The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2138: Best cannon fodder

Bellier waited for three hours between the valleys. According to his previous status, this was simply impossible. However, he did not wait for Bald, just a small deputy.

"Adult, waited for a long time." The deputy will call immediately before, and say hello.

"What about Balde?"

Bellier’s dark feelings are not good.

"Unfortunately, the king has orders, and he is not allowed to enlarge the entry of you. General Bald has always been loyal to the king. Therefore, please ask the adults to make another living."

The deputy will be helpless.

"Damn, Bald is so stupid, I am going to die, Lucifer's butcher's knife will soon be cut to your head."

"To know that Lucifer's festival is defeated, he will definitely take your city to open the knife to gather the military."

Beller shouted.

"We all understand what you said, but the king's life is hard to break."

"Good luck, adults!"

The deputy will smile and hit the horse.

"Damn, Nile, you stupid, I don't want to die, he will take your child's head."

Bellier screamed in the sky.

Back to the camp, Hunter looked at his face and knew that there was no drama at all. The crowds were all dead and desperate.

"Adult, let's talk, where is the next stop?" Hunt asked.

"Let's wait and see, believe me, Yitong will not kill."

Bellier looked at the map and had a headache.

He really didn't know where to go. He could go to the city on the map. He had been there. In addition to wasting his feet, he couldn't even get a bite of water. The siege was not the strength of the wing. Only stayed. Maybe there is a new dawn?


The Dark Royal Palace had such a big thing, and Qin Hao was of course the first time to get the news.

However, he did not take action.

He was watching the routine of Yitong. After confirming that Yitong’s guy was guilty of yin, Qin knows that it is time for him to go to meeting with Bailey.

Before going there, Qin Lan blew all the Nile troops, and McKenn led the army to stick to the Northern Line.

The Nile army is divided into two, plus the descendants of Carroll's department. There is no problem in keeping the two cities of Baoluo and Ai Luo. After all, the heavy firearms in the city are well preserved.

And Qin Lan led the hell, the most capable of fighting and bitter, and began to carry out motorized walks.

This is actually a last resort. Because the overall strength of the Dark Royal Palace has not been greatly damaged, it is far from the time of the decisive battle. Fengcheng, Baoluo and Ai Luo are connected in a line, which completely blocks the north of Lucifer. Retreat.

However, Qin Yu is also difficult to enter, Baoluocheng is a conspiracy, but like Luocheng, Heilongjiang City, the defense is strong, and there is the lesson of Baoluocheng, it is almost impossible to fight with Qin’s troops. It’s gone.

The North is a foregone conclusion. Qin Yu decisively makes strategic changes. He wants to find new opportunities, and Nile Hell and Bailey are good opportunities to take advantage of.

Bellaire’s wait is fruitful.

A few days later, the army of Qin Yu appeared on the Red River.

Bellier did not panic and escape, but he was extremely calm.

Because of close combat, they can't be the opponents of the barbarians, especially at this moment, there is no rice in the stomach, and one energy is weak.

"Bellel adults." Qin Hao jumped off the horse and opened his arms to welcome the past.

"Qin Hou, my friend, I don't think you will be a joke to come to see me."

Bellier smiled bitterly.

"I really don't come to see your smile. I am here to name you alive."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Live a way? Well, as long as you are not coming to kill us, the other is not important." Bellier shrugged, very depressed.

"Have you seen this river?"

Qin Yudao.

"See, this is the Red River... you mean..."

Bellier's eyes lit up as if he understood something.

"Yes, there is grass near here. If you like, you can appear under Angel City in one day."

"You know, the location of the Angel City is very special. If you can take it down, it is undoubtedly a broken arm of Lucifer."

"This is your only way out now."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"What joke are you doing, I am less than 10,000 people to attack the Angel City?"

"This is a joke. What is the difference between sending death?"

Beller shouted.

"For others, it’s a death, but you are Bellier, one of the four lords. Are you right?"

Qin Hao said indifferently.

"If I don't go?" Bellier chilled.

"Then you have no value at all, brothers, raise your swords."

Qin Lan turned and shouted at Tarim and others.

Tarim and others pulled out the big knife at the same time. Everyone was like a bloodthirsty beast. The kind of strong killing, the pressure of Ben, and other people, was a shocking bird.

"The surname of Qin, count you."

"I just want to ask, what good is it for you to do this?"

Beller shouted.

"That's not what you should care about. From now on, you can only go to Angel City. You better pray that you can get down, otherwise..."

Qin Xiao sneered.

Angel City can be said to be the life of Lucifer. If it can be taken down, the entire east line will inevitably be bright.

And Qin has never been to the city of angels, he needs a vanguard, a cannon fodder, the barbarians can not afford to hurt, and there is no better choice than Bellier.

"you are vicious!"

Bellier hates Please. ”

Qin Hao raised his hand.

"Adult, do we really want to go to the city of angels?" Hunt asked.

"We have no choice. It is indeed a way out. The city of angels is indeed a way out. As long as we occupy the city of angels, we have the opportunity to re-emerge. At the same time, we will shut down Qinhou. Believe me, the defense of the city of angels is not something that ordinary people can. Imagined," said Beller.

"Give them food, and you have to be a little bit hard to fight."

Qin Yudao.

Tarim immediately let the department evenly distribute some rations and distributed it to Bellier's wing soldiers. After the soldiers had a full meal, they were driven by the Qin dynasty and headed for the city of angels.

The guardian of the City of Angels will be called Howard.

He is the confidant of Lucifer. Before this, only Yitong was able to compare, but now Yitong is bogey for Lucifer. Howard and Bruce have become the most trusted people of Lucifer.

When Bellier arrived at the city, Howard was driving Carter off.

The head of the Templar Assassin’s army had a high status in the Fallen Legion. However, with the arrival of Bellier, Carter’s idea of ​​returning to the Dark Royal Palace was completely ruined.

"Cartel, it looks like you can't go."

Howard looked at the camp in the distance bellel stationed on the edge of the Red River, scornfully laughed.

"No problem, I don't mind cutting a few more people."

Carter sneered.

"No hurry, let's take a look. As far as I know, these people are all expelled here. There is no way to go. There is not much energy."

"The best weapons in our city, the most elite soldiers, are more than enough to deal with them."

Howard Road.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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