The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2149: 1 unified angel city

"Do not!"

Howard shouted desperately.

Just before Bellier came in, his life had just reached its peak. Who could have imagined that he didn't even have time to enjoy this kind of fun, and everything stopped.

Howard is not willing!

"The city owner, the person who knows the time is Junjie, you should not die here. The great Bailey is the lord, and it is our supreme glory to play for him."

"Adult, accept the reality."

Howard is pleading.

Looking at the flattering faces of the men, Howard's heart is bleeding, why does Bellier need seven thousand troops, only a sword is enough to conquer the angel city.

He didn't understand whether he was incompetent or not, or the original invincible angel army was really vulnerable.

He regrets George's guilt, even if it is to maintain the status quo, he can at least call the wind in the city, why fall to the end of the life is not guaranteed?


"Adult, Howard is willing to surrender."

After Howard sighed, he was helpless and begged for mercy.

"Good, since you want to be my dog, you can take it."

Bellier didn't want to complicate things. Howard was able to return and control this embarrassment, far more than he had completely washed away the reality of the reorganization of the Angels.

A few **** poisons were thrown on the ground, Howard and the crowd will pick up the pain, under the intimidation of Bellier, helplessly swallowed down.

"Well, from now on, everything here has been accepted by me. You have played their own roles and announced the army. From now on, each soldier’s salary has doubled and the level has been tripled."

Bellier knows the importance of buying people's hearts. The most important thing in Angel City is money. I promised.

The crowds will all be overjoyed. The angels of Angel City are already extremely high. Now they are three times more powerful, enough for them to be happy and happy. Is there such a good thing under the sun?

The only thing that suffered was Howard. The original Angel City was controlled by him. The rich and the rich were in his hands. Now he can only live with Belle’s sorrow. Of course, he should feel compared to George, who is in the same position on the ground. Contentment.

Bellier officially settled in the city of Angel, he still holds everything as the lord, the city owner is Howard, the deputy city owner is Hunter, of course, Howard is just a sly, the real thing is Hunt.

Colleagues, the Wings Corps is responsible for all the defenses of the city government. The original camp of the Angels was divided into three regiments by Howard and George. All of them were led by the senior generals of the wing soldiers. It took less than seven days. With the help of Howard, the original Angel City was reorganized.

And the garrison generals of the Angels Corps, although they don’t understand why they suddenly became the world of the wingers overnight, how did Bellier enter the city, but George’s heads hang, plus super high salaries and benefits, all People have dispelled the unhappiness in their hearts.

Even completely forgot the superior presence of fallen angels, and willingly be led by the winged.

The taming of it, even Bellier did not think, only sigh, Angel City has long been a real fallen city, Lucifer made a paradise to create a paradise, completely eroding the self-esteem of fallen angels, let them The slave of desire.

"Adult, you look at the great rivers and mountains, you look at the vast red river, the beautiful and rich city, now everything belongs to us."

"Really, I am still dreaming now, for fear of waking up, all this is gone."

Hunter looked at the river and mountains in the distance and was happy to sigh.

Bellier smiled slightly: "It’s just you, even I can’t believe it. Many years ago, when I was with Lucifer, I went to the site to build a city. At that time, the fallen angel legion was strict, and the comprehensive strength, regardless of It is the corpse of the **** of death, the Guardian of Zuma of Satan, the wing of ours, or the magical cavalry of Mamen, which are far worse than the angels. But now, we don’t have a stream of blood in the city, the city is in hand, really People can't believe it."

"Actually, what I don't want to understand most now is what medicine is sold in Qinhou Hulu?"

"The angel city took it down, but he didn't move."

"I can't see through."

Hunter frowned. "This person is ambitious. There is no possibility to help us. I just sent a few people to these days, and even sent people to the city above Nanluo. I have never found it. Their traces, this group of people is like disappearing from hell, it is very unusual."

"No matter how much, add people, 24-hour inspection, and the underground passage, Howard knows, must be strictly confidential, so that your people stick to it, that is our last lifeline, understand ?"

Bellier is quite a headache.

"Follow, adults."

Hunter is leading the way.


When Angel City was replaced by Bellier’s wing flag, Qin Yu knew that his plan had finally succeeded. Bailier did not let him down, and successfully occupied Angel City.

But this is just the first step of Qin Lan!

"Adult, Angel City has been taken down, should we march in?" Miller took the soaked fragrant tea and handed it to Qin No hurry, let's take Angel City. An important purpose is to use him as a basis to further encroach on the power of Lucifer. "Qin Wei took a cup of tea and smiled a little, and then said, "Now the Angel City is already a matter of nailing. Why don't we come up with a icing on the cake?" ”

"Hou Ye, my subordinates are not sure, please give pointers!" Miller's eyes flashed with the light of worship. It is a privilege to be able to learn with a strategic master like Qin.

"Lu Xifa should have known the news of the fall of the Angel City at this time. This is his life. I am sure that Lucifer will definitely send a large army to attack. No matter who he sends, Nan Luo City must be the key place, but with me. For the views of the Lucifers, most of them will send the first round of the South Luo City, when we can wait for the opportunity to seize the South Luo City."

"If you get the city of Nanluo, we have a base in the south, and the three lines of east, south and north are attacking at the same time. Lucifer must be difficult to resist. The more the city lost by Lucifer, the more the prestige of the fallen army will fall. Fast, by the time Heilongjiang is completely possible to turn the corner."

"Of course, the premise is that we have to have a strong and powerful Satan family to stand up, and I think of the candidates!"

Qin Hao said slowly.

"The people of the Satan family, King Herod has been imprisoned. I heard that it has long been an idiot. Most Satan family members have been killed by Lucifer and Claysey, and so on. Queen Luo?"

Miller was smart and suddenly realized it.

"Well, the heart of the Queen of Galo is bright and the blood of the Satan family. It is feasible for her to unite on the bright side."

"Of course, by the time there will be a world in your hell!"

Qin Hao nodded.


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