The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2104: Devil Legion

The fact that Baoluo City lacks water is like a plague in the city. It has lost its water source. It may not be fatal to everyone, but it has seriously affected the lives of the military and civilians, especially the rich people in the city. Without water, it is like losing a soul, wine is not sweet, women are not fragrant, it is extremely tortured.

Lucifer also always tried to find a way. During this period, he went down to the bottom of the well several times. He said that he was the first person in hell, and soon realized that the underground water source was removed and realized the ancient wells in the city. Powerful.

In order to help the springs bring back the water source as soon as possible, Lucifer reinforces the best spar at the bottom of the well, which also includes a spar ring that he has worn for thousands of years to increase the drainage function of the spring to the underground water flow.

Even so, it takes five to seven days at the earliest. During this period, Carroll personally appease the people in the city, and finally it is a short-term pressure to this hidden crisis.

"Bruce, you said that this Qinhou was sent by the Lord God to torture me? I only know today that someone can actually remove the water."

"Qin Hou, this person is terrible, but unfortunately, it was a pity that he did not kill him in the Dark Royal Palace. Hey."

Lucifer and Bruce walked side by side in the old town, sighing with a hand.

"Adult, water is a small thing, I am worried about another thing." Bruce said.

"What?" Lucifer asked.

"I think about it, you personally issued a notice. It is reasonable to say that the human heart should not be turbulent, but in fact, the city is still heart-wrenching. In the end, it is still the news that adults have lost the city of Ai Luo, which has affected you. The image of Yingming Shenwu."

Bruce Road.

His words are not ulterior motives, but to tell the truth, Lucifer is a man of this skill, but he is too conceited, and the original good hand has been made.

"Hey, this gang of people, in addition to talking about gossip, what will they do? You pass on my orders, whoever dares to make a living in the back, and decides." Lucifer was dissatisfied.

Shenwei is insulting. This is the tradition he brought from the heavens. No one is allowed to question.

"I have done this, let Carroll grab a large number of people, just wait for the adults to deal with it." Bruce said.

"What are you waiting for, kill them directly, and hang their heads to the city to show the crowd, I want to see, who dares to let go." Lucifer was dissatisfied.


Bruce Road.

Since Lucifer is willing to ruin the Great Wall and push the people to the opposite side, why doesn't Bruce push the boat and help him?

"Bruce, you said that the Qin thief built the outside of the game is dry, all day under the eyelids, looking at panic." Lucifer asked again.

"I can't see this adult, I can't do it any more. I don't think it's used to shoot. Qinhou has a lot of ideas. Only God knows what he is doing, but what is certain is that he will never spend this. Manpower and material resources should be a plot, and adults should be more careful."

Bruce Road.

He really can't see the Qin dynasty. This guy's wisdom is like a sea, and his mind is like a sea. No one can guess what his next card is.


While Lucifer couldn't guess Qin Qin's thoughts, one person was more anxious than him.

It has been almost half a month since Qin Qin led the army, and the Nile days are like years.

He used to think that this was just a joke. Qin Lan will come back and continue to fight alongside him and resist Lucifer. But in the end, he has to admit that Qin Hao is really using him.

This made Nile, who was convinced from being smart and proficient in powers, greatly injured.

At this moment, Nero is lying on a big chair and sleeping with his clothes. He has been sitting on this throne for himself all these days, because he has never been filled with a sense of crisis like this moment, and the chair seems to be lost.

He is insomnia every night, and he is always afraid of fear and suspicion.

He believes that Qin Qin, the group that has been played, regrets it, and he has to worry that Bald, who will "return" again, will not attack the knife. He can no longer believe anyone, even Nibo, he is like A frightened deer, afraid of anyone close to him.

For him, the palace is so cold and dark at the moment.


The door opened, and Niebo closed the door and walked up to the front. "Great king, there is news."

"Quickly say, let's say, is Lucifer already killing the **** Qinhou?"

Nile sat up and said great.

These days, I have been getting a quick report. Lucifer has hit the Qin dynasty in Baoluo City. Relatively speaking, the Qin dynasty is a person who hates him a hundred times more than Lucifer.

He wished that Qin and the generals who betrayed him were stunned by the cannons of Lucifer.

Niebo knew what he wanted to hear, and he snorted with some embarrassment and didn't dare to say anything.

"You said it." Nero impatiently urged.

"The latest news, Qin Hou conquered the black sand barracks, and captured the city of Ai Luo in odd odds, that more than 10,000 of us are just the victims of the paralysis of West Road, now Lucifer is besieged in Baoluo City ~ www is in a hurry."

"From the overall situation at the moment, Lucifer is not an opponent of Qinhou."

Niebo is extremely depressed.

"Since Lucifer can't do it, then we can only help him." Nero pondered for a moment.

"Dawang, this is not very good. Lucifer is our deadly enemy. Besides, with our strength at the moment, it is already hard to stick to it. It is really impossible to draw a deep army, and with the conceit of Lucifer, he will not accept it." Let us help."

Niebo Road.

"Of course we can't send a big army, but we can ask people, do you know the "Devil Legion"?" Nero asked with a smile.

"You mean, that one was abandoned by Satan, hidden in the abyss, to kill people, to come to the shadowless guys?" Niebo said.

The Devil's Legion is the name of a mercenary. Their leader was once Satan's confidant. It was just because of the mistake and was abandoned and expelled. Then the "Devil Legion" was formed. This army is in hell, like a ghostly existence. .

Without exception, whenever they appear, it must be a **** hurricane, and the corpse is everywhere.

They have swept a number of landlords and annihilated many powerful clan overnight. In the past, whether it was the Nile, the Hero or the Galois, they spent a lot of money to reward the wanted devil army, and even joined forces to form the hunting corps. To be killed, even so, can not really find this ghost army.

"Yes, it is the Devils Corps, I have already contacted their leader."

"Does he agree?"

Niebo asked with amazement.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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