The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2182: 1 fire thing

"To lay down this city, only three thousand people are needed. My people are now outside the city. Just enter the city and take Dean. When you control the city's main government, you can shake your arms and everything will be solved."

Qin Yudao.

"If I have three thousand people, I should still be able to do it. OK, I have done this."

"I am on duty in the middle of the night. I will take you to the gates of the city. When you send people into the city, you will be fine."

Kurdishly said.

Dean is a very vigilant person. In order to ensure the safety of the city, he chose to patrol at night and not sit in the command post. Instead, he patrolled the wall on the wall and was completely an indefatigable inspection machine.

For this reason, it is almost impossible to find a chance to assassinate him alone.

"Hou Ye, what can I do? There are heavy guards around him. There are soldiers on the wall. We can't find a chance to start." Kurd found a soldier suit for Qin Lan. The two went to the wall and looked far away.

"Don't panic, the way people think of it, I will put the fire to open Dean, and then look for opportunities to open the door."

Qin Yudao.

After that, his body flashed and disappeared a hundred meters away. Kurdish had not returned to God. He saw that the city’s northwestern fire had risen to the sky. Kurdish quickly rushed to guards and shouted: “Fire, fire. Now, wake up and wake up."



The rushing alarm bell rang in the city, Dean was inspecting, heard the bell, and saw the northwest fire, the brow was locked and said: "I can’t get fire early, I can’t get fire at night, but I’m at this time, there is something in the city. Not good, maybe someone wants to hit the northwest gate."

"Go, come see me!"

Dean did not dare to care about it. He took the right and left confidant and rushed to the northwest gate.

Seeing Dean leave, Kurdish sighed. After confirming that Dean had left, Kurdish rushed to the small gate of the city's main government. On the duty of the soldiers, "Come on, open the door."

"General, Dean adults have orders, this secret door of the city government has no orders, and is not open at will."

Along with the fire, most of the defenders were ordered to cling to the gates. The door was only a dozen people.

"Don't let go, Dean's order is to order, the order of the master of the city is not? I have the urgent military affairs of the city owner, and I need to pass it to other cities. If it is delayed, will you bear the consequences?"

Kurd coldly shouted.

"But, Dean adults..." The guards still have some hesitation.

Dean’s military order is like a mountain. If you really let go of someone, you will be afraid of being beaten.

"You are afraid of Dean, are you afraid of me?"

"Oh, don't forget, Dean is leaving, after all, you better pray that he can take you away, otherwise I promise, you never want to stay in this city again."

Kurdish sinister threatened.

The guards were scared one by one. They were all ordered to act. They also knew that Dean’s command was like a mountain. However, Kurdish’s words made them have to be scrupulous. In the final analysis, the city’s generals were Kurdish, Dean’s, Kurdish. For a reason, you can give them a slap.

It is not a wise move to offend Kurdish at this time.

A few people negotiated and only agreed to Kurdish’s request.

"Go to the fire, if Dean asks, he can push things on me, and I will call you to fight the fire."

Scared and scared, Kurd easily gave these guys a step down.

"Thank you for being an adult."

The soldiers hurried away, Qin Yu ghostly walked out of the darkness and smiled: "Good job, open city."

Kurd personally opened the small city gate and nervously said: "Hou, time is limited, you hurry."

Qin Lan out of the city, Yitong and the commando team are preparing to evacuate. When he saw his look relaxed, he couldn’t help but ask: "Hou, have you got it?"

"Well, dress up."

Qin Yudao.

Yitong people have changed into the armor of the fifth city.

"follow me."

Qin Lan led the soldier's cat, and stunned the city, slammed under the wall and quickly reached the small gate of the city's main government.

“The time is limited and the fastest speed is passed.”

Kurd’s nervous forehead was full of cold sweat.

Qin Lan and others quickly entered the city. Due to the panic in the city, the commando rushed around the city, and no one doubted it.

After all the people passed, Kurdish quickly closed the door and took a long sigh of relief.

"Hou Ye, where are we going now?"

Kurd asked nervously.

"Kurd, you and Yitong go to the city government, I will go to Dean!"

Qin Hao ordered the road.

Kurdish led and led Yitong to go by himself.

Qin Hao was in armor and went straight to the northwest gate.

Dean personally took command of the town, and the fire in the northwest quickly disappeared. Fortunately, it seems that there is no movement in either the city or the outer city.

Maybe this is really an accident.

Dean is only able to comfort himself while admonishing and punishing the North Gate.

"What about the other three?"

Dean asked as he walked.

"The other gates are all right."

"Adult, you take a break. Just a soldier looks to the north. Qinhou's angel army is attacking the city there. We are still safe."

"Now all the city defense pressures are on you. If you are tired, no one can guarantee the city."

The deputy around me reminded哎, but unfortunately I want to protect the city, some people do not think about progress, and do not deal with me everywhere. ”

"Whether, first return to the barracks, right, to inform the four cities on duty, continue to guard the strict family, whoever dares to slack off, I cut his head."

Dean is quite tired.

He hasn't had a rest for a long time. Just after a big fire, his nerves are completely tightened. Now, after a false alarm, the whole person has a feeling of being prostration, and his eyelids are heavy and heavy.

It’s time to take a break!

Dean returned to the barracks with a heavy pace, lying down and closing his eyes.

Just about to fall asleep, a sudden strange noise came from outside the door. Dean was shocked and sat up, shouting outside the door and shouting: "Come, come."

Shouted a few times, there was still no movement outside the door, and the entire city seemed to be a dead city with no slight sound.

Deanton understands that this is separated by enchantment.

Have an assassin!

He pulled out the sabre and shouted at the door of the policeman: "Who is it, give it to me."

The curtain opened, and a young man in a blue gown came in. The black hair fell on his eyebrows and his face was cold. He only touched this oriental face. Dean knew who he was. He couldn’t help but be shocked: "Qin, Qinhou ""

"Yes, it is me."

Qin Hao nodded.

"A big courage, I dare to be good at this big camp." Dean shouted.

"The fire was released tonight. If I didn't guess wrong, then my people have already controlled the city's main government. Soon the wall will be filled with the banner of my Qin army." Qin Hao said indifferently.

"Who is going to enter the city?" Dean asked.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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