The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2112: Adding to the snow

Damn, isn't the north wind stopped?

Carol’s heart was desperate.

"Not good, the poisonous smoke is coming again, and the poisonous smoke is coming again."

"Adult Carroll, you are not saying that the north wind has stopped. Is Qin’s plot bankrupt? What is going on?"

"Carroll, do you know how we got over these days? You liar, you must give us a statement!"

The poisonous smoke was raging, and the people coughed again, burned and itched, and all the anger was directed at Carroll.

"What panic, we have water, as long as there is water, the poisonous smoke can be broken."

Carol pointed at the water clock and was still screaming.

"grown ups……"

The entourage on the side squinted at him and carefully reminded him.

When Carroll saw it, the original water column did not know when it began to become a trickle of dripping. What is even more terrifying is that the water droplets are slow and the eyes are the signs of water cut.

The snow is worse and the water is stopped!

Carol’s eyes glanced at the people who were so angry and roared that they were desperate.

The north wind came, the poisonous smoke started, the water flow broke, and officially announced that his master Lu Xifa fell into the wind again in this fight, and it was an absolute disadvantage.

"Adult Carroll, what you said is coming from the water, is this the bottom of the well?"

"With this water, it’s not enough for the girls to take a shower. Who are you cheating?"

"Hey, they open a big banquet every day. All the soldiers and nobles have water, but they deceive us here. They are a group of scammers."

"Can no longer be deceived by them, Lucifer is no longer our god, he is not trustworthy."

The disappearing water column is like a kind of fire, completely igniting the gunpowder barrel of the public's emotions.

After experiencing carnival, hope, and despair, the repressed and suppressed civilians finally realized that Lucifer would only bring them completely into the abyss of destruction. In his confrontation with Qinhou, he would only use bullying to paralyze everyone. .

"Everyone should not be chaotic. I will report to Lu Xifa adults and I will be able to solve the situation. Please rest assured."

Carol could only helplessly wave and yell, and under the protection of the sergeant, the emperor fled.

Originally, I wanted to win the hearts of the people through this matter. The result was completely ruined. The name of a liar was almost not killed.

Carol walked with the full grievances and rushed to the city government. He also wanted to make trouble. What is going on?

Lucifer is sipping wine and admiring the wonderful dance of the singer. There are some noises outside the city, but in his opinion, it must be the cheer of the people.

Carol rushed into the hall, and ironed his face and shouted: "Adult!"

Lucifer saw that his face was not good, his eyebrows sank, and he waved his back and sang the song. He was quite impatient: "What happened?"

"The wind is coming."

"The water stopped."

"Now the gang is making a big noise, and adults have to take action."

Carol shouted.


Lucifer was shocked.

The first time I rushed into the palace, staring at the water clock, I had already stopped dripping, and then I saw the messy curtains blown by the wind. When I saw it, I realized that the blood of the chest was cracked again. Hey, open mouth. Spit a blood.

"What the **** is going on here, how can this season be repeated again and again, and the north wind is the third, the name of Qin is God, or the devil."

Lucifer's arm was mad and depressed.

He has never seen such a tough, so terrible opponent.

For a moment, his proud, winning heart was already riddled with wind and water.

"Adults, now the gang of people are no longer admiring you. They regard us as swindlers. We can’t wait to smash our bodies. You think about it."

Carol anxiously shouted.

"The most urgent task is to clean up the water source, otherwise we are afraid that it will not be able to suppress the anger of the people." Bruce added on the side.

At the moment, he was equally shocked and incomparably admired. He couldn't even believe that Qin Hou had turned the tide and once again got the wind and broke the flow.

Can't see through, completely invisible.

This mysterious friend of the East is simply a god. Nothing can beat him.

"Let me be quiet."

"Carroll, you immediately mobilize the army, as long as anyone dares to make trouble, give me crazy killing, killing the light is also not hesitating."

"No one can rebel against me. This is the minimum principle."

Lucifer's eyes were red, biting **** gums, cold and cold.

"It seems that this is the only way to do it."

Carroll arched his hand and went.

This time the farce is already irreparable. Besides killing, it can no longer calm the anger of the people.

There are hundreds of surnames holding weapons, and under the erosion and torment of poisonous smoke, it is already crazy. They only have one way to open the city gate and jump to the moat outside the city gate to take a shower.

However, the gate is the final bottom line for Lucifer, and no one can go out of the pool for half a step under his rule.

Waiting for these people, only the big knife and the axe, for a time the military and civilians fought, the blood flow into the river at the gate of the city, can be described as **** on earth.


"Hou Ye, you are a **** in this hand. Last night, at the gate of the city, I played for one night. The blood and water have become the roots of the city. How can it be a miserable word? As I see it, it will take a long time. It’s impossible to kill the people in this city."

The sky was just shining, and Tarim rushed into the city's main government, and it was far from good news.

Qin Yu was not dying to throw fish food into the Jianmei raised, and chuckled: "This is only the beginning, Lucifer will not sit still, and our purpose is not to die. The city, but to defeat the Lucifer, the first step has already been done, and you will continue to let your brothers go out."

"Yes, he wants to kill, let's scream, see if his knife is so powerful, or our benevolence." Tarim laughed.

Together with the north wind, the poisonous smoke reappears and the water source is cut off.

The fighting spirit of the barbarians was once again heated, and a thousand big slams slammed the big scorpion and began to scream.

In the past, Lucifer seemed to be as boring as a monkey, but now it has become a cone-shaped sword. Every word is tied to his heart.

Qin Zhen’s poisoning, that is, the fight has no power to fight back, but also killed his people.

Lucifer was a little panicked. He thought of taking the money and leaving. The big deal would be to repeat the tragedy of the city of Doro.

However, after careful thinking, he still dispelled this idea. Now, when he has not finished the mountain, if he burns a city again, I am afraid that the hearts of other people in the city will be lost. This is not worth the candle.

"Adult, think about it, don't stop it, you can't stop it, kill it for a day, put thousands of bodies, still can't hold it. These guys are like fans, they want to go out of town, and they are completely Losing faith to the adults, and then going on, the nobles will follow the rebellion. These people will have more to do with the army in the city. At that time, the power of the two of them will be unbearable."

Carol anxiously came in and reported.

"No hurry, I have already thought of the method." Lucifer's tight face showed a smile.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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