The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2158: Lord's fall

A good general, just a glance at it, every wing soldier is completely shrouded in the fear of death at this moment, trembled, no face, no more arrogance.

"You, you are just the devil!" Bellier snarled with a trembling.

"Hell is a paradise for the devil."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Then, slamming his head, his eyes burst into purple, and he burst into tears: "Where you are against me, you must!"

With a loud roar.

All the squadrons fired at the same time, whether it was outside or in the main hall, nearly 10,000 squadrons were turned into ashes in a horrible mourning.

They did not die in the dark royal palace of Lucifer, and did not die under the chase of Yitong, but in the end they still could not escape the murder.



In addition to Bellier in the temple, but all the Wings were turned into ashes on the spot, and the rest were Howard's men. Even if they did not take the 100-day ash, they were equally empathetic and unconsciously holding their arms. A scream of fear.

The scream of this voice is like the most ridiculous laughter in the world, making Perrier feel desperate.

He has never seen such a horrible scene. His subordinates have been innumerable for thousands of years. It is not easy to ask for a levy in the south. But he was born in front of him and turned into ashes. Everything completely exceeded Beil's imagination.

In his impression, even when Kane and Satan are dead, there is no such thing.

Qinhou is a god!

It is a devil!

No, it is a hundred times more 10,000 times than the devil!

Bellier now has to believe that Qin has already taken control of their destiny and left their own whimsical, but they have never escaped the fate of being dominated.

They are cannon fodder!

This is life!

It is a curse!


"There are fewer people and it looks much more comfortable."

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.


Bellier's legs were soft and weak, sitting on the steps, raising his head and desperately asking, "Tell me, what did you do?"


"This is the end, it is a miracle, it is a punishment. You should understand that whether you, Yitong or Lucifer, you should have thought of this day."

"This world is no longer yours, wake up."

"It's your turn now!"

Qin Lan smiled coldly and looked at Bellier's pupil purple light, relentlessly proclaiming Bellier's ending.

Bellier felt the heat in the body. He understood that he could not escape. Everyone was in the calculation of Qin Lan. He originally wanted to kill him. After all, he was a rare master of hell, even then. The opportunity is extremely embarrassing.

However, Qin Yu’s simple sentence is like a sharp sword, piercing the last line of defense of Bellier.


Where are you going to escape?

He has lost the last chance of the comeback. Bald will not let him into the border. Yitong, Lucifer and Qinhou will hunt him everywhere. He can only wander in **** like a dog.

As a lord, one of the founders of the Satanic dynasty, Bellier couldn't stand the underlying ridicule. He couldn't imagine how desperate and painful the future would be.

Living is pain, only death is the perfect choice.

He can't fight Qin Qin, who can't fight Qin Qin, this guy is simply the avenger of death and Satan.

It’s time to make a sin for the killing of the year!

Bellier did not have any resistance, let the poisonous fire burn, and it came out through the seven scorpions and pores.

He even said lazy words, completely immersed in this enjoyment.

Under the gaze of the people, Bellier was peacefully turned into ashes, leaving only a gray soul core.

That is his lifelong cultivation!

Like the Buddha's sorghum relic!

Although with the demise of the flesh and soul, the power is at least half lost, but it is still a rare treasure for the practitioners.


The screaming of the death curse at the waist of Qin Yu was violently screamed. It is obvious that the dead gods in the sword have already felt the death of old friends!

When Bailier combined with Satan to seal the death, and then combined with Lucifer to kill Satan, it was considered a bad thing. Now Qin Zhen killed Baili, and he was revenge for him.

"The era that belongs to you will eventually become the past. Your only mission is to witness the establishment of a new order."

Qin Hao stroked the blade of the sword, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Hou, there are still a few here, how to deal with it?"

Tarim's long knife pointed to several angelic generals who had already been scared.

"Do you want to drop, or kill?" Qin asked.

"We descend, Hou Ye is God, is God, we are willing, convinced!"

A few people hurried down and pleaded for mercy.

Qin Lan looked at a few people, he guessed it right, Bailier can easily take down the Angel City, precisely because of the weakness of these wastes, the most powerful fallen angel army in Hell has already fallen.

But he still can't kill these wastes because they are the living signs that stabilize the overall situation.

The Angels are going to reshape and shine, not to kill a few people!

"Very good, to inform the death of Bellier in the city. From now on, Angel City will take over by me, and at the same time, summon Howard to come back."

Qin Lan ordered the several generals.

In the city, Bailey’s winged flag landed. When the generals declared Beil’s death, all the soldiers were killed by the Qinhou miracle, all the soldiers seemed calm.

They seem to have become accustomed to this change. Maybe they will hang on to Lucifer tomorrow, and the banner of Yitong?

For them As long as there is a mouthful of food, everything is enough.

Therefore, they did not have the obligation to avenge Behril, and everyone accepted the surrender calmly.

However, they will never think that what Qin Qin wants is not a squad of troops. He will soon re-establish this angel army as the master of the king.

"Hou Ye, you lick these wastes, one by one, listless, I think it is better to drive out of the city and kill it."

Tarim hated the traitors most, and disdain for the angels.

"A soldier is good or bad. It is their leader. This army is Lucifer. If we can make a sword for us, then the lethality of Lucifer is double."

"I heard that your barbaric training is the most bitter. I will give these people to you. One month, are you sure to make it out?"

Qin Xiao’s meaningful smile.


Tarim licked his mouth.

"What, can't you?"

Qin Yujian raised his eyebrows and asked awkwardly.

"No, since it is the task of Hou Ye's arrangement, I don't think they are regular troops, they are a group of pigs, and I can turn them into a group of wolves."

Tarim bit his teeth.

"Well, let's go and have more contact with them. These people used to be the most elite troops of Lucifer. The foundation is still good. It is good to just bring the spirits to the board."

Qin Yudao.

No one is more proficient than him. How to train an iron master, you must know that the Qin army is created by Qin.

Training soldiers is secondary. The key is to reward and punish the soldiers to encourage them to make progress, so that they have the glory and disgrace of military strength.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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