The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2159: Yitong

Qin Lan is busy with training, and Yitong is busy attacking the city.

Yitong is a very strong person. He was beaten by Qin Yu, but it does not mean that he will compromise and will admit defeat.

And Gou Luocheng is his last test.

Retreat is undoubtedly a shame.

Then his popularity will fall to the freezing point, and Lucifer will use this to give him endless trouble.

In this case, he will continue to fight.

While urging him to raise food and support the troops in the city of Heilongjiang and Lucifer, Yitong began to use his military abilities that he thought was incomparable and began to plan and attack the city.

However, siege is not an easy task, and does not say that Howard of Angel City is like a mad dog. From time to time, he jumped out and bite them a few times. The food and grass have not been solved. Yitong still passed some middle smugglers. I bought the grain from this group of people at a high price.

Even so, it can only support three days. It is three hundred miles away. The four major cities have borrowed all of them. There is no one in the old foxes. Even if Yitong pays for it, no one dares to sell it.

As a regent of the Hei Luo dynasty, Yitong sometimes thinks about it, and it is also a chilling tight. The more this kind of humiliation, the more he can inspire his fighting spirit. He vowed to smash the corpse after he unified the hell.

"General!" Darcy walked in quickly, his face condensed: "The news is coming, there are good and bad, which one does the general want to hear?"

"First say good." Yitong is a little annoyed.

"Our new batch of military food has arrived, which was given by Lucifer. It can last for ten days. The munitions officer passed the will of the archangel, and the generals will be safely beaten. The rations will be delivered one after another." Darcy.

"Send in succession, what does this mean?" Yitong put down the map in his hand and asked with a frown.

"I guess, Lucifer is still wary of the general. Now he really took you as a gun. If you don't go back, he will use the grain to hang on us. If you don't go up, you will control the follow-up. In his hand."

"If we go back, his rations should become the scolding and punishment that the whole **** knows."

Darcy sighed slightly.

"Old fox, really do not read the old feelings, there is good news?" Yitong waved his hand, lazy to think.

Daxi nodded and said: "We have a total of 12 days of military food. The province can persist for half a month. According to the progress of the tunnel, it will take seven days to dig through the city. When we hit the city, we will have With the capital of the Qin thief."

"This is good news, let the brethren work harder. In addition, don't save the gunfire. The siege on the bright side, you have to fight!"

Yitong commanded.

"Yeah." Darcy looked slightly changed, took a deep breath and began to say bad news: "Bellier is dead, suicide, Qin Hou does not know **** Angel City, just last night, in the city of Angel The wing soldiers were all turned into ashes, and now they have officially become the base of Qinhou. Unfortunately, the archangels have been thinking about evacuating most of the Dark Heroes in these years. In the end, they are cheaper.



Yitong’s eyes narrowed, and the handsome face was pale, and there was a sharp pain in his chest. The angry and angry mouth again overflowed the blood.

"Angel, you, you are fine."

Darcy quickly helped Yitong sit on the chair and rushed out to the door: "Military doctor, military doctor..."

"No... I can't die."

Yitong was about to tear the general chest, biting the tooth flower, looking at the ceiling and hating it: "Bellier mistakes me in hell, mistakes me big things, angel city falls into the hands of everyone, I have the confidence to play Come back, only to fall into the hands of the Qin thief, this life is afraid of hard to find."

"The wealth of most of Hell, the most sophisticated city defense weapon, the best equipped soldiers, the most fat and fastest horses, all in Angel City!"

"Qin Hou is breaking half of my country, I have to kill my life!"


Yitong hated the depths, and could no longer suppress the blood of his heart. He opened his mouth and squirted a blood, and the old wounds were all stunned.

The military doctor came in and carefully inspected it. After purifying Yitong’s injury with purifying, he could not help but sigh.

"Oke, general, he, he won't have anything."

Darcy asked the medic to pull a whisper.

"The general's own trauma is not too heavy, as long as the rest can be raised, but his heart is not stable, there is a sign of collapse, the general situation is not good." Military doctor Oak sighed.

"How can this be the case, the generals are repaired as high, the heart is the key, how can it collapse?" Darcy is puzzled.

"The most difficult thing for people to control is the heart. The general is too young and vigorous. Recently, it has been defeated by Qin Hou. The heart is rushing inside and the inside is attacking. This question is whether it is the oriental comprehension or the Western gods and devils. Few people can restrain, in the East they call the devil, or go into flames!"

"On the wisdom, the talent, the general may not be worse than the Qin Hou, but to talk about the state of mind, I am afraid it is far behind."

Oak answered.

"How can that be good?" Darcy Road.

"Be calm, good health, unless you can guarantee that you will always win, otherwise it is best to let the generals go back." Oak said bluntly.

"I will go back to the general and remember that this news should not be mentioned to anyone, so as not to shake the heart!"

Darcy dignified.

At night, Yitong was awake, "Darcy, what time is it?"

"General, it is already 11 o'clock in the evening." Darcy answered.

"Help me get up, I am going to inspect the camp, especially the food and grass camp, that is our life." Yitong coughed a few times, and the handsome face was like being ten years old.

"General, there is something to say." Darcy slammed down, his eyes red, and he bowed his hand.

"You are the person I trust the most, but there is nothing to say, no need to use this kind of vagrant." Yitong is not happy.


Darcy Road.

"What do you say, are you crazy?" Yitong grabbed Darcy's collar and lifted him up. The tiger looked at his eyes and roared.

"Oke has seen it. He said that your heart is too hot and your heart is badly damaged. If you don't stay still, you are afraid to make a big deal."

"There are many wars now, how to retreat? So, for your body, please retreat."

"Let's go back to the Heilongjiang dynasty, sit and watch the changes, and wait for the rest of the day to recuperate. It is not too late to fight the Qin thief. What is more important than the general's body?"

Darcy shed tears and persuaded.

It’s an indisputable fact that Yi’s ventilated coughing and shivering in his body. The repeated defeats made him feel like a small volcano buried in his heart. Every time he erupted, he destroyed and tore his heart, bringing soul and physical blow.

He even had an ominous premonition. Once the volcano had a big explosion on a certain day, it could even destroy the flesh and soul that he thought was extremely powerful.

He is more awake than anyone else in his own body, but he really has no choice at the moment.


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