The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2137: Nowhere to go

How eloquent Yitong is, he is now raising troops to deal with the persecution of Lucifer, and he will really die with the elite wing of Bellier.

Instead, he not only does not kill Bellier, but also keeps these people.

Because the angelic army of Lucifer is almost out of the dark king city, the outside world is generally the Black Army.

In this way, he still has the value of existence, which is called thief to protect himself.


At the moment, Bellier was like a dog who lost his family. He ran around and had nowhere to stay. Until the border of Nile, the army of Yitong retreated and gave them a breather.

"Adults, no, no, the brethren have lost two-thirds of their daily lives since they left the Dark King City. Today they ran for eight hours in a single breath. People are half-dispersed and the horses are alive. Most of the dead, and if you continue this way, this person is not scattered."

Hunter stopped the horse, jumped off the horse, and washed his face in the crazy waters of the Red River, complaining.

Bellier rolled up his trousers and jumped into the river. He looked at the subordinates who were hard to relax. He sighed with a slight sigh: "I am the four lords after all. As long as I don't die, I will return to the fief to recruit troops. Then there will be a chance to make a comeback. Right now. The most important thing is to go back alive."

"Adult, you have to think about it, or the brothers are afraid that they will not go home." Hunter reluctantly.

"I will talk to Bald again. If he doesn't give way, we can only fight with Yitong." Bellier said.

When he said this, Bellier was very unfounded.

He knew that when he escaped from the Dark King City, his temperament was almost exhausted. Many of the lords along the way were also his confidants. However, when his army arrived, no one was open to the city.

The people seem to have no good feelings for him. If he sees the devil, he has already lost his heart after he has been following the Lucifer for the tiger.

The only chance to make a comeback is to return to your own fiefdom. There are hundreds of thousands of ghosts and his old team. If he is given a few years, he can still build a new master.

Bald has become his last straw.

At this moment, Bald has returned to the border to lead the army. Nile also realized that if he wants to save the country, he still has to rely on the Nantianyizhu, and briefly gave Bald absolute power.

With Balde’s prestige, the Nile army, which had been dispersed in the army, soon reunited and gave off a powerful fighting power.

At this moment, Bald sat in the military camp to meditate.

Meditation is a habit for him for many years. This way of emptying thoughts and entering a world of pure energy can make him better reflect on his own mistakes and be able to maintain a clearer mind, especially in this stormy time, he is even more Need to make the right judgment at all times.

Today's **** war has entered a fever, and every decision he makes is likely to lead to the demise of Nile Hell.

When he took back the gods from the realm of meditation, he shouted outside the door: "Come in."

"Adult, the special envoy of the king came." The deputy came in and asked.

"How long has it been waiting," Bald asked.

"The adults have been meditating for seven hours, and the special envoy has been waiting, seemingly impatient." Deputy.

"Well, I personally apologize to him." Bald laughed.

"Adult, a little messenger, can't make such a big face for him." The deputy was not happy.

Balddy stunned: "You don't understand. He represents the king. We are accustomed to this king. If I neglect the special envoy, he may decide what to think, or go."

When I got out of the camp, a well-dressed guy was screaming at the soldiers on the side. "What is Bald doing? I came with the king's life. If he doesn't see me, there is a king who is against him. What should he sin?"

The soldiers did not dare to offend him, only to lose a smile on the side.

"Special envoys are not annoyed, Bald has a long-lost welcome, but also forgiveness, the feast has already been prepared, come and talk inside."

Bald went forward and smiled politely.

The special envoy saw his attitude as respectful and slightly eliminated some fires: "The general is too big for you. If the king knows, I have eaten seven hours of sand here. You are not sure if you look back." ”

"Adults are angry, it is my mistake, this is a little meaning, please accept it."

Bald took out a money ticket and stuffed it into the special envoy's palm.

The special envoy has a smile on his face: "Forget it, the general is busy after all, I have to worry about it, but I am not interested, please."

When he got inside, Bald personally gave him meat and wine. "Special envoy, what is the purpose of the king?"

The special envoy put down the big elbow in his hand and stood up and said proudly: "Bald listened to the order, and my Nile **** is now very badly hurt. It is advisable to take a rest and sit on the tiger's fight. It is rumored that Bellier has a good faith. The thief’s first trick was to lead the wolf into the room.”

"The purpose."

Bald bowed his hand.

"Adult, I heard that Bellier is now nowhere, just near your defense zone. I don't know what you are planning?" asked the special envoy.

"Of course, it is to listen to the king, and never let Bellier cross the border."

Bald Road.

The special envoy nodded and said: "Well, no wonder the king is so convinced of the general, the general is to understand people."

After Bald accompanied the meal, it was the result that the drunken envoy was sent to the big account.

"哎 Back to the big account, Vald looked at the map and sighed long.

"General, why sigh?"

The deputy will not understand.

"The king is short-sighted after all. You look at the position of this wing city, just like a sharp knife at the back of Lucifer. If we can put Bellier back, Lucifer will have to sleep hard, and the swordsman will lose strength. ”

"Now we don't let Bellier cross the border. It is undoubtedly to force him into desperation. His troops have died apart. Lucifer is not hurt, and it is a disaster for us."

Bald sighed.

"What should I do, or do we quietly let Bellier pass?"

The vice will frown.

"Forget it, we are full of spies in the military camp, we are going to stare at him, and there is no need to go back." Bald reluctantly said.

"General, the king will not trust you at all, now that you are in power, we are not as happy as the one who was on the side of the Red River. Why should he be tempted by him?" The deputy would be annoyed.

"Shut up, this kind of words can never be said later. Now that the country is in a difficult position, as long as we can keep Nile hell, what do we have to gain something?" Bald yelled.

"Yes." The deputy replied, but in the heart, he sighed a long time. Is there a master like Nile, can Nile Hell support?

"Oh, general, Bellier has a secret meeting with you tonight, are you still going?"

"Don't go, let's tell him, as long as you dare to step into the zone, you will be ruthless."

Bald decided.

He was not good at attacking. Now Nile is not letting go. He really doesn't want to give Lucifer and Yitong any attack. For the sake of the overall situation, the idea of ​​putting Bellier back to the territory can only be dispelled.


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