The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2148: Surrender to me, Fang cansheng

"Man? George, please tell me, where are your people?" Howard raised his arms and laughed.

George's face faded and shivered.

In his mind, he suddenly thought of another possibility, that is, Bailier did not want to save him at all, but wanted to eat two copies through guilt.

This is entirely possible. As a lord, how could he surrender to a small deputy city lord, he should have thought of this long ago.

People are not as good as days, he was finally calculated by this **** old fox, only to blame for a moment of greed, will fall into this situation.

"Howard, believe me, Bellier is in this city."

"Brothers, seeing us for a long time in defending the city, give me a way to live."

Knowing that the current situation is Junjie, George lost the final card, facing the knife of the three hundred-handed axe, he only chose to compromise.

"Are you asking me?" Howard enjoyed the feeling of stepping on his old rival.

"Yes, I am begging you, brother, give me a chance, I will get out of Angel City tonight." George smiled and said hello.

"Let you roll early, you don't roll, it's already late."

Howard smiled coldly.

"You really can't kill me. Bailier is in the city. I am going to die. My subordinates will definitely rebel. When we fight, we will lose both sides. It will only make him succeed. This is a conspiracy. You must believe me."

Bellier was on the ground for mercy.

"Rebellion, are you afraid to think that they are too high?"

"From now on, I took over the whole army. You have no opinion?"

Howard looks to the generals who are trembled.

"No opinion, I will wait for the city master order."

The public will be loyal and loyal.

George sighed and sighed. It was really the wall that pushed everyone down. He is now the stupidest fool in the whole world.

"Unfortunately, I don't need the loyalty of your hypocrisy."


Howard ordered.

The butcher knife fell, and after a short struggle, the crowd would eventually fall under the butcher's knife, and there was only a blood red in the hall.

"Howard, please, don't kill me, don't kill me, I will listen to you all the time. Just leave me a dog, I can do anything."

George was frightened and squatted directly at Howard's, crying and crying.

"Hey, you are stupid, do you know? I had a good show tonight, but you are so disappointing, hey, how can I have such a stupid opponent?"

"How can people who are as stupid as you live in the world and enjoy the richness of Angel City?"

"go to hell."

After Howard's ridicule, he personally slashed his knife, but when he saw the glimmer of light, George's head fell to the ground and his body fell down.

Looking at this old rival who has been stunned for many years, Howard is not at all pitiful. On the contrary, there is only endless annoyance in his heart.

He regrets that such a stupid opponent, how have he been bothered by him for so many years?


"Everything is over. From now on, Angel City is ours. No one can stop your wealth."

"Posters, toast!"

Howard lost the Sabre, raised the glass, and respected the delighted people.

"The city owner is wise."

The crowd will raise their glasses to congratulate each other.

Howard just had to drink, the wine glass had not touched his lips, and a crisp voice came from inside the inner hall.


Like someone applauding, the applause is very low, but it penetrates the laughter of everyone and clearly reaches the ears of everyone.

The public will not be low, they have heard a real cut, and at the same time looked at the past.

"Who is it, give me out."

Howard shouted.

"Oh, it is me."

Bellier, who was in a black robe, slowly walked out from inside, and the voice was as cold as ever, and he applauded and smiled as he walked: "Good play, a good show."


Howard screamed.

"Long time no see, Howard."

Bellier clouded lightly and greeted.

Howard’s heart is filled with an unpredictable hunch. George’s idiot is really colluding with Bellier. What’s more terrifying is that Bellier dares to come out, he must have a backhand, he has thousands of people, and now the military affairs hall The soldiers outside were taken away, and Bellier was a master of hell, and it’s hard to escape tonight.

"Bellel, the army of Yitong is filling you everywhere. There are 30,000 defenders in this city. If you come here, are you afraid of coming back?"

Howard has set his mind, so he is full of enthusiasm.

Bailier sat down in the first place and poured a glass of wine. "Three thousand defenders, at the moment, they are in the military camp. If I am not mistaken, you are afraid of the scorpion in addition to the three hundred axes." , can't you call someone?"

"And, there are 30,000 defenders, they are soldiers. It seems that you don't understand the connotation of the soldiers. What is the difference between eating your meal and eating my meal?"

"I am now announcing that from now on, Angel City has been taken over by me."

Bellier's cloud is light and windy.

"You are scarce to scare people. You can sneak into the city if you are high. It is possible, but it is impossible to bring all the soldiers into the city."

"Come on, immediately go to summon the army, knife and axe, give me a sneak thief, whoever removes the head of Bailier, and rewards a million coins."

Howard ordered.

He will never give up, the wealth of wealth that has already arrived, and how is Bellier, in the face of interests, only to fight hard.

"Yes, adults."

The knife and axe took the lead, set aside a large array, and rushed to Beiler.

Behrel, as one of the top masters of **** has been inactive for countless years, so that everyone has forgotten his terrible.

The nine wings of the black flame are unfolding, and the dark armor of the winged people protects the body. A spear with a magical power suddenly appears in his palm. The originally seemingly noble lord instantly becomes the most terrible demon in hell.


In the face of the knife and axe rushing up, Bellier just waved his hand, and the spear in his hand came out. The purple light was like a dragon. Everywhere he went, he was invincible. It was just a breath of effort. All the axe hand fell to the ground at the same time. I didn’t even have time to scream, and I was killed on the spot.

"Old friends, I haven't come out of the mountain for a long time, and the world has forgotten your glory."

"But it doesn't matter. From now on, I will prove it to you again, let you drink the blood of the counter!"

Bellier's fingertips slipped on the spear, and the green scorpion burst into a terrible cold light.

"Now, who else is not convinced?"

Bellaire looked up and scorned everyone.


Howard’s generals did not have to think about anything. They rushed down and thought that when they built the city, Bellier had been stationed in the city for a while. He was the deputy chief of the Dark Royal Palace. It seems that he is not loyal to him. A shameful thing.

In order to save their lives, the public will be in Qi Qi: "I am willing to swear allegiance to Bailey!"


Bellier nodded with satisfaction.

He is well aware of human nature, and he knows these fallen angels very well. Who is the master is really not important. The fallen angels have been deteriorating with the people of Lucifer. They have already deteriorated. They are no longer the invincible fallen army.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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