The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2103: Missing well water

"Hou Ye means, let's poison in the water?" Miller's eyes brightened, and then he said: "This is indeed a good way. If you poison in the water, then we will be in the outer city, there is basically no opposite. The way out."

"No, we can't poison. We are not Lucifer. It is our own. If the water source is polluted, it is very difficult to recover. We don't need a waste city, a dead city."

"I can use the method of the big move of Qiankun to remove the water dragon vein and let the water source in the city be cut off, so that the same effect can be achieved."

Qin Yudao.

"Can Hou Ye also remove the groundwater?" Miller couldn't believe it.

He has seen that it can cut off the water source, or use the Dafa to directly drain the underground river water, but it is a bit mysterious to say that the dragon vein is completely diverted from the ground.

"Of course, the oriental technique is all-encompassing and there is nothing that can't be done."

"What you have to do now is to set up ten high platforms outside the city of Baoluo. On each high platform, a large fire basin and a chimney are set up. I have to use it."

Qin Yudao.


Miller is happy to lead.

Following the work of Qin Lan, he is a long-term experience. Every day is full of freshness. Every day, the miracle of the witness is happening. The feeling is really perfect. Miller is too glad to be right with the master.

Moreover, the difference between Qin and Qin is that he has no lasciviousness and alcoholism, which is a bad habit of affecting the military. The Lord is right and the natural soldiers are right.


Lucifer is not in a hurry.

He is a very strategic person. After calming down, he began to feel that even if he lost the city of Ai Luo, there is nothing because Qin Hou did not have the opportunity to come in.

He has already begun to mobilize the army. Qinqin 20,000 people are as dead as they dare to attack the city.

Staying in the city of Airo, attacking with his heavy firepower, is still a death.

The hard power of Qinhou is not qualified to compete with him. He does not worry at all, and even some people may not be able to attack Qincheng.

"Adult, Nile soldiers came to attack the city."

Lucifer is pondering, and Carroll hastily walked into the inner chamber to report.

"Isn't I really afraid of death?"

"Go, go see."

Lucifer sneered a sneak peek, and took up the tall buildings in the city, using the magical powers, and looking to the outside of the city.

I saw that thousands of Nile soldiers were building a tower-like fortification in Sanli, and there were not more than a dozen. It seemed to be busy and quite lively.

"I didn't read it wrong. This idiot was so far away from building the turret. This range, even the best spar cannon in hell, wouldn't want to hit our city gate. Are they crazy?"

Carol felt incredulous and sneered in the nose.

"This Qinhou loves to engage in these tricks. He thought that building a gunhouse would scare us and mess up our military. No matter who he is, play and play, let us brake with silence. What is he going to do, Laozi Just pick up what to do."

Lucifer is in the air.

It’s beautiful, and there are military sergeants in the city who have taken the city wall and reported: “Adults, the city is interrupted by water.”

"What do you mean?"

"What are you doing, hurry to repair and check."

Lucifer is not very airy.

"It's not a matter of repairing. The two water sources in the city are all dry. Originally in the northwest of the city, there are two ancient wells. It is the spring eye in the city. The water flow continues for a year. I don't know what happened today. All the water has disappeared. Only then, the other wells in the city have dried up."

"That is to say, from now on, we can no longer use water. I am currently telling the soldiers and soldiers in the city that they are repairing. However, according to this situation, sooner or later, I can’t help myself. I also want adults to think about it."

Military requirements.

"Damn, it must be the ghost of Qin Yu, go, take me to see."

Lucifer Road.

When I arrived at the north of the city, the two old wells, which were originally chilly all year round, and the springs were constantly dry. At this moment, they had already dried up. Lucifer had repaired the sky and jumped in. The big sword broke through the ground. There was indeed a dark river underneath, just in the dark river. The water has disappeared.

This is a bad thing, where can the water go?

He asked himself to be repaired in hell. No one can, and can't change the water. This **** Qin dynasty is what makes the devil, and the water is gone.

"First block the message, I will solve it myself."

Lucifer returned to the well and there was some helplessness.

The trick of water cut is that he never imagined. He realized that he once again underestimated Qin Lan, the energy of this person can never be measured by normal thinking.

Even the turrets that look idiots seem to be faintly unusual.

Lucifer had an unpredictable hunch that he would be killed and killed by Qin.


Qin Lan put away the compass, drilled out from the underground tunnel, shook his body with water stains, and took a sigh of relief. He said to Miller: "Yu, I haven’t done this for a long time, almost messed up, but ours Only seven days, the spring of Baoluo City is spiritual, and the energy is very strong. I estimate that for up to seven days, the water dragon will re-aggregate and return to Baoluo City."

"That is, in seven days, we must win the city of Baoluo."

"Adult Gaotai has already been built, I want to ask, such a far-reaching turret, it is difficult to hit Baoluo City." Miller handed over the towel to Qin Hao, while walking.

"That is not used to be a fort. I am not talking about adding a chimney? It is used for poisoning." Qin Xiao smiled.


Miller is puzzled.

"There will be northeast winds in the next few days, Ai Luo is in the north, Paul is in the south, we only need to put poisonous smoke, the wind will naturally help us, and when it is short of water, add poisonous tobacco, it will definitely make them extremely hard."

"Let's wait for them to be taken out of the city."

Qin Hao is full of confidence.

"Haha, Hou Ye is really a god, and the end will be convinced."

Miller admired.

"Right, what's the news on the Nile City? I won Nile's 30,000 army. He should be sleepy at the moment."

Qin Hao asked.

"Hou, according to the news that our people got from Lucifer, the current Nile is relatively stable. Bald has already re-routed to help him, and sent heavy troops to defend in several important cities, adding fortifications, it seems to be I want to fight the country for a long time."

Miller Road.

"Well, this is what I expected. Bald is a fool of this person. I think I will die in the hands of Nile sooner or later."

"But they would also like to thank us. We are not here to contain Lucifer. At this time, Lucifer is afraid to have a fire with Bald."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Well, I am going to match the poison. You are always monitoring the movements of all parties, including Becker, who is far from the ground. This person cannot be put away."

Qin Lan thought about it and told him.

"Yes, Hou Ye."

Miller led the life.


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