The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2113: Personally

"Great, adult, please say it quickly." Carroll asked.

"Qin Hou is not self-righteous, but there are people out of the city, will not hurt a minute?" Lucifer's mouth appeared a hint of coldness.

Qi gas, his strategy, his strategy is still online, so in a crisis, life and urgency, and took out a strange trick.

"Yeah, if you want to say that these people are being fooled by him," Carroll said.

"In this case, let's fulfill them, pass on my orders, immediately open the gates, let the soldiers watch, and let the people go to the river to take water and bathe."

"If Qin Hou dares to move them one point at a time, it is a rebellion, and this group of people will naturally die."

Lucifer Road.

Carol shot his thigh and smirked: "The adult is wonderful, Qin Hou is hypocritical. This teaches him to have hardships. See what he has to say. I will go to order."

"Slow!" Lucifer raised his hand and stopped him. "You can only add fuel to the fire now. I will let Bruce go."

"Follow, adults." Carroll regained his spirit and walked away quickly.

On the wall, Carroll found Bruce, who was inspecting.

At this moment, Bruce is looking at the corpse of the mountain under the gate of the city. He knows that Lucifer has never been a good deed, and he has been decisive. Although he was a **** of heaven, he was deeply taught by the Lord God, but it is because of the killing and greed in the bones. The angel grew up and turned away from God and chose to fall.

What Bruce did not expect was that Lucifer would be ordinary, and most of them were so poisoned.

Bruce seemed to see his own end, and he was shuddering.

"Bruce adult!"

"It’s all about the people. If you kill, you will kill. There is nothing to look good."

Carol came over and squinted and smiled.

"Is there something?" Bruce glanced at him and asked coldly.

"The Lucifers have orders to let you open the gates and let the people go to the moat to relax."

Carroll Road.

"Let's relax? Qin Hou is waiting for us to leave the city now, you let them go to die?" Bruce said with anger.

"Adult, are you really confused or pretending?"

"You listen, what are the gangs calling out now? Various slogans, never hurt the civilian population, you take people out, Qinhou must dare to do it, that is to hit his face, he wants to dare, the people With water, bathing, and toxic smoke is a display."

"In the words of the Orientals, this is to rule the people with their own way, and you will do it."

Carol pointed out the city and sneered with a sneeze.

"You have to do it!" Bruce is the deputy archangel of Carroll, but Carol is the confidant of Lucifer. He has no tribute to him at all, which makes him very unhappy.

"The grown-up is a good old man, and the people in the city will still trust you, so the Lucifers will focus on you to do this."

"Is it true that adults want to rebel against the meaning of the adults of Westfa?"

Carol asked with a smile.

"You..." Bruce was blamed for being speechless, only hateful: "Well, I will do this, but I advise you to stop calling these civilians, or you will only get burned."

Bruce arrived at the military camp and led a team of soldiers. First, he issued a decree in the city along the street. At the same time, he forced the soldiers to expel ordinary people and even some nobles out of the house and unified them to the gate of the city.

"Adult, what do you mean, we want to go out of town, you don't want to kill us. Now we are at home, you are still looking for trouble, is it really going to force us to die?"

A gorgeous old aristocrat in the crowd pointed to Bruce and yelled at the call.

He is an old man of Baoluo City. This anger, the others who immediately cited, followed the anger and followed the complaint.

"The Lucifers have orders to satisfy your willingness to leave the city. Now open the gate and let you enter the moat to sterilize the fire."

"However, this is time-limited. You only have one hour. When the time is up, the one who does not return will immediately shoot and shoot."

Bruce deliberately made the name of Lucifer very loud.

He can now help Qin Qin, that is, to do everything possible to corrupt Lucifer's people, prestige, and in this way, indirectly weaken the influence of Lucifer, so that his soft power is greatly reduced.

"Is there such a good thing? Lucifer is not going to lie to us again?"

The old nobility apparently did not believe it.

Others are also suspicious. After all, Lucifer has been deceived once. His words are no longer the gods of the past, and they are completely unable to convince the believers.

"I believe that you can't believe it. You have to go here today. If you don't go, you have to go. If you have any opinions, you can go to the city government to find the Lucifer."

"Come, come to the city, drive them into the water."

Bruce shouted.

Driven by the brutality of the soldiers, the people walked out of the city door with sincerity and fear, and dragged their heavy footsteps into the moat.

The moat is on the edge of the city wall, which is logically safe, because it has the best cannon cover on the wall.

But even so, in order to beware of the sudden attack by Qin Lan, the city gate is usually not dare to open. Now, Lucifer has come up with this trick, and it is really no more Hou Ye, Lucifer opened. City gate, put the people in the city into the moat, my commando team is ready, do not take the opportunity to kill a wave. ”

"I can guarantee that half of their cannons will not be able to rush to the wall and cut the gangsters."

Tarim pointed at the distance, and asked for the excitement of Qin Yu on the tower.

"Are you going to cut Lucifer, or those civilians?"

Qin Hao regained his eyesight and asked with a negative hand.

Tarim grinned and didn't dare to scream.

To slash the road to the West, there are tens of thousands of elite regular troops waiting in the city, and Lucifer himself is also the first master of hell. If you rush in, it is a death. Cut those flat people. Isn't that the face of Houye?

"Hou, I think he just took the point of our benevolence and righteousness, openly provocative, or kill him a few to give a warning."

Tarimton paused and said again.

"Do not."

"Do you think that I let you shout slogans, is it a joke?"

"People, of course, can't kill, Lucifer can't hold me."

"On the contrary, I do everything, just to wait for Lucifer to go to this step, now is the time."

"Talim, you immediately choose a team to dare to die, and as I hit the city gate, the direction is mixed, to be chaotic."

"Remember that it is just an impact. Even if you want to kill, you can only start with the officers and men."

Qin Yudao.

"What? Hou Ye, you have to be in person, how to do this, hacking people to attack the city, or give it to me." Tarim worried.

"You can't do this, I am going, I have no plans to come back."

"Because I am going to Baoluo."

Qin Xiao smiled and smiled.


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