The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2119: Cannibal swamp

Carol promised Qin Biao's request, he has no choice, 30% of the treasury has far exceeded his expectations, and Qin Yan's reason is also very sincere, compared to Lucifer is also asking for money, and It is terrible, this is definitely a perfect choice.

Of course, the reason why Carol dare to trade with Qin Hao, the enthusiasm is still the army in the city, those are all under his heart and abdomen, as long as the army is in, if Qin Hao dare to eat, big deal is a big one.

Carol’s fear of Lucifer is far greater than that of Qin.

"Well, Master Carroll, happy cooperation, but I hope that you will be able to support these three days."

Qin Yudao.

Carroll nodded. "Reassure, Lucifer will not hurt me if he has the mind to move money."

"On the contrary, I am very worried about Hou Ye. Yi Tong is the **** of war under Lucifer and has a 50,000 army. I really can't figure out how to fight with him."

"It's not easy to find a partner like you. I really don't want you to die."

Carol worried.

"This will be known when you arrive."

Qin Xiao smiled and got up and bid farewell to Carroll.

When I got Carol, Qin Xiao’s heart was broken, and the night came out of the secret road arranged by Bruce and returned to the city of Ai Luo.

"Hou, the things in the city are fixed?" Tarim greeted him, and he was very happy.

"The city is almost the same, but now the biggest trouble is outside the city. Yitong has summed up 50,000 troops. The intention is to seduce us to the trap of the Feiluo swamp. I will respond to this incident when I come back." Road.

"What, 50,000 army!" Tali wood skin numb, screaming.

"Itong I heard that it was the first disciple of Lucifer. I had a special training in the Fallen Angels. It is said that Lucifer also specifically sought out the relationship and sent him into the Heavenly Light Temple to learn the light power, which is even more rare. Yes, Yitong is also a leader in the Temple of Light. It is said that the Lord God had intended to accept him as a closed believer. Only later, Yitong chose to return to hell."

"This man returned to **** and served in the Dark Army for a long time. From a small soldier, he was promoted to a general commander by military power. After this death, the Satan family was unable to rejuvenate. Xifa directly withered Yitong as a new regent, and led the 130,000 army of Heilongjiang."

"Now if he is a 50,000-strong soldier, we are afraid that it is difficult to resist."

A Nile army faction frowned.

Tarim has always been militant and arrogant, but in the face of Yitong’s 50,000-strong army, he also has a few discouraged words: "Yeah, Houye, hard work is definitely not a solution. I think we can only take defensive and use city defense." They are consuming."

Qin Lan looked at everyone and smiled faintly: "What is panic, and it is the next policy. We are now besieging Lu Xifa. If it is defending the city, it will be immediately passively attacked by Lucifer and Yitong. He is not going to lie. Let's go to the Flying Marsh? Let's do some articles on it."

"Moreover, there are more than 50,000 people? Let's not say that there are still 20,000 Nile troops. You are a savage soldier. It is one to six, one person is six, is there a problem?"

"No problem, when adults say this, I feel simple in my heart. Yes, isn't it just a dozen? The brothers under my hand are not playing in ten of them."

Qin Yu’s easy words immediately made Tarim and other people arrogant, and the 50,000 men’s divisions seemed to have become less terrible.

"Hou Ye, we are not the Nile Army. We are your army. You can't just have the Tarim Brothers, you have to count us."

The new commander of the Nile Army, McCann, complained.

In fact, not only him, the entire Nile army is now in a position that does not hurt, the mother does not love, the soldiers are a grievance.

However, they are of interest, because when Qin Xiao used the odds, most people were excluded, and the fighting power of the Nile was far less than that of the black sand. It was normal to be unseen.

"McKen, it's not that I don't trust you, but it's hard for you to come up with a satisfactory battle. If you haven't beaten, you've already been afraid of Yitong. How can I use you?"

Qin Hao smiled with a negative hand.

"Hou Ye, I am willing to make a military order. If this time I can't fight with Yitong, at least I will fight back and wait for it. My head is not qualified to hang on my neck."

McCann gnashed his teeth and raised his hand. He solemnly set a military order.

"Yes, Hou Ye, our combat power is not as good as Yitong, but everyone is not embarrassed, we 20,000 people must change him 20,000!"

"Hou Ye, give us a chance."

Others are also asking for orders.

"Well, I will go to the Feilu Marsh to explore the road first, and I will go back and develop a specific plan. I will have one for you."

This is exactly what Qin Hao wanted. He originally wanted to use Huang Yaodong's 30,000-strong Qin army, but he thought that it was the last card used to make a final matchup with the Dark Legion. If it was because of an Yitong exposure. It’s a pity.

If McCann’s 20,000 people are properly matched with the savage, it is still promising to double the enemy.

The public will also be happy In the evening, Qin Lan found a fast horse and went to the Fei Luo swamp.

The Faro Marsh looks like a vast grassland at a distance. As it gets closer, the soil layer can clearly feel the looseness of the soil. When it reaches the edge, it becomes the same as usual.

This makes it easy for people who are unfamiliar with the terrain to paralyze.

Because the swamp is covered with green-green turf-like plants, and you don't pay attention to the horses, it may be that you can't stop.

In order to confirm his own conjecture, Qin Hao speeded up the speed. Sure enough, the horse ran wildly on the flat grass, and the speed was just lifted up. It suddenly felt only a light, and Qin Qilian even got a horse straight into it.

That feeling doesn't seem to fall into the pit, but there is a magic force that is forcibly pulled.

Qin Lan hurriedly vacated and flew up, but the horse did not even have to scream and screamed, and was instantly swallowed by the swamp under the green turf.

After swallowing, the soil layer healed again, as if nothing had happened.

What is even more frightening is that the swamp is active, and the kind of swamp living under the bottom layer is like a wave blown by the wind, very slight, and it is almost difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Qin Hao took a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Bruce gave the information in time. If the army of the real rate broke into this ghost place, how much would die.

Because of the mobility of the swamp, the golden scorpion spent two full days, observing the rules for recording the swamp flow and detecting the extent of the swamp.

War is not a child's play, knowing oneself and knowing each other.

Due to the urgency of time, the comprehensive analysis of the data recorded by Qin and Hao two days yielded a gratifying result.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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