The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2106: This poison is unbreakable

After obsessing all the secret orders, Miller took several long-serving guards, pretending to be the spies sent by Lucifer, and rushed from the secret road to the city of Herod.

Miller went to the city of Heilongjiang to shut down the secret, except for Qin and Tarim, no one knows.

After Miller’s departure, Qin Yu began to make Lucifer. He knew that only the situation here is getting tighter, and the pressure on Lucifer’s side is increasing, so that the space that Miller can play to the maximum can be saved. time.

"Hou Ye, the twelve chimney towers have been completely built, please also indicate."

Tarim Hui reports.

"Very well, fill these poisonous spar, all of them. Once the north wind is going tonight, the poisonous smoke will be released 24 hours a day." Qin Hao ordered.


Tarim is happy to lead.

The poisonous smoke spar that Qin Zhen configured this time is not a poisonous thing. It can't kill people's lives, but it will make people feel dry and itchy. This way, the importance of water is self-evident, even then. It is the case that Lucifer does not escape, and the people will start civil strife, so that the city of Baoluo will not lose its income.


Lucifer is sitting in the house drinking wine and listening to songs and dances.

He is not a person who loves to enjoy, but now, except for waiting, there seems to be nothing to do. The return of water is a matter of time, and the army of Yitong will come soon. In this boring waiting day, enjoyment is a Very meaningful things, at least let other generals and subordinates relax.

At the moment, nothing is more important than stabilizing people.

"Angel grows up, Qinhou's tower is already in place. According to our supervision, they seem to have been banging something in the afternoon. Although they still don't understand what it is, it seems to be acting."

Carol walked in and frowned.

"Don't worry too much, I have pondered over it. They built the thing. It should not be used as a turret, but used to poison, but now it is when the southwest wind is blowing. If they dare to put poisonous cigarettes, then it is self. Looking for a dead end."

"So you can feel at ease."

Lucifer is confident.

Carol seemed to be so reasonable. The strings in his heart were a little slack: "The adults said that there is no other use other than poisoning, but now Fengshen 眷 咱, Qinhou this move is too smart, also It can only be furnishings, haha."

"Well, Qin Hou is just a few axe. It is nothing more than a pretense. It is not enough to see through."

"Where is Bruce?"

Lucifer asked.

"It seems to be going to the city tower. The Bruce adults have been suspicious recently. It doesn't look like they are confident to hold the city."

Carroll Road.

"He was scared by Qin Hou, and he didn't care about him. When the Yitong army came, we would send out a large army and attack the Qin thief. It must teach him to die without a burial place."

Lucifer laughed.

"What the adults said is that Bruce was also a big man who joined the adults in the world. It was a big man of the Angel Corps, but nowadays, it is more and more timid. I don't think it will take long for him to return to the field." Carol smiled.

"It is still early to return to the field, but after the Qinhou is settled, this proposal is worth considering." Lucifer said.

He likes to be able to tout and be willing to treat him as a god, not a guy who is too deep in blues and poses a threat to himself.

The two were talking, and suddenly, a wire bell in the room swayed and made a bell ringing.

Lucifer looked at it subconsciously, the wind chimes swayed more and more, his face became more and more heavy, and the pupils zoomed in quickly, as if they saw incredible things.

"Adult, are you okay?" Carroll never saw Lucifer so flustered. It was like a mortal who suddenly saw a devil, and the scared soul was about to fly.


Lucifer spurted a blood on the spot and yelled at the sky: "Damn, heaven is wrong!"

"Adult, what happened?" Carroll quickly came over and asked Lucifer to ask.

Lucifer was afraid of the wind chimes, and his mouth was filled with blood and water: "The wind is..."

"The wind is up?" Carroll slightly frowned. Then, he suddenly came over and screamed at the thigh. "Damn, it is the north wind, the wind coming from the north, fast, fast... ”

The wind is very common, but most of the time it is the southerly wind, which is why Lucifer has no fear, but now it is surprisingly blowing the north wind, so that the entire Baoluo City will be Qin Yu The poisonous smoke enveloped.

This is not terrible. The terrible thing is Qin Yu.

Why did he know that he wants to blow the north wind? Where does this wind come from? Only by creating God can you summon light and wind and thunder, and Western abilities have many people who have mastered the power of nature, but that is small, and so on. When they look outside, the wind and the clouds are raging, and the yellow sand is not artificial.

It is the sky to blow the north wind!

In this season that should not be blown north, Lucifer can still say anything, except for the fear of Qin Lan, the only curse of this sinister thief.


The useless device that plagued Lucifer for many was finally said by him. The chimney of the tower began to release strong black smoke, like twelve black dragons, rolling in the north wind, hovering in Over the city of Baoluo.

Just a little while, Baoluo City is dark in the sky, people are difficult to see, as the end of the world is coming.

Not only that, the toxicity brought by smoke, like the plague spreads, the soldiers and civilians began to cough severely, and it was so itch that it was like a myriad of firebugs crawling on the body, scratching it, and being uncomfortable.

Everyone has only one idea, and the United States and the United States put a bucket of water to destroy this fire.

"Adult, this smoke is poisonous, Qin thief has poisoned us." Carol shouted as he scratched his face.

Lucifer did not use the strength to protect the body, but allowed the poisonous smoke to add himself, and personally experienced it. "I haven't seen it yet. The thief of Qin thief, he gave us a fire poison, go quickly. Please Bruce, he has some research on poison, it is best to call the wizards in the city together!"

Bruce was wearing a force mask to stop the poisonous mist and quickly walked up the city road: "Adult!"

"Bruce, Qin thief is despicable and shameless, and even poisoned our people. You, you can find a way, and the sorcerer will solve the poison." Lucifer ordered.

Bruce frowned: "Adult, this poison can't be solved. I just personally experienced it. The poison is made from the mysterious herbs of the East, at least 30 kinds, and we can't tell the ingredients." Even if we can tell, we can't find an antidote in our Western hell."

"What should we do, let's just sit here and die?" Lucifer yelled uncomfortably.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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