The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2111: The wind is coming again

As soon as the barbarians were withdrawn, Lucifer became more and more confident. He opened a party directly in the city government and banqueted the generals in the city. He expressed his appreciation for the high-pressure strategy of the people.

It is natural to be grateful that the defenders have been rewarded, and the same people are excited about the city.

Although the water has not come yet, at least the wind is really stopped.

This person is a smooth and smooth, as if the cloudy sky has passed, and I completely believe in the words of Lucifer, the whole city is full of nights, and the whole city of Baoluo is not lively.

On the contrary, except for a few high-ranking generals, the rest of the Qin dynasty did not know that their leaders had already won the championship and the morale was somewhat low. However, in order to achieve the contrast effect, no one disclosed the news to the soldiers below.

"Hou Ye, as you said, Lucifer and the people of the whole city have been carnival for a day and a night. Now the people are surrounded by two springs, and they are waiting for the water."

"I am thinking that these guys are happy, and it should be more water than usual."

"I think it's time to give them some excitement!"

Tarim smiled.

"Well, you immediately inform the soldiers to continue to scream, and the chimney burns first. I will attract the north wind tonight."

"As for water, they don't think about it."

"I want to see how Lucy Fa, who claims to be invincible and resourceful, how to get through this."

Qin Hao held his hand and was full of confidence.

"Oh, hey, I am going to prepare, haha, Lucifer's good days are finished."

Tarim was overjoyed and led.

The Qin dynasty hand-held the water character, quietly went to the last practice, the so-called water dragon palm does not tail, as long as the dragon head is controlled, you can control the direction of the water dragon pulse.

There is a hill outside Baoluo City, which is not high, but the mountain is very cold, so it attracts the water to gather into the dragon. Qin Song last time found the dragon head in the mountain, and forced to extend to the ground. From the southeastern position of Baoluo City, the water vein was forcibly moved to the northwest position, which is equivalent to the entire water vein completely reversed, which broke the water source in Baoluo City.

But this time I came to the mountains, and the mana has long lost control of the water dragon veins. The dragon veins flowed down to the southeast again. Although the water volume is far less than before, with this progress, it only takes three hours. Can be completely reflowed.

As a result, Qin Hao’s great deeds were completely destroyed.

Qin Hao secretly rejoices, but fortunately he has a "super plug-in" square inch mountain, otherwise this time the plan is really full.

"Shui Dexingjun, the blessing of the Quartet, the heavens and the earth, the waters and the dragons are all from me, and the urgency is like the law!" Qin Yu took out the water demon, and when he waved, he saw a white light column and penetrated into the stream. A white wave forced the water to flow in the opposite direction.

At first, the water flow was entangled with the white waves for a little while because of the attraction of the spring eyes, but soon the white light continued to skyrocket, just like the gods of the law, ruthlessly crushing the water, and finally after a moment of stalemate, the water flow is Going upstream, once again began the countercurrent.

The white light is like a big gate, and it is firmly shackled in the dragon's creek. Unless it is the Qin dynasty's method of tearing off the enchantment, Baoluocheng never wants another drop of water.

Of course, Qin Yu believes that with the ability of Lucifer, at most, he knows that there is a dark river underground, waiting to find the source of the dark river here, fearing that the day lily is cold.

Blocking the flow of water, Qin Lan returned to the legal platform set up in the city. When the chimney began to ignite and smoke, he sacrificed the wind and began to summon the north wind according to the secret law.

He said that the instrument of the oriental fairy is powerful. It is only a moment, the banner of the city head turns, and the desperate north wind of Baoluo City is once again raging.


Inside the city of Baoluo.

Lucifer had a bit of drunkenness. He hadn’t been so happy for a long time. Since he first played against Qin, he has been in a passive and downwind position. This is undoubtedly for the high-ranking Hell Lord. It is a shame.

Therefore, Lucifer dreamed of defeating Qin.

This time, no matter whether it is fighting spirit or fighting power, he broke the Qin dynasty's poisonous smoke by extraordinary means. He won the beauty and perfection. He began to worship himself.

"Adults, the people have gathered in the spring, and carnival all night, everyone is waiting for the water, take a shower."

Carol was flushed and spouted with alcohol, happy.

Lucifer looked at the water clock, and the water flow had a thick thumb. According to this progress, at most one hour, the spring can restore the water supply and completely relieve the crisis.

"At most one hour, they can get water, Carol, and you will go to witness the miracle together."

Lucifer is confident of Nono.

"Yes, adults."

"I have to look at Lao Tzu, this time, who is not afraid of death, dare to chew on the roots."

Carol is happy to go.

At this time, tens of thousands of people lined up a long queue around two ancient wells. Everyone was praying and cheering, praising their admirer Lucifer will bring water again.

"Adult Carroll is here."

The guards sighed.

Carol strode over and took a look at the group of people. He said: "The adults have orders, the water has come, have you seen the angel at the well? It has already started to pass through, at most one hour, you When you get home, you can re-drink the sweet spring water, and you are all scattered."

Above the ancient well, there is a fallen angel of hell. The tip of the angel's sword is dripping with water, and the water is getting more and more urgent. In the round pool tray underneath, the jade beads are usually crisp, and finally they are almost the same as usual. .

"There is water, and it really comes."

"Lucifer is awesome!"

"The water is coming, let's save, haha."

The people cheered and excitedly gathered together to celebrate.

Since this time, the poison and thirst have made them feel like the moment, and they have realized the meaning of water. Many people even rushed over and drunk with water.

Carol went to the well and looked down. The ancient well bottom had already begun to reflow and store the well water about seven or eight centimeters. The bottom of his heart was also secretly relieved. He knew that Lucifer had gambled again, water, really came. It is.

Just as everyone yelled, there was a familiar taste between Carol's nose.

It is the smell of poisonous smoke.

He looked up subconsciously and saw that when he was ignorant, the wind was blowing black smoke. Once again, the tsunami hit the mountain, and the poisonous smoke lingered in the air, which was even bigger than the last time. Times.

Damn, where is the poisonous smoke?

Carroll looked at the top of the city's main government, and the tail did not know when it had turned and turned to the south.

The north wind is coming again!


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