The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2118: I will give you 30%

"Great, adults, I can't wait to see Qinhou finish playing, but also ask the adults to express, let me be happy with pleasure." Bruce made a big surprise and asked quickly.

Lucifer did not like Bruce, but as an old partner against the heavens, his bottom line of trust for Bruce is still there.

"Tell you, Qin Hou has already caught Punk. He is a self-righteous person who pretends to be a messenger sent by me. But I don't know that there is an agreement between me and Yitong. Yitong has seen the hypocrisy of Qinhou. At this time, all of them have been detained in the dungeons, and they intend to use the hands of the messengers to pass on the message to bring Qin Hou to the area of ​​the Feiluo swamp, ready to be surrounded by the 50,000-strong army, and even if Qin Hou’s wings are difficult to fly out, The land of the swamp."

"So, for us, just watch the show."

Lucifer Road.

Bruce's heart was half-cooled. This is indeed a very thrilling plan. With Yitong's military ability, and with the 50,000-strong army to encircle, Qin Hou simply could not have room for parry.

"Qin Hou thinks that he is smart, but when he meets Yitong, he is also an opponent. Perhaps Feiluo Marsh is his place of burial."

"Congratulations to adults, I am about to get rid of my heart."

Bruce quickly complimented.

"Well, I still have more confidence in Yitong. This kid is a genius in terms of military or political ability. If I go to the city of angels in the future, this **** will still be handed over to him. ""

Lucifer Road.

"Well, you go back, there is nothing to beat and beat Carroll, tell him that my patience is limited, so that he is best to be smart."

"Right, I see that the poisonous smoke has started to go, and the civilians have to keep an eye on it."

"In addition, the water of the city government has almost been exhausted. Before the flow of the army, it is best to stabilize them first. Yitong and I have been armed for up to three days, but with the mentality of that kid, He estimated that it would drag on for two more days to prove his importance, so we have to be prepared in advance."

Lucifer Road.

"In two days, how can we get through?"

"Adult, you have a lot of opportunities, if you have any contact, you can give it to me."

Bruce Road.

"No, I have a special contact with Yitong. Your task is to get Carroll."

Lucifer Road.


After leaving the city's main government, Bruce first went to the remote town of Beicheng, which was agreed with Qin.

Qin Lan still did not come back, Bruce waited until dark, and Qin Hao came back.

"Hou, how is the contact between the nobility in the city?"

Bruce Road.

"I have a face-to-face with some people. Carol is really a deep-seated guy. He sent a clan to set up an organization in the dark. These troubles are all led by the people he arranged."

"Get people to play, pave the way for yourself, Carol is awkward."

"But this is a good thing for us. As long as Carol is determined to reverse, the army and civilians are all listening to him. At that time, Lucifer will have no way to go."

Qin Yudao.

"This is really good news, but there are still very bad things at the moment."

"This will be fatal."

Bruce is dignified.

Then he said the things between Lucifer and Yitong.

Qin Hao suddenly changed color. This is indeed a trick. If there is no blues, he is likely to be planted in Yitong.

What made him more worried was Miller. Miller’s trip was already a crisis. As expected, he was eventually planted.

Miller is a rare talent, and he must not lose it in vain.

"I estimate that these two days, the outside of the city should signal, summon you to go back, how to deal with Yitong's 50,000 army, this is a problem."

"There is me in the city, you can find a way to see Carol, then go out of town."

Bruce Road.

"Time is really a bit of a hurry, OK, I will see Carol tonight!"

Time is too tight, there is no room for negotiation at all, and Qin Yu is the only one.

"Bruce, the more you know, the more dangerous you are, and you have to be more careful."

Qin Yudao.

"Reassured, Lucifer still trusts me."

Bruce Road.

After the night was completely dark, Qin Lan quietly went to the house of Carroll through the night.

At this time, Carol was drinking in the house, and when he was confused, he only felt the spar in the house flashing. I don’t know when a figure had appeared in front of him.

At first he thought it was an illusion. After carefully cleaning his eyes, he decided that the guy in front of this oriental face was not his own guardian.

"You, who are you?"

Carol asked.

"I am Qinhou."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Qin Hou?" Carroll's pupil burst into the light.

He really needs to see Qin Hou, but he does not know whether the other party is a friend or an enemy.

Not waiting for him to speak, Qin Hao coldly said: "The city is everywhere to pass the road to kill you, now it seems true."

"Yes, Lucifer wants to take my treasury, so the technique is re-applied, but I am not a city of Doro, I will never give it to him."

"No, to be precise, I will not give it to anyone."

Carroll emphasized that.

"You are too underestimating Lucifer, he would rather not want the treasury, and will never condone you. This is the bottom line for any strong person."

"What you really can rely on is the subordinates in the city, but unfortunately, your trump card will soon be Because it was not long ago, Yitong sent 50,000 troops and was besieging On my way, once the army is there, do you think you still have value?"

Qin Hao saw the blood in one stroke.

Carol instantly faded, and he dared to scream with Lucifer. It was nothing more than Lucifer still had to rely on him to defend the city, but Yitong came, and what happened to him.

Is it really impossible to keep the treasure of this treasury?

"Hou Ye still has time to sit and talk to me about this. I think there is already a way to deal with Yitong. Otherwise, it would be meaningless to talk to me."

Carol took a deep breath and calmed down.

"It is a peace of mind to deal with smart people. I have a big army. I have a way to deal with it."

"What I need is you. You must launch a rebellion and force Lucifer before I fight with Yitong."

"This is your last value. In return, I will give you one third of the property of the treasury, keep your team and continue to guard Baoluo City."

"Of course, if you don't want to, take money, enough for you to live for the rest of your life."

"You don't have to doubt my sincerity. I will leave the West Hell sooner or later. It is you, or someone else who rules the city of Baoluo really has nothing to do with me."

"I am like you, I want money! You take 30%, I take 70%, it is cost-effective, isn't it?"

Qin Xiao smiled.


"I promise you."

"You can talk about it."

"When is it against?"

Carol took a deep breath and then went out.

"After three days, you just have to be ready, I am always in touch with you."

Qin Hao told the road.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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