The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2146: Titto

Howard can have a certain position in the position of the city.

After making this decision, he immediately followed his confession and executed a quick knife and confession plan.

Howard intends to hold a meeting, and then George and others will be wiped out, even the charges are for George to collude with Bellier.

The meeting will be held that evening, because the disappearance of Bellier is indeed a big event. With this fuss, George will not doubt.

More importantly, Howard thinks that he knows George.

This person has always been stable and has a degree of change, but because of the old age, Howard feels that this meeting is justified. Even if he has punished a few officers and let Bruce pass the message, George will not infer that he will The heart will kill.

Therefore, the quicker and more sudden the plan is, the higher the success is.

According to past experience, Howard's success rate is at least 90%, but he is too underestimated by a person's greed for the prosperity of the rich, and at the same time, it is expected that Bruce has already secretly reminded George, and even more than expected, Beryl will soon reach an alliance with him. .


"Adults, the city owner has orders, tonight at 9:00 in the military affairs hall to hold a city defense meeting, please be sure to participate." The commander is now ordering George.

"Besides me, is there anyone else?" George was more vigilant.

"Of course, but everyone will participate in the level." The commander sighed coldly.

"I know, tell the city owner, I will arrive at nine o'clock." George calmly said.

As soon as the commander left, Ai 走 came out from inside, and Liu Mei screamed: "Adult, he is going to shut all of your people in one pot. You must tell the subordinates, don't go tonight, Otherwise, it may be a disaster."

George stared at her and smiled and said: "Even if you know it is a trap, can I not know? I guess Howard is going to do it, but it's good, he wants to do things, then don't blame me for being ruthless. It is."

Love snorted: "I am not worried about you? You have to be three long and two short, people can not live."

"Haha, don't worry, next year's today is Howard's jealous day."

George has a well-being in his chest.

Taking advantage of the time, George immediately summoned his men and secretly planned.

At the same time, quietly went to the abandoned temple in the city.

Just when Howard withdrew his position as a general, George had already reached a cooperation with Bellier. Now that things are urgent, he must discuss with Bellier to complete the anti-kill plan.

As soon as George entered the temple, Beliel's figure quickly came out of the dark corner.

"It seems that there is an urgent matter?" Bellier asked with a negative hand.

"Yes, Howard is going to have a meeting tonight, the purpose is to get me and the next network, so I think you are on the stage."

George said.

"Howard is hypocritical. He must have thought that you still don't know his tricks. He is not going to be a fanfare. Instead, he will send an elite knife and axe to start. As long as your army can stabilize his people, the rest will be handed over to me. It is."

Bellier has a well-being in his chest.

"Is it sure that the adults are sure?"

George is still a little worried.

"If I can't even get Howard's kid, how can I be a lord, you can go with peace of mind, and tonight, you are the most powerful person in the city."

Bellier smiled coldly.

"Well, my life is all in your hands."

George said.

As soon as George left, Hunter couldn't wait to come out, anxiously said: "Adult, do you really want to help him get rid of Howard?"

"Yes, Howard is going to die, George is going to die!"

"I originally thought that if you want to win the city of angels, there is only a long stream of water. Who can think that even God will help us, and the guilt in the city is so urgent."

"Since they want to fight, they kill, let's just have to go, when it's time to end, isn't it?"

Bellier is sinister.

"It’s still an exquisite adult. It’s important to be an important general tonight. To get rid of them, we can control them all by entering the court. As a result, George’s two idiots are equivalent to giving the angel city white to us.”

Hunter laughed.

"Hey, my biggest worry is Qinhou."

"Our scouts have checked, he is no longer outside the Angel City. You said that he took such a circle and helped us in vain. What is he?"

Bellier stunned his head and couldn't understand it.

He didn't understand, Hunter didn't even understand: "Take him, as long as you control the city, no one can control our destiny. When he gets out of the air, what can he do?"

"So I lead people to seal the underground river mouth and return from the alternate passage. I don't believe that he can fly from the sky. If he flies down, his people are not enough. It is not ours. opponent."

Bellier took a deep nod and nodded: "Well, what you said makes sense, but even if you seal the entrance, they can really find the entrance. It is also a death in the dark passage, and it is a heart disease."

"Yes, adults."

Hunter led the way.


Night falls.

Howard arrived at the Military Affairs Hall early To say that Bellier is an old fox, thoroughly explained Howard, in order not to cause George's suspicion, Howard did not use the army, but chose three hundred sharp knife The axe ambushed in the hidden place of the military affairs hall.

In his opinion, the three hundred killers were enough to kill George and his generals. As long as these people were removed, it would be easy to unify the whole city.

In Angel City, whether it is a soldier or a soldier, it is already a convention. No one wants to leave this dreamy paradise. The soldiers do not recognize the Lord. No matter who is in power, as long as they can keep the soldiers in the Angel City, everything Will suffice.

Nine o'clock.

George and his 13 generals, headed into the hall, and before they came, they had ordered the men to closely monitor the movements of the Howard faction. Both sides saw each other and formed a confrontation.

The only thing to do is the duel between the top.

Although George did not clearly tell the generals that he had already united with Bailey, but from his full confidence, the thirteen generals were practical, because their master has always been calm, since they dare to come, then It must be sure.

When George and others entered the venue, the atmosphere in the venue was instantly frozen, and both sides were blind and murderous.

"The deputy city owner is coming, great." Howard raised his hand and sat down on the main seat.

"Adults have orders, dare not come."

George sat down firmly.

"George, I think you saw it too. Bellier has disappeared for many days. I suspect he has secretly sneaked into the city."

"I don't know if you know his movements?"

Howard is the first to fail.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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