The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2152: South Luo Yizhu

Ion sooner or later want to bring a blackwash to the people of Heilongjiang. For those who don’t belong to their own factions, all of them are changed. Henderson is also a gunshot. Who is not dead?

Henderson returned to the city, did not disclose the news to the subordinates to go out, but quietly went to the treasury, crazy to take the opportunity to run money.

For this day, he collected space rings and prepared more than 30 pieces. At the moment, he came to the treasury and filled them all. Although they were installed less than one percent, they were saved a lot. This is born.

With enough money, Henderson returned to the city to convene the generals, and immediately announced the generals of the general, the public will naturally be resentful, but there is no way, only to order out of the city.

He is also sincere. It is expected that Nanluo City will not come back. It will directly send out the 20,000-strong army in the city, leaving only a few hundred old and weak.

Of course, in order to avoid the eyes and ears, Henderson did not even bring the beauty of the city, only brought a close-knit old servant out of the city.

His wife's maiden is a man of Nile Hell. He has a relationship with many people in the palace. He has already cleared the way. Henderson can safely pass his own peace in Nile as long as he crosses the border.

The army drove out of the South Luocheng, and when it was less than half, Henderson called the deputy of the commander in front of the carriage.

"Adult, what are you going to do?"

The deputy will ask.

"I suddenly remembered that there is an important thing to report to the Yitong adults. You must first go to the Angel City, and everything is up to you!"

Henderson shouted.

The deputy did not know that he was going to defect. He accepted the order with pleasure and led the 20,000 army and continued to march toward Angel City.

Henderson used this opportunity to take the old servant and a few well-trained bodyguards and quickly fled to the border.

After a few tens of miles in a hurry, Henderson ordered everyone to take a break. He went to a **** and pointed to the borderline of Nile Hell in the distance. He said to the old servant around him: "Is it? There is a dozen miles, we can enter Nile Hell, I have already had a good relationship with the people there. Since Yitong does not give us a good life, we are still not waiting, the brethren have arrived in the Nile Dynasty, I Keep your fragrant and spicy food, and enjoy the richness."

"Thank you for being an adult."

Everyone is very happy.

Can you not fight, there is wealth, where to find such a good thing under the sun?

"The idea is very good, but the reality is too cruel, afraid that it will not be what you want."

Just then a quiet voice came from the woods.

Henderson heard the magic sound, nothing but creeps, horrified and shouted: "Yes, who is talking, give me out."

But see a young oriental hand in a long gown slowly descending from the forest, under the black hair of the eyebrows, the pair of pupils without any emotions, Mori cold, at first glance is not a leisurely generation.

"Who are you?" Henderson asked.

"Qin Hou."

Qin Yu faint.


The people were shocked and they pulled out their swords.


Qin Hao's figure is moving, the whole person is like a ghost, flashing! The people around Henderson are like wooden piles, and all of them fall straight.

"You, what do you want to do? Qin Hou, I have no enmity with you, why do you want to put me to death?" Henderson screamed.

"Don't be nervous, I didn't want to kill you, your money, everything about you is still yours." Qin Hao walked slowly to Henderson. "You just need to go back with me and help me receive the city." All right."

"You want South Luocheng?" Henderson understood.

"It seems that you are not confused." Qin Xiao sneered.

"Yes, I promise you." Henderson bit his teeth.

"In fact, you don't have to be so frustrated, even if you have escaped to Nile City, there will be a war soon. There is a so-called pure land in this world. Follow me, at least you can live, you can take it."

Qin Yudao.

Henderson opened his mouth and did not speak. What Qin said was very reasonable. He escaped for a while and could not escape. Once the Nile dynasty began, how many days can his good days be?

The monks of Qin dynasty have been hiding in the southern jungle of Nanluo City, which is exactly the same as most of Yitong.

When he got to the city, Henderson raised the token of the city owner and shouted: "Open the gate."

The soldiers guarding the city looked at a group of soldiers underneath, wearing military uniforms that were also in Heilongjiang's hell. They didn't think much, and they opened the gates.

Qin Lan and his eight thousand savage soldiers, such as the whirlwind, generally rolled in. When the soldiers changed the city banner of the city, the soldiers and the people in the city realized that the South Luo City had changed its name to Qin.

Originally defended by the south, it was so easy to get the hand of Qin.

However, the public is not too surprised by this result. After all, there are frequent wars in hell, and everyone is already numb. The only thing that is fortunate is that it fell into the hands of Qin Yu, and the people have no worries.

Good word of mouth is spread out. Qin Yu’s people in Baoluo and Ai Luo do not take the city’s people. The reputation of not killing innocent people has already spread in Heilongjiang, and even many people in the city. Looking forward to his arrival.

And the Lucifer family, because of the burning of the city of Doro, killing Carroll, so that other cities have long been heart-warming.

"Henderson, you send people to inform the army and let them turn the horse back to the city!"

Qin Lan entered the city's main government ~ ~ no time to rest, immediately ordered.

"Hou, this is not very good, the soldiers are back, can't you fight with you?" Henderson did not understand.

"It’s better to change the main master than to let them attack the angel city. Let’s go and order.” Qin Yu’s chest has a good path.

As for the 20,000 garrisons in Nanluo City, it is really necessary to dare to make trouble. The barbarians can completely flatten in the city. However, there are tens of thousands of horses in Yitong. If these two people can use it for themselves, then it would be better. It is.

At this moment, the army of South Luo has already arrived under the angel city. Bailier ordered all the cannons to be captive, and the war was on the verge.

When the South Luozhong soldiers saw the heavy firearms and the sturdy walls, the heart was cold and half-hearted. Everyone was not stupid. This kind of cannon fodder, how to think about the shackles, was scared by Bellier’s lineup. Suddenly all of them were paralyzed, and they were afraid to move outside the city.

When Henderson’s withdrawal command arrived, the soldiers were relieved and rushed back to Nanluo City at the fastest speed.

When I arrived at the city of Nanluo, the gates opened wide. Henderson and a few strange generals were waiting outside the city. The generals at the head looked at the banner on the wall and the Qinzi flag was hung.

"General Fraser, speeding into the city."

Henderson smiled and summoned.

"The city owner, this, what the **** is going on?" Fraser pointed to Qin and others, and asked.

"Let me introduce you to this, this is the Qin Hou adults, this is the black sand barracks commanding General Tarim."

"Qin Hou Renyi, whoever does not know hell, in order to save my life, I deliberately dedicated the city to Qinhou, in order to seek his blessing."

"The soldiers, go into the city."

Henderson asked again.


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