntly said: "Adult, I think the possibility is not big, you think, Sai first with Qin Hou that is the enemy, Tarim is loyal to Sasang, he can not listen to Qinhou In the end, Tarim is a barbarian, and there is no brain. If you think about it, he went to the deserted desert and almost circumvented most of the Heilongjiang hell. If he tossed a circle, he would wrap it back, whether it was Luo or love. Luo two cities, have to get up for a long time, tired and tired, how to attack the city Well, it does make sense, so if so, then we are sitting here waiting to see Qin What kind of tricks can Hou make?"

"If he is willing to continue to be cannon fodder, let us fulfill him, come and drink."

Lucifer was relieved when he heard his heart, and he was very happy.


Qin Hao’s storm, for Shelton and others, is simply miserable.

"Army, you give a quick sentence, do you want to light up our Nile army, this is only four hours, has lost 8,000 people, 8,000 people are gone, what do you want to do?"

Shelton rushed into the military camp and was angry.

He can not mind that the deaf child was killed, because it is ruthless in the military law, but he must not sit and watch the Qin dynasty.

"Everyone, I know that you have grievances in your heart. I ask you, if you are given eight thousand sergeants, can you lay down the city of Ai Luo?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

Shelton and others looked at each other and did not understand what this meant.

"Sheldon, I ask you, can you do it?" Qin asked again.

"Of course it is not good, let alone eight thousand, is to give 80,000, without the support of heavy weapons, it is impossible to lay down the city of Ai Luo." Shelton is very unsatisfactory.

"You can't, I will."

"These people who are dying now are not meaningless. They are using their own lives to exchange for us."

"You, believe me, at dawn, you can appear in the city of Airo to drink delicious coffee and sleep a beautiful feeling."

"But now I ask the lords to continue for two hours, no matter what."

Qin Yudao.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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