The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2174: The contempt of the king

"Hou Ye, my three hundred elites are ready, everyone's repair is at least three wings, to be one hundred is not a problem." Yitong rides a horse to the Red River, jumped off the horse to Qin Road .

"Someone has been here, we are afraid that it will not be simple to go to the city of Fire." Qin Hao took a deep breath.

He has experienced countless ups and downs in his life, and he has already experienced an unparalleled sense of crisis from the bloody, and now the air is filled with a chilling atmosphere, which is more terrible than Bailey.

Qin Yu is not clear about the master in hell, but there is no doubt that this person is the real move of Antoine.

"I know that my life was saved by Hou, and if I didn't have you, I would have died by the Black River. If there is a real danger, it will only die again. What are the fears?"

Yitonglang channel.

"Okay, let's go."

Qin Yudao.


In the city of Huo Luo, Gannan and others are dressed in gorgeous, solemn and respectful, waiting in the city gate.

In particular, Antoine, who is heading, is also a cold sweat on his forehead. From time to time, he wipes his handkerchief and wipes it. It is a moment to decide everyone's prosperity.

"Is the Basha adult in place?" Gannan whispered.

"I don't know, he can't help me with a single sentence. Now, in addition to choosing trust, we have no turning back."

"What about your people?"

Antoine frowned.

"All are ready, three thousand dead soldiers, plus the fully armed 20,000 soldiers, the entire fire Luocheng is now the city's alert, but Van Basha missed, I will issue a killing order. It is expected that Qin Hou is also difficult to fly. ”

Gannan replied.

"Oh, I don't know why, I am so heart-wrenching, I always feel that I am afraid that it will not go well today." Antoine looked up and looked at the Necromancer who was hovering in the sky, and his heart was inexplicably panicked.

"I don't want to use so much. Look, Qin Hou is here."

Gannan reminded.

I saw Qin Hou hit a green shirt, riding a white wildebeest to take the lead, the posture of the pen, the general momentum of the sword, so that other city owners are secretly screaming.

Immediately behind him is Yitong and the three hundred elite guards.

"I'm coming."

Everyone quickly stepped forward and greeted the past.

"Antoine has seen Hou Ye."

"The owner of Huo Luocheng, Gannan, has seen Qin Hou adults."


Everyone has a lot of prayers.

Qin Lan jumped off the horse and smiled with a negative hand: "You don't have to be polite, talk to the city."

"Fast, fast, blow up, shoot."

Gannan’s ruthless guard of honor sipped a scorpion.

Those people just looked at the war **** of the East, and now they came back to God, and quickly blew the drums. The city fired the guns and joyfully welcomed Qin to the city.

The ceremony of being held was held at Huo Luo Square.

Outside the square, the soldiers stood tall, murderous, with a desk in the middle, with a pen and paper on it.

"Hou, please, please."

Gannan took the lead.

Qin Lan walked ahead, and the soldiers under Yitong had just to follow the admission. Gannan raised his hand and stopped the road: "Itong adults, today is the ceremony of being sent, we are all ourselves, I have already prepared the drinks, let the brethren first Let's go to rest."

"Gannan, the old aristocrat of the southern part of Blackwater, your father used to be the vanguard of Satan. You are the seat of the father of your father. You don't know you, but I know it clearly. My people must have a lot of The field protects the safety of Hou Ye."

"Why, is there a ghost in your heart?"

Yitong sneered.

"Oh, our Regent King, now to Hou Ye as a bodyguard is also a wind and water, it seems that we are really right to go to Hou Ye."

A city owner yin and yang grinning.

"Well, no disputes, General Yitong said that the security of Hou Ye is bigger than the sky. If so, let's join in." Antoine gave Gannan a look.

The latter would like to know, slightly smiled, waved the soldiers to let a road open, put Yitong and three hundred guards into it.

When he arrived at the venue, Gannan handed over the paperwork and smiled and said: "Hou, this is the instrument of the six people I have to wait for, and please check out."

After picking up the documents, Qin Lan glanced at the sharpness of his eyes, and forced Gannan Road: "Why is this instrument not covered with the big print of the city? Your name is afraid that it is not enough sincerity, is it not enough?"

Several people in Gannan looked at each other, and many people couldn’t help but laugh and waited to watch the show.

"Antoine, you have a good relationship with Qinhou, or you can explain it." Gannan Chong Antowan picked a brow.

Antoine took the call and had a disdainful smile on his face. There was no respect from the past. "Hou, this instrument should be covered with a big seal, but this print is not in our hands, so if you are not satisfied, then I can only talk to people who have printed."

"Oh, your dog thief really didn't have a good thing, this is a set." Yitong pressed the sword in his hand and shouted.

"He is right. The person who can be the master here is me."

A hoarse voice came out from behind, and I saw a black light phantom flashing, but in a blink of an eye, it appeared in the eyes of Come to this black long trench coat and wrap the whole body Strictly, the windbreaker was engraved with a terrible gimmick. When he smashed the hat on the beginning and appeared on the vicissitudes of the face, Yitong couldn’t help but be surprised: "Devil Basha."

"Yes, it is me, Yitong adults, I haven't seen you for a long time. I remember that we met last time. You spent 200 million to ask me to kill a prince of Hero. Now I am reunited. I am afraid that your head is not as valuable as the prince. "Bassa sneer."

"Basha, Qin Hou is here, if you are acquainted, it is still too late to go." Yitong is not very good.

He is a master himself. Although he may not be able to beat Basha, he is also full of expectations for Qin Hou. After all, Qin Hou defeated Bailier.

"Go? You made a joke, Nile spent a lot of money, this dog thief also under the blood, it is impossible to go, you must blame your master is too valuable." Basha looked to Qin Hey, sinister smiles.

However, Qin Hao just glanced at him with his eyes, and he just looked at it. Then he sat down in the chair very calmly. He said: "Since it is printed on your hand, you have the final say, then it will be handed over. ""

When this is said, everyone is inexplicably swayed, and a simple one is far more chilling than the threat of those who are screaming.

Even if Basha is also slightly changed, he has seen more in his life, whether it is Satan or Mamen. But no one has ever been as arrogant as Qin.

He can feel that Qin Hao really does not care about him, as if he is like a fart in the air that is not important, put it.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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