The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2178: Like a bamboo

Yitong didn't think that happiness came so fast. He had to know that a few days ago, he was just a defeated man. Now he is once again the commander of the heavy hand. All this is given by Qin.

Yitong secretly rejoiced that he chose Mingzhu and found a bright road to victory.

He hasn't tasted the taste of victory for a long time, especially this kind of victory with less wins, obviously a dead end, but it is so easy to win the victory, even less and less, Yitong looks at the world In the history of the two worlds, such as Qin Hou, there are very few.

Fire Luocheng hit it down. Yitong collected Torres on the spot and was stationed directly in this fertile city. In fact, Antoine chose Firero City for this reason. There is a mine near Huoluocheng, which is hell. The famous origin of the sparkling crystal.

To say that wealth is rich, it is far from being able to add to the other six cities.

In this way, Yitong does not have to be sent to the south of the city, and after getting the city of Huo Luo, Yitong took over the mine for the first time. At the same time, as a general, it issued documents to the 33 cities in the south. Let the city owners immediately come and offer.

At the same time, the army of Yitong and Tarim began to attack the other six cities. In less than three days, because of the fear of the Qin and the angels, there were three city guards or the city's real power officials to offer.

The other three cities, in the panic of losing the city, although forcibly shut down the city, but because the southern city has not been war for a long time, the city equipment, city defense weapon aging, can not resist the possession of the most sophisticated equipment Angels attack the city.

Moreover, these equipments have been re-engineered by Qin Yu, and their power is more powerful than before.

The morale of the Angels is like a rainbow. Under a powerful attack, it is less than seven days, and the remaining three cities are all in the bag. So, with the southern part of the Angel City as the base, the southeast corner has formed a strong and powerful base.

The Qinqi is flying on the Seven Cities. After the integrated training, Yitong has 100,000 regular troops and 50,000 soldiers. This is undoubtedly a powerful force, enough to expedite crusade.

After the integration of resources, Howard and Yitong soldiers split into two roads, starting from the west and north lines, and began to attack the city quickly. The old and old aristocrats in the south were unable to resist, and the people’s heart was in the army. All the way, like a broken bamboo, and even the city, has been hit the Black River.

"Hou Ye, there are nine cities along the Heishui River. As long as we attack, the thirty-three cities in the south of the Heishui River are all owned by us." Yitong pointed to the fertile side of the Black River. City pool, lang channel.

"The problem is that Lucifer has already ordered the death, and personally sent the messenger to the army to guard the nine cities. Now the nine cities are in a line, and it is difficult to overcome with a unique geographical location. Moreover, we attack any In a city, the enemy can reinforce through the land and water, copying our back road, which is really a headache." Torres has a certain combat experience, frowning.

"Map." Qin Hao raised his hand.

Immediately, the soldiers presented the city defense map. Qin Hao looked at the map carefully and pointed to the bumpy ground of Heishui River: "Where is this?"

"This is the water roar, and that area is a wasteland because of the rapid water." Torres is a native and knows a lot about the Heishui River.

"Let's land here, forming a sharp knife, and attacking Wuluo City. Because of the isolation, in the two hours, at most, only the right side of the six Luocheng reinforcements can be reinforced from the land, and the left side. One to four cities will be blocked for awkwardness, and it will take two hours to arrive."

"Yitong, you immediately go to pick a good water-based commando, about 3,000 people!"

"At the same time, let Howard's northern line, attacking the city from the back, and holding them back."

"Torres, you have led all the remaining forces to squat in the ground, to fight the reinforcements from one to four cities, and to prepare as much time as possible for the commando."

Qin Hao ordered the road.

Due to the large number of cities and towns, in order to facilitate the memory, Qin Hao simplified the name of the city pool and replaced it with numbers. This made it easier for the soldiers to make clear instructions and optimize the strategy.

The public will have no objections to the arrangement of Qin and Qin. It is their business to fight. It is a war artist like Qin Hou. Every time you fight, it is a pleasure. It is a game.

"Hou, I am waiting for departure?" Yitong asked.

"No hurry, wait until dark and move again. Since it is a surprise attack, it is still hidden."

Qin Xiao smiled.


The Qin dynasty went down to the twenty-four cities, and the whole southern people were worried. The urgent documents were like snow flakes flying to the dark royal palace.

Lucifer looked at the seal on Android, the whole man was big, the South lost too fast, and everything was out of control.

He originally expected the Qin dynasty and Yitong to sit down and collect the benefits of the fishermen. Unexpectedly, Yitong actually returned to Qin dynasty. This move was unexpectedly unexpected and was not considered by Lucifer.

One is the most outstanding genius of hell, one is the mysterious "God of the East ~ ~ plus Angel City Howard's Angel Army, Tarim's black sand barbarian, this team's combat power is terrible.

"Quick, go to Drew and Bruce!"

Lucifer rushed to guard and shouted.

The guards rushed to call the two. When they first entered the store, Lucifer pointed to the pile of documents and shouted: "Have you seen it? All the cities are in a hurry, the whole South is a hit. None? Thirty-three cities and towns, nearly 890,000 troops, were actually lost by the tens of thousands of people in the Qin thief district.

"This **** waste, shame, shame."

Lucifer screamed at the table.

Bruce didn't say a word, just looked up at the paperwork. These were secretly sent by the nine city messengers. The truth should be very high.

In this way, Qin Hou is only one step away from the reunification of the South. Once he passes through the Heishui River, it is not far from the day of the decisive battle with Lucifer.

"Adults, I have completed the whole army. Now our troops in the 21st city in the north are training hard, plus the army of the Heroes of the Heroes of 150,000, there are 500,000 troops, and the food and grass are also ready, waiting for you at any time. Commanded, as soon as you make an order, I immediately command the troops to go south and fight with Qin Hou."

De Lulang channel.

"Nine cities are the front line of Heishuihe Chengguan. Once they are lost, Heishuiheguan will inevitably be unable to withstand the impact of hundreds of thousands of troops. The black water will be lost, and the northern gate will open!"

"Drew, I command you, select the people to send the soldiers to immediately reinforce the Ninetowns, and it is necessary to stabilize the Ninetowns. Whoever loses the city will cut off whose head."

Lucifer was furious.

"I know that a suitable candidate, send him to go, will certainly stabilize the situation."

Drew Road.


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