The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2181: God-given opportunity

The head is a general with a golden beard, a burly figure, and a serious face. Yan Zheng said: "In the middle of the night, what are you doing?"

Jumping from the car, a man with a white face and a housekeeper looks like a smile. "It turned out to be Dean, we are the city's main government, and went to the nearby city to purchase fresh fruit."

"Search." Dean waved.

"Who dares!"

The housekeeper's face changed and he did not give up.

"Dean adults, the car owners of our city's capital have always had the prevailing privileges. Who dares to block them at will?"

"You just sent the special envoy of the superintendent, is it still in the head of our city?"

The butler shouted.

Dean sneered a sigh of relief: "There is a tight battle in the moment, Qin Hou is very cunning, and the city defense is as dangerous as a day. Who knows what is hidden in your carriage?"

"Anything that is unfavorable to the city, I have to make sure that I am in control. Even if Asimi is here, I must be inspected."

The housekeeper’s eyes glimpse, “You!”

Dean overbearing this is everyone knows, but he did not expect that even the face of the city owner will not give, but in desperation, can only accept the inventory.

Dean personally went forward to check it out. It was fresh fruit. It was seen in several cars. When he arrived at the carriage where Qin Lan was located, Dean stopped and walked in this carriage, even if he was alone. This person deliberately concealed the breath, Dean can still be sensed by the strong repair.

"come out."

Dean sighed.

Qin Lan did not panic, although Dean’s cultivation was higher, but it was the strength of the Five Winged Angels. It was impossible to find the gas field he held.

Sure enough, a handsome, handsome man with a white skin and a long, handsome face, but this guy’s face was so white and shivering that he saw no guinea pigs.

"Who does not look like a familiar face in the city seat?" Dean fixed his eyes and sneered.

"I, I am..." The man was stuttering and couldn't even say anything.

Only the housekeeper understands that this is the little white face that the lady has privately supported.

Between the old aristocrats in the south, there are not a few mistresses in men. There are few women with white faces who can’t say hello to people. This is a trend.

"Understood, go in."

Dean certainly understood the things here, sneered and waved.

He only manages the city defense military affairs. As for the women of Asimi who love to be with whom, it has nothing to do with him.

Qin Lan followed the carriage all the way directly into the city's main government, and sure enough, the little white face went to the yard, a glamorous mother greeted him, and rewarded a large amount of money tickets to the housekeeper, with a small white face into a group.

"How come you are so anxious today, you don't know that the guy named Dean caught me on the spot and almost didn't scare me." Xiaobai's face was awkward.

"Oh, after this Dean came, we wouldn’t have a good day."

"I have advised Achille with Kurdish today. The old guy doesn't know what medicine was fed by Dean. Dean is riding on his head and still pretending to be a fool."

"I almost didn't mad at me."

"You lick my face, let the **** Dean fight."

The woman shed tears as the woman groaned.

"Hey, now we are in the city of Songluo, and we are looking forward to Qinhou’s early entry. To end this **** day, the messenger on my side is not so rigid, but one mind has blackmailed the city, and it’s very unpleasant to make trouble all day.”

"You are squatting, Dean and Lucifer, these people, it’s been a few days."

"When we get there, we can be happy everywhere."

Xiaobai smiled and said, the two of them shook and hugged.

There are about a few words in Qin Yin’s mind. The reason why the Ninetowns are several times more strict than the defenses of other cities, is not because the city is united, the city owner has the responsibility, but the messenger of the Lucifers is maintained.

This is undoubtedly a torment for the local city owners who have always been used to happily, so the city is far from being as peaceful as imagined.

Qin Lan decided to go to Kurdish, maybe this person would be a key to open the No. 5 city.

Kurd is sitting in his big account at the moment, very boring. Since Dean’s arrival, the military camp has added a rule that does not allow drinking. This is undoubtedly the biggest torment for many officers who like to get drunk on weekdays.

Moreover, Dean will also personally inspect the camp, and there is no chance of being lazy and taking a nap. It is extremely strict.

When the Qin dynasty appeared in the Kurdish account like a ghost, he almost did not live to scare and die.

"Kurd, the city guardian general, second only to the second man of the city of Asimi!"

Qin Xiao’s cold pupil looked straight at him and asked coldly.

"I am Kurdish, who are you?" Kurd subconsciously touched his own sabre.

"No need to be nervous, I am your friend."

Qin Lan sat down and took a bottle of fine wine from Sanjie Stone.


A burst of rich wine scented, and Kurdish slobber was about to flow out.

"First introduce myself, my name is Qin Hou."

Qin Yu faint.

"What, Qin..."

Kurd scared his legs soft and almost didn't sit on the floor.

Although he had the idea of ​​persuading Asimi to surrender to Qin, he really saw the **** of the East, and his heart was still panicked.

"Sit down, have a drink, I said that I am your Qin Hao kissed and laughed.

Kurd boldly sat down and took the drink with both hands and trembles. He sipped a bite. Although he was not used to drinking oriental spirits, he did not drink alcohol for a few days. At this moment, he was very delicious and mellow. It seems that there is no such fear.

"Hou, you, how did you come in, you know that Dean is now blocking the city, and it is reasonable to say that even a fly can't fly in." Kurdish asked curiously.

"There is no city in the world where I can't enter. I am here to give you a chance."

"I know that you have the heart to return, you know the situation in the southern city, but I will be kind to anyone who returns."

"Now I am going to break the Ninetowns. This city is the first to bear the brunt. I hope that you can make a good start. Once the city is broken, I will not treat you badly."

Qin Yu said bluntly.

Kurd was somewhat tempted, thinking for a little while, sighing slightly: "Hou Ye, really, you don't come in, we have no good days sooner or later, Lucifer did not take us as a person." No one wants to sell him life."

Speaking of this, his words suddenly paused and continued: "Just Dean, this guy is staring too dead. I think you also saw that the city is now in his grasp. You want me to open the gate, or It is rebellion, fear is hard."

Qin Xiao smiled. "You don't need to go to the city gate. You just have to do one thing and open the small door of the city's main house. I think this should not be a problem for you."

"The problem is, open the door, your tens of thousands of troops are afraid that they have not waited to enter the city, they were discovered."

"It doesn't make any use, Hou Ye, this is not a good suggestion."

Kurd shook his head.


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