The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2151: The most suitable cannon fodder

Yitong stood in the same place and his face collapsed slightly. It seems that this is not a good result.

Soon, a smile appeared on his face. "Deputy, is the Dark Palace still okay?"

Bruce knew what he was asking, and he calmly smiled and said: "The troubled general is so hearty, the palace is all well."

Yitong knew that his conspiracy did not succeed. Lucifer, the old fox, finally suppressed the hot temper and did not kill him.

"Is there not a rumor that the archangel is going to go out in person? Yitong has limited ability, and it is difficult to complete the task." Yitong did not take the Lu Xifa's dispatching order.

"The archangel will command the hell, and you can easily go out. Is this not an opportunity for the generals?"

"Now the army of Heiluo is in your hands, and it is good for you to win more."


Bruce smiled.

Yitong was silent for a moment. He wanted to not accept this task. Lucifer is now clearly hidden. He wants to get rid of him. It is good to win. If you lose, you will be afraid to back. Take the mouth.

But if he didn't go, he lost his first chance to occupy the Angel City.

This is indeed a dilemma.

"General, this will make you pick up or not. If you don't pick it up, the archangel said, there are candidates. The general should know that under this day, not only you will fight alone, such as Drew, he can also be alone. of."

"The opportunity is for you, let's make a decision."

Bruce was impatient and urged.

Yitong looked at the generals. Everyone was eager to get something to do. He knew that this order was not to be taken. He took the order and bowed his hand: "Ip is leading."

"Very good, general, you are the most valued person of the archangel, can you destroy the traitor, it is all over you."

Bruce snorted and left the military camp.

"General, it’s better to fight and win the Angel City. We have a foothold and moved the King of Heroes to the City of Angels."

"Yes, the general, we will hold the king of the Satan family when we arrive, and we will all be angel cities."

"Since Lucifer wants to give Angel City to us, we will not accept it."

The crowd will respond in the end.

To know the wealth of Angel City, enough to attract anyone in Hell, the public will seem to have seen the boundless wealth, and is not excited.

"Okay, let's go and get Berel."

Yitong immediately made a decision.

There is no free lunch in the world, and Yitong certainly won’t believe that Lucifer will be so kind, but at the moment he can’t guess the tricks of Lucifer, he can only take one step.

Yitong immediately ordered 50,000 soldiers, all the way down to the south of the city.

He did not rush into the city, but chose to wait and see.

After setting up a big account, Yitong began to send people to collect information about the Angel City, knowing oneself and knowing each other. This is the lesson he learned from the Qin dynasty.

"Everyone, this is the city defense map of Angel City. Look at it, where should we start?"

Yitong pointed to the angel city defense map and consulted the public.

"Adults, Angel City has 30,000 troops. At present, all are commanded by the wing soldiers. Howard and others are currently serving as the beasts of Beili. If you want to forcibly attack the city, it is difficult."

"The City of Angels is sturdy, and there are flexible heavy weapons around the walls. It is really a hassle to put them under gunfire no matter which point of attack."

"Strong attack, I am afraid that 100,000 people may not be able to fight."

The crowd will talk.

Yitongmo squats on his chin. "How do you say that Bellier disappeared overnight and sneaked into the Angel City?"


"General, we have sent good-water brothers to the bottom of the river to explore, and did not find secret doors, etc. Perhaps this secret only knows when you catch Bellier."

The deputy shrugged helplessly.

"This is a bad thing. Is it true that Bellier is flying into the city? Is this impossible?" Yitong felt a headache.

"Forget it, go back and grab the old thief and you must ask for a clear understanding. Are you chasing Qinhou over there, is there a clue?"

I paused, Yitong asked.

He got the news that Qin Hou also appeared on the Red River, but the strange thing is that Bai Lier is occupying the city. This has to make him a little more watchful. Compared with Bellier, he is more afraid. It is the latter.

"No, several cities along the way have also inquired about it. There is no trace of Qinhou. This group of people is like disappearing out of thin air."

The vice will frown.

"It’s really bad for this water!"

Yitong secretly sighed.

"Adult, Henderson, the owner of the South Luocheng City, asked for it." A guardian reported.

"I am looking for him, call in."

Yitong raised his hand.

Henderson is fat, red-faced, with a small beard, and looks like a profiteer.

As soon as he came in, Henderson smiled and said: "Adult, when the little one gets the news, he made a special trip to visit the adults."

"Henderson, Nan Luo City is located at the edge of the border, you are the Tiangao emperor far away, how to live is not bad."

Yitong sat down and asked with a smile.

"While, Nan Luo City is the southernmost city of Heilongjiang Hell. It is difficult to distinguish between the angels and the king of the Black King. The subordinates are only barely able to maintain the livelihood of a city."

Henderson smiled and said Henderson, I want you to be the vanguard of the attack on Angel City, and tomorrow will lead the army to attack the city. "Yi channel.

Henderson was so frightened that the thing he wanted to do most was to hold his one-acre three-point land. This made him go out and really frightened him.

"Adults, Nanluo City has never had a war for a long time. It has always been used to provide supplies to the border defenders. My subordinates have only 20,000 people, and they are really not good at fighting." Henderson explained quickly.

"This is an order. If you disagree, my army will be stationed in Nanluo City. I will be in charge of the command. How?"

Yitong sneered.

Henderson hurriedly waved: "Don't, adult, can't I go out of town? You can rest assured that even if I try to finish the last person, I will not hesitate."

Henderson was afraid that Yitong would enter the city, so that when he was finished, he had to seize the opportunity to make a fortune in the city.

Today's Heilongjiang dynasty, with the city of Baoluo Karlo being killed by Lucifer, the city of Doro was burned to ashes by a fire, and all the city owners realized that the dynasty was going to die, defending their land, and stuffing their pockets. It is the right way.

Henderson took the initiative to visit Yitong, and he wanted to find a tone. Now, it seems that it is not good to not plan.

"Okay, go on."

Yitong waved his hand.

In any case, the Angel City gun must be started. He must find a cannon fodder to explore the falsehood first and evaluate the city defense forces of the Angel City.

This guy of Henderson used to be a faction with Clési. It would have to be unplugged by Yitong sooner or later. He used him to make cannon fodder. Nothing is more suitable than this.

PS: I have a cold. Today is the chapter. I will make up tomorrow, good night, friends.


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