The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2175: 1 sword of Wei

Without waiting for Basha to return to God, Qin Hao continued to ruthlessly crit: "No matter who printed this, I will set the seven cities."

The audience is silent!

If this is said from other people, it will be ridiculed as a madman, but he is Qin Hou!

One has changed the pattern of the Western Hell, a figure of the wind and the clouds.

Every word he said is absolutely untargeted!

What is his card?

Why is there such a strong confidence?

Basha was angry, his face was gloomy and scary, and his murderous murder was like a storm, and everyone in the crowd could not breathe.

"Good, I appreciate your courage."

"Since you want the city, let me ask my sword first."

Basha’s palms rose, and the famous blood-sucking sword appeared in the palm of his hand. He was **** red and scary.

"This sword name is drinking blood. It has killed countless **** lords, the devil lord thirty-four, and the seven-winged angel eighty-three. As for those who died in the ancient sword, it is too far away, so much so that I I can't think of it anymore."

Basha touched the sword front, and the face of the vicissitudes of life was revealed.

It stands to reason that he does not have to say this to Qin Xiao, but he does not know why, he involuntarily spit out his qualifications.

Why is this happening? Basha can’t say it. This is definitely not a killer’s words and things to do.

Perhaps it is the pressure brought by this oriental invisible. Perhaps it is difficult for the opponent to ask for it. It is necessary for Bashajue to let Qin Yu die.

However, in his opinion, the incomparable glory of his resume is worthless for Qin.

After listening to the blow of Basha, Qin Hao just looked at him with a boring look. "Do you not know enough about your own nonsense?"


Basha almost did not breathe out an old blood. Originally thought that Qin Yu had finished listening, how could it be scrupulous, but I did not expect it to be a disdain.

Since there is no way to talk about it, then it is only a big kill.


Basha slowly raised the **** sword and slammed the sound. More than ten top killers broke out from the ground and turned into a dozen black figures, which made a fatal blow from different angles.

These killers are in hell, no matter which one is the top level killer, as the most elite assassin in the West, their cooperation is almost seamless.

The weapons used by all are completely different, and the energy released is different. Wind, fire, thunder, electricity, darkness, light, and death, they almost cover every part of the energy in hell.

But even so, the cooperation over the years has allowed them to form an almost flawless fit between electro-optic.

It is precisely because of this that those who are the lords, or the generals who are highly trained in the military, are all without exception, and can avoid their assassination.

"Hou Ye is careful."

Yitong took the lead.

The young and handsome young man from the two worlds is not the name of the wave.

Yitong used a golden bright sword with seven seven-product energy spar. He rarely clashed with people, but no one knew that Yitong was killing people through death and purgatory. Skills and fighting spirits come from the abyss of terror, stepping on the blood of countless monsters and killers.

As the top talents that both the heaven and the earth attach great importance to, Yitong’s cultivation and understanding of power are far from being able to be achieved.

In addition, all of them are top-level implements. Looking at the whole hell, there are very few people who can really become opponents of Yitong.

Qin Hao did not move.

He can hide, but there is no need to hide.

Yitong started!

He deserves his own trust.

And on the plain side of the battle, Yitong is actually repaired on top of the Qin dynasty. After all, the Qin dynasty is now far from reverting to the realm of being comparable with the first four.

"Bright and shining!"

Yitong’s sword was waved, and countless golden angels burst out and made a harsh voice, rushing to the killers.


The angel condenses into a circle, and the birth of the killer's big move is solved.

"You want to assassinate Qinhou, first pass me."

Yitong shouted and took a step forward. His hands painted a cross on his chest. A light of lightning thundered from the sword, and the killers bounced past.

The killers only felt a numbness in the whole body. In the eyes of Yitong, the murderous machine plunged, and the swords and swords merged into one, and the white light was turned into a sly, and the sword was swayed. Everyone felt that a white light flashed, and everything stopped.


Twelve killers fell to the ground at the same time. The electro-optical paralysis was not very harmful, but it only made their speed slow and so blink of an eye. This is enough for Yitong, which is as fast as light.

"It is the most important disciple of the previous Lord God. It is a pity that you have abandoned the Lord God and turned away from Lucifer. It has long been for the heavens and the earth."

"Yitong, you should be jealous."

Basha did underestimate Yitong and underestimated the strength of Qin Lan. He should put all three hundred killers on the whole, but now it seems that he has only personally shot.

As soon as the word came out, Basha’s blood-stained sword became a blood shadow, and it was stabbed to Yitong.

In an instant, the sky is full of blood, and the people who are pressing can’t breathe.

Yitong finally understands why Basha’s sword can kill God and destroy the demon Too fast, too overbearing, every sword contains a myriad of dead spirits, the pressure of the soul tears pain.

Basha is not only high in swordsmanship, but also a spiritual attack on people, and it is also unbeatable and powerful.

A sword!

Basha has not shot for thousands of years. One very important reason is that because he is bored, he only needs one sword to kill.

Under the sword, no one can be defeated!

A sword is out, no fight!

Combining the swordsmanship of the soul attack, it is like the fact that the East has penetrated the kendo, which is also the reason why Basha dare to believe in unbeaten.

Yitong only felt a headache, and there were countless corpses and blood in his mind, as well as countless rebellious, shameful pictures of the city under the Heishui River, the pain that suppressed the bottom of his heart, and was instantly completely bashed by Basha. Give it a boost.

At this moment, he said that he was resisting the sword. Yitong even forgot that he was facing a strong enemy of life and death, completely immersed in pain and unable to extricate himself.

Seeing that Yitong was hard to resist, it was about to die under the sword, and Qin Hao suddenly gave a clear long drink.

The Tianlong octave of the Tibetan ancestor he issued can crack the fascination.

At the same time, Qin Hao flexed his finger and the pen on the table flew over to Jianfeng.


Of course, his pen is constantly drinking blood. It can only be a little bit of a shock, slowing down a little offensive.

It is commendable that a master has a trick and a chance.

Yitong returned to God, and quickly rushed to the side, it was impossible to completely hide. Basha’s sword edge instantly penetrated Yitong’s left arm.

Yitong snorted and punched a punch in the cross. Basha saw the assassination mistakes, only to withdraw the **** sword.

PS: There is a chapter later.


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