The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2144: Internal differentiation

"Howard, I know that you are not in harmony with George, but you don't need to think so deeply. Now that Bellier is already a dog, how could George work with him."

"Furthermore, I also had a very close relationship with Bellier. You don't doubt that I will collude with him?"

Bruce sneered.

Howard quickly explained: "Adult, you misunderstood, how dare I doubt you. If you have ambitions, Lucifer is afraid that even the chance to come back is gone. I am not trying to push the rumors to suppress him, but actually I am thinking about the safety of our city of angels."

"There is probably no such thing as you said, let's talk, what do you want to do?"

Bruce asked.

"I want to hold my eyes on the overall situation, deprive George of the military power, and at the same time find ways to tune him away from the city of angels. As long as Bruce adults play to the archangel, this matter is a good solution."

Howard Road.

"Well, I thought you wanted to kill him." Bruce smiled.

"Can't kill him, isn't that all the angels mean you?"

Howard smiled.

"Like this, I personally went to talk to George and let him take the initiative to leave the city of angels to avoid suspicion." Bruce thought.

Howard is overjoyed: "Great, if he can take the initiative to leave, it is undoubtedly a joy."

Bruce smiled and walked down the wall.

He suddenly thought of a word, gas.

This is a very metaphysical word in the East. Even Qin Yu can't explain it. What is the specificity of the gas?

But there is no doubt that Lucifer’s temperament is exhausted.

Whether it is the people under his rule, or the internal mutiny, etc., everything is urging the accelerated collapse of the Dark Royal Palace.

Like the most sturdy city of angels, Lucifer in order to balance the power, let a pair of people who are not allowed to control the military power, and give the two people the right to play the secret, through differentiation to achieve the purpose of control.

In peace, it is true that Howard and George are not afraid to shake, but at this moment, it is like a sharp double-edged sword, ruthlessly cut open a strong angel city.

Bruce knows that this is a great opportunity to take advantage of.

Although Bellier still does not know that he is a Qin Qin person, according to the agreement of Qin Yu, Bruce is sure that Bailier must have lurked in the city of angels.

And what he has to do is to help Bellier and George, to get rid of Howard, thus paving the way for Qin Lan to enter the city.

Such an opportunity, he can not miss.

Therefore, Bruce went to George in the bright future.


George is now meeting with Bellier in the inner room.

When Bellier quietly appeared in his inner room, George was scared to death, and he said that he would never see Bellier at this moment.

After all, Bellier is a dog who has lost his family. He has no future, and George does not want to put his future on a waste.

But the conditions opened by Bellier made him unable to refuse at all, the city owner of the Angel City, and the rights of the main treasury.

"How, my conditions are sincere enough."

"I said, I only need a place to settle, you can even make me transparent when I don't exist."

"After the incident, everything in this city is yours, and thousands of people in my subordinate area, how many thousands of mouths, for the most prosperous and wealthy city of hell, should not be a problem."

Bellier laughed.

"Adult, my friendship with you is definitely a test of the problem. The problem at the moment is that even if we get rid of Howard, Lucifer will definitely send a large army to attack, when my enemy is not a stupid Howard, but The fallen army of Lucifer."

"You are pushing me into the fire pit."

George rubbed his chin and thought about it.

"Lu Xifa? I see that you are far away from the East. I don't know about the North. Now Yitong wants to take his position. At the same time, Qin Hou attacked him in the north. He is hard to protect himself. Once you win the city of angels. Open up the defense line with my wing city, relying on our strength to defend for ten years, I am afraid that Lucifer has already become the soul of Qinhou’s sword."

"And adults can use the regular army of Angel City to compete in the world. As long as I help, it is not impossible to ask the throne of the Lord."

Bellier said.

George took a sip of his drink. He was really burning in his chest, but he was still stunned. It is not the best policy to cooperate with Bellier.

Lucifer's **** Wei He has seen it. He is absolutely the hero of Hell. The overall strength of the fallen army is not damaged. Whether it is Yitong or Qinhou, it is not necessarily the opponent of Lucifer.

It’s true that he has had a holiday with Howard, but he has been working together for so many years, and he has to do it. It’s not going to kill you.

The key is that he also knows Bellier, this is an old fox, and working with him is much more dangerous than Howard.

Therefore, he is not willing to take the risk.

"There are some reasons for adults, so let's stay in the city first. I will think about it again. I will contact you again."

"Right, where are your people hiding, tell me, I will contact you."

George said.

Bellier smiled and said: "No, I will come to you at any The chance is rare, the younger brother has considered it clearly."

He wouldn't be stupid enough to sell himself. Bellier was not blind, and he could clearly feel that George was perfunctory.

"Okay, don't send it."

George raised his hand.

Beliel's figure was like a black ghost, disappearing outside the door.

As soon as he left, a enchanting beautiful woman came out of George's arms and pouted with a disappointment: "Adults, we are now considered to be well-fed, happy and happy every day, you can't take the lead." The danger is to do these things, people still want to accompany you to enjoy a few more days."

"Reassured, I am not stupid enough to go to this point. I will go to see Howard and tell him about the entrance of Beil, and get rid of this annoying old thief. This will be a easing relationship with Howard."

"Really, as long as Howard doesn't move me, I am still satisfied with the current relationship."

George glared at his love, and smiled coldly.

"It's almost the same, you have to take the risk, I don't want to be with you." Ai was lying in his arms and spoiled.

Just as the two were lingering, the guards were outside the door: "Adult, Bruce is coming, saying to see you."

"I know, the front hall is drinking, I will be there soon."

George did not dare to neglect, sigh.

"It’s just right, I told him about Beryl’s, let him have a headache.”

George pushed open his love, smiled and walked to the front hall.

After seeing Bruce, George smiled and said: "Adult, what kind of wind has blown you, are you not at Lord Howard?"

"Yes, I just came with Howard."

Bruce bluntly said.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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