The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2179: The last deadly straw

"Who?" Lucifer asked.


Drew Road.

"Prin?" Lucifer looked up and finally remembered this person.

Purin was a Satanian period, a famous in hell, with excellent military skills and high military talent. Only after Satan was asleep, Pring was unable to fight with Lucifer, and simply chose to retreat.

"I remembered, Prin had taught you swordsmanship, it was your teacher, but this person is too old-fashioned, you may not be able to please him." Lucifer licked the corner and had a headache.

"Adult, I know the teacher. Now that **** is in danger, he will definitely go out. You are waiting for me to be good news."

Drew Road.

"Well, if you can please Prin, we will definitely have a little more chances."

"Hurry and go."

Lucifer is very happy.

When Drew left, Lucifer looked at Bruce, who stood by his hand, and asked in a deep voice: "Old man, what do you think?"

"Bruce has nothing to say, as long as the adults need, I can always go into battle and fight with Qin Hou." Bruce calmly said.


"How can this be the case? I am still wrong with Yitong."

"I thought he was a man of temperament. Even if he didn't beat it, he would have thought that he was so disappointing."

"What is even more abhorrent is that they took the foundation of Angel City and used my hand-picked generals and soldiers to attack me. It was just a sinful crime, and it hurt me."

Lucifer clenched his fists and was very sad.

"Yeah, this is something that no one can think of. The combination of Yitong and Qinhou is undoubtedly a combination of good and bad. A good attack is a good deed. It is getting harder and harder to fight."

Bruce exclaimed.

"Old man, people are not old, loyalty is worthless, you will not betray me one day?" Lucifer suddenly slammed his head, staring at Bruce Road.

Bruce's face trembled and smiled. "If I betrayed an adult, I wouldn't have died to save you."

"The adults want to win the battle. The most important thing is the people's heart. At the time of the battle in Baoluo City, the adults were defeated by the hands of Qin Hou. As everyone knows today, it has a bad influence on your prestige."

"There is another way to save people's hearts."

Bruce took the opportunity to quickly open this topic.

"What method?" Lucifer asked.

"Weigh the Lord, sit on the throne!" Bruce pointed to Satan's position and sang.

Lucifer looked like a hi, and soon he hid the sneak peek and waved his hand: "Old man, your loyalty, I understand, but this chair I really can't sit, now the Satan family, and him. The old department is still intertwined in hell, especially in the northern city, many generals are all in the heart of Satan. If I call the devil, I am afraid they are not satisfied."

Bruce solemnly said: "The grown-up is wrong, and now people are thinking, it is because of the lack of a true leader. The new king of the Hero of the Dark Kingdom is a sly, and no one will take him seriously. The following masters and generals will take root. I don’t know who to listen to, I don’t know who is loyal, but because of the incompetent fighting power and the change of people’s minds."

"In contrast, Qin Hou is the unique helm of the southern army. He even called him the **** of the East in the South. Our people are afraid of him. Their people are regarded as saviors. This can make such a powerful fighting power."

"If the adults call the Lord of the Lord, the name of the **** is justified by you, and where is the fight, and the people are united, why not win."

"Adult, this chair should have belonged to you long ago. When not sitting at this time?"

Bruce’s words were fierce and he persuaded him.

He said this on the heart of Lucifer. What was it that poisoned Satan? Isn’t this chair? These years, because of all kinds of constraints, Lucifer has always had a heart and never dared to sit up.

Now, when Bruce is in danger, he will take another dose of medicine, and he will not be tempted by Lucifer.

Sure enough, Lucifer did not refute, but excitedly paced back and forth.

This temptation is too big. The position of the Lord is what he has asked for his life. Lucifer looked at the chair and his heart became extremely fanatical.

If he sat up and won the war, he would no longer be an archangel, but a righteous monarch in hell.

"I, can I really sit in this chair?" Lucifer asked again.

"of course."

Bruce smiled and then patted the door outside the door.

I saw the generals of the Angel Legion and some of the ministers of the Heroic dynasty neatly went to the temple, and bowed on the knees with respect and respectfulness: "Adults, I will be the Lord."

"Adult, this position is yours, call the Lord."

Bruce is also kneeling on one knee, sincerely pleading.

Lucifer's excited body shivered and went to the chair of Satan, staring for a while, and finally got the courage to sit up.

He waited for this day and waited for too long, and this moment was finally realized.

"Everybody, get up quickly." Lucifer raised his hand.

"Congratulations to the Lord!"

Everyone sang After a while, Lucifer went down the chair and said seriously: "This matter should not be spread. Bruce, you must first write a secret order and send it to those people. Look at their attitudes, if more than half, let us officially announce the world."

"Okay, I will do it."

"Believe me, the whole **** is looking forward to the adults calling the Lord, saving me is equal to the fire."

Bruce Road.

"Bruce, if I can officially become the devil, the position of the archangel is yours, and then I will seal you a lord. And you and so on, there must be endless glory and wealth."

Lucifer is happy.

Everyone is naturally thankful.

Bruce left the Dark Royal Palace. When he walked out of the main hall, he looked back and Lucifer sat in Satan's position again, smiling and opening his face.

There was a sneer in the mouth of Bruce. The position of Satan's Lord of the Lord is a curse. Who is sitting and who is dead.

Nowadays, there is already great dissatisfaction with Lucifer in hell. More people are looking forward to the glory of the past Satan. For the defeat of Lucifer, there is only endless disdain. Lucifer must be the Lord, and it will become the world. The biggest joke.

The most important thing is that there are a large number of ablemen who are now selling their lives for Lucifer, but they are all loyal to the whole hell, the Dark Lord dynasty left by Satan!

Lucifer said that the Lord will completely ruin the last batch of people, and by then, it will not be far away for him to be a lonely man.

Bruce's move was precisely from the three kingdoms given by Qin Lan. Lucifer was a self-proclaimed Yuan Shu, and he was destined to have only one defeat.

PS: There is a third more late.


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