The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2145: It’s better to be a dog than to be a dog.

George heard what Howard meant, and suddenly his face was pulled down.

He definitely didn't want to fall out with Howard at this time, so he would only force himself to the Bailier side. That was the last road and the worst choice.

"Adult, if you have something to say, I am listening." George was not quick.

"That's good, I just said it." Bruce stood up and slowly walked behind George. "Howard let me the command of the vice-president, let you get out of the Angel City, you know that Bellier disappeared, very May have lurked into the city, he got a secret report from Carter, you have a deep personal relationship with Bellier, and now let you leave, it is also for you."

"I said so, you should understand."

George was shocked. The thing he was most afraid of was still worried. And Bruce said that it was rolling, not walking. This shows that Howard has officially challenged him, and a contradiction that has been suppressed for a long time has finally erupted completely.

"Adult, I didn't hear it clearly, you say it again." George dipped.


Bruce is cold and cold.

George took a deep breath and slammed the table and stood up. He shouted: "This is a planting out of nothing. Adults, I have some connections with Bellier, not just me, the fallen angels and the interior of the Beliel. There are more people coming and going, so let me roll."

Bruce said: "You don't need to tell me this, I just pass the message, it is your business."

"Adult, I have been working hard in the City of Angels for many years. Is it true that this city can be his Howard's credit?"

"Adult, you must give me justice!"

George groaned.

"President justice, is there justice in this world? I will leave tomorrow. You are now packing up things, and I will return to the Dark Palace tomorrow to return to life."

Bruce further stimulated George.

The wine glass in George's hand is tightly pressed. He looks at the splendid house, the exquisite wine, and the most beautiful music, dance, and the most loved Aiji. Everything is so beautiful, now Howard But just a word, he deprived him of all his wealth.

No one will serve!

"George, you go back to avoid suspicion, and you still have a chance to come back later, why should you be too persistent?" Bruce smiled.

George sneer and sneered: "The lightness of the adults said, how many people in the city of the angels have won the bloodshed. If I am gone, can I still come back in this life? Even if I come back, is there any position in this city? ?"

"Bellel is Bellier, what has to do with me, this kind of order, I am hard to die."

"Unless it is the death of the archangel, I will never leave."

Bruce picked up the glass and gave George a slogan: "Brother, everyone knows that I am an old man. I don't want to be embarrassed about you. What if you resist it? Howard's secret is afraid that it is already in the hands of Lucifer. The people who are willing to pass orders are already on the road. Believe me, everything here is not something you can resist."

George suddenly faded his face and shivered and drank the drink in the glass. "Adult, I, I really don't want to go, you, can't you tell me about it?"

"Can you go, you can only fight for it."

"You and Howard, I don't have too much personal contact with me. I don't want to be biased towards anyone. So if you have plans, do it early, or if you leave the city, you will have nothing to wait for."

"Okay, I should go, I wish you good luck."

Bruce stood up and said that it was profound.

He has already reached the point. If George doesn't understand it, he can only say that the IQ of this guy is negative.

"Adult, you plan to do everything, can you do everything?"

George asked him before he caught up.

"I can't say anything, but what do you really want to do, don't forget my old friend in the future."

Bruce smiled.

"Hey, who didn't want to live this year?"

"You are the same, I am the same!"

Bruce smiled and walked out the door.

George is not stupid, he understands that Bruce acquiesced in all his actions.

I want to come to this deputy, and I understand that there is no eternal absolute in this world. Lucifer can not rely on it, and there is more than one friend.

Bruce had just left, and several generals rushed in and snarled: "The deputy city owner, Howard started."

"What do you mean?"

George frowned.

"Howard, the old hybrid, bought a few soldiers drunk, and forfeited our military power. I waited for a few people to mobilize fewer than 100 sergeants. Not only that, but he also took the key of the munitions library, he This is to completely eliminate our back road."

The generals snarled.


George screamed, he didn't expect Howard to start so fast, Lucifer's order had not come yet, he first started to his people.

To know that the 30,000 defenders in this city, he accounted for 40%, and the one who went down this knife is afraid that he is missing more than half.

Without military power, he is the fish on the chopping board, only one dead end.

This is absolutely unacceptable to George.

"Come fast enough!"

"You immediately went to the military camp to summon the old department, first stabilize the military heart, this loss, we must not eat, it is time to fight back."

George is a cold ice.

He secretly rejoiced, but fortunately did not offtain Belller, and did not disclose the news of Bellier in the city ~ ~ Otherwise he lost the capital of the battle with Howard.

For the moment, he must make a choice between Howard and Bellier.

Choosing Howard, he was only tempted to leave the city of angels, so that he could settle down, but he would give up the prosperity.

Choosing Bellier is the opposite of the entire fallen army, but it can hold the wealth and sit in this city.

Just thinking for less than ten seconds, George chose the latter.

Because everyone knows that Lucifer and the Fallen Legion are no longer working.

Indeed, as Bellier said, as long as he sits in the city of Angels, he has the capital to be called with everyone.

Instead of being a dog, it is better to be alone.

This multiple choice question is not difficult to do.


On the early morning of the next day, Bruce decided to choose to leave. The sooner he walked, the easier it was to open all the suspicions. He knew that his mission was not just a city of angels, but all the roads of Lucifer.

"Adults, the city is very tight, I will send you here." Howard stood under the gate of the city, polite.

"Well, remember, I’m going to say hello to the Dark Royal Palace."

"Don't give George the chance to turn over."

"Let's do it all, I will."

Bruce added the last knife to Angel City.

"Thank you for the adults, George is not willing to roll, then don't blame me."

"Adult, I will meet again."

Howard bowed his hand.

To say goodbye to Bruce, Howard is more and more aware of Bruce's words, George is deep-rooted, just to revoke his several generals scratching itchy, it seems that it is time to go to the knife...

PS: First chapter, there is a second one later.


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