The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2107: Snoring is a matter of learning

"What, can't break? What to do, watch them die? I don't think they are dead, let's be destroyed first!" Lucifer screamed with his hands on his hips.

Of course he will not die, he wants to go, no one can stop the whole hell, but this way, even if he is completely defeated against the Qin dynasty, even if he is gone, it will be a big loss in the future, it is difficult to gather again. People, keep prestige.

Lucifer is a very conceited person. He is never willing to compromise. It is only a few cigarettes to defeat. This is an unacceptable reality.

"Adult, this poisonous smoke can't kill people, as long as there is water to break, I just tried it." Bruce had some helplessness.

Qin Lan used this poison to make it clear that he did not want human life. He did not want Baoluo City to be badly hurt. This is undoubtedly a sage move. Once again, Lucifer’s arrogance and paranoia are chilling, and his heart is secret. Fortunately, I chose Qin Hao. Otherwise, it is difficult to realize the dream of not only returning to heaven, but I am afraid that it will be a long time for Lucifer to die.

"Is it?" Lucifer quickly summoned the entourage to hit the water and sprinkled a little on his body. It turned out that the evil spirits and the itch were much more comfortable.

"Haha, it seems that the Qinhou Oriental poison is not the same, a cup of water can be broken, so everyone can take a shower." Lucifer found the method of cracking, and suddenly screamed.

"Adults, the problem is that we have no water, Qin Hou is catching our pain. According to this situation, there is no water to solve the people's problems, they are afraid to rebel." Carol reminded.

The smile on Lucifer's face was a stiff, one shot of the thigh: "If I am there, I can't mess with it. You have to transfer half of the water we have reserved to the army, and another one-third to the city. The nobility, first stabilized them, as long as the army is not chaotic, the gang will squat the poor, love to make trouble, big deal is to suppress."

"Adult is wise." Carroll is happy to lead.

As a privilege, he naturally considers things in a superior position. As for the ordinary people to die, it is really not a problem. In the hell, it is the civilians who are not missing, and keeping the army without chaos can be guaranteed.

"Right, the gangs still have to appease, and you tell them that at the latest seven days, the city will definitely restore the water source, let them bear with it first, anyway, it is itchy, burning, and can't die." Lucifer thought. I want to tell you again.

"Follow, adults." Carroll was pleased to take the lead.

Bruce was sighing in the dark. He didn’t understand that Lucifer was really unable to understand Qin’s intentions, or he could not understand it. There were less than 40,000 troops in the city, but there were more than 100,000 civilians. The consequences of the riots are unimaginable.

However, Lucifer could not see this. His heart was completely defeated by himself. When he burned the city of Ai Luo, he had already spread to **** and lost the trust of a large number of believers. Now he is doing the same. Even if Baoluo City was held at the time, the hearts of the people were gone.

Without the hearts of the people, it is impossible to fight forever.

Bruce is really sad for Lucifer.


"Hou Ye, the effect of poisonous smoke is good, and the city is really chaotic." Tarim and Qin Lan walked up the tower, pointing to the city of Baoluo not far away, laughing.

"Lu Xifa still has some energy, at least the army is not chaotic." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Yeah, Xiaohei, come over." Tarim waved a beckoning, and a bone undead bald screamed a few times and hovered over his shoulder.

In the mouth of the Tarim, he said a few words that were difficult to understand. The bald eagle flew up into the sky and hovered over the city to monitor the movements in the city.

"Xiaohei said, Lucifer gave the water stored in the city's main government to the army and the nobility, so there is no army change yet, but the people in the city have been unable to support it. Many people are extremely dissatisfied with the practice of Lucifer, every day. In front of the gates of the city, there are groups of people who apply to Lucifer for the distribution of water bags to detoxify."

"Obviously, it is impossible to distribute water to the people with the sting of Lucifer. In my opinion, it will be a matter of these days."

Tarim Road.

"Well, this time with poisoning, I deliberately simplified the Fangzi. With the ability of Lucifer, it can be completely cracked. The method of cracking can be widely spread, causing public opinion. But the two springs of Baoluo City and the power of Lucifer Amazingly, there are already some reflows in my water veins, and we don’t have much time."

"In this way, you increase the weight, so that the toxic smoke burns more violently, as long as the wind keeps burning, and burns until the people get rid of it."

"Reassured, this poison is not dead."

Qin Hao told the road.

"Adults rest assured, I must have burned this smoke, how much it will burn, and I must teach the city to be chaotic."

Tarim patted the chest, and the arrogant road No hurry, you should first go out and shout, as long as the city surrenders, never move the people in the city a needle, the people's lives, the flag of our peaceful reception, Be sure to let the people in the city hear it. ”

Qin Haomo thought about it with his chin.

"Hou, this, what is this trick?" Tarim is completely unable to understand the number of roads, and he does not understand.

"You will know when you look back. There is a lot of learning in snoring. You can learn slowly." Qin said.

Tarim chose a thousand big squadrons. These guys were all thunderous. Thousands of people stood outside the city outside the cannon every day and yelled at the scorpion.

Even for three days, everyone in Baoluo City knows that the key to Qin’s willingness to receive the city’s peace is to keep the property, which makes many people and even nobles tempted.

What they are worried about is that the savage soldiers of Qinhou’s hands are coming into the city, killing and plundering, and the blood of their life is destroyed. If they can be divided without any loss, who is willing to follow Lucifer’s death all day by poisonous smoke.

He said that some people in the city began to secretly contact the organization, prepared to oppose Lucifer, and opened the gate of the city to put the Qin army into the city, only under the high pressure of Lucifer, and these small organizations were quickly discovered and destroyed.

The harshness and pressure of Lucifer caused tensions in the city. In order to maintain the rule, Lucifer directly ordered martial law, so that the army patrolled the streets and did not allow any civilians to go to the streets, but found that it was not killed on the spot.

For a time, the bustling city of Baoluo has become a dead city where everyone is at risk, full of deep despair.

In the hall of Baoluo, Lucifer squinted and lay on the big chair, as if he had not been disturbed by the outside: "Carol, what happened outside?"


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