The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2196: Crazy War of Markov

It sounds a bit overhanging, but this is what Qin Lan said. This oriental **** is not only a real **** of war, but more like a magical prophet!

The only thing they have to do is to choose to believe.

The reason why Qin Lan is so confident, and even said the results of the process is so detailed, because he has enough understanding of Bruce, Bruce went to the Black River, and naturally will pave the way for him.

Sure enough, Markov discharged the strongest lineup at the fastest speed, went straight out of the front ferry, carried the most sophisticated siege weapons, and began to attack the nearest No. 1 city in the Ninetowns.

In the city, only the returning weak soldiers who have not yet been arranged into the city are guarding the city, and they cannot resist the attack of the Markov lion. It is only one morning, and the first city is lost.

Markov led the army into the city. When he rode his high horse into the city, at that moment, Markov felt that he was just like God.

"Adults, the situation is not good. According to our search, there are not many military supplies available, and most of them have already moved out of the city. It looks like an empty city."

The deputy will come over and frown.

Markov proudly smiled: "I don't care at all. He is empty city or awkward. What we need most at the moment is the military exploits. Only the military can improve the morale of the entire **** army. If Qin is playing this kind of cleverness with me, then he is looking for death. ""

"You quickly played, and asked the devil to ask for help at the fastest speed. It said that the battle was fierce. After our department worked hard day and night, we had won the first city, and it was only a matter of time before the rest of the eight cities broke."

Markov Road.

"Adult, isn't this a false report to the military? If the Lord knows it, it's not good." The deputy will be somewhat guilty.

"To say that you can only be a deputy, and I am a city owner. You should wake up in this mind. What is the most lacking thing for Lu Xifa? What is the most important thing? If you can win, he will face the Lord." There is light on it, is it less for our benefits?"

"That's just to tell you, even if we are defeated, we have to say that we are winning. We are now the face of the devil, understand?"

Markov is calculating the truth.


The vice president was pleased to be taught and quickly went to write a secret.

After a short break, Markov started the attack on the second city.

This time, the defensive forces and artillery fires were obviously much stronger. Markov played for two whole nights, and the 20,000 soldiers who had brought out lost three or four thousand people before they scored the city.

With four thousand troops, once again broke the city, Marcofu really believes that he has excellent military talent this time, breaking the two cities in three days, this kind of record is enough to be compared to the name.

"Adult, good news, we have found at least three days of military food in the city, and there are still many residents. This time it seems not an empty city, but a real city."

"I see that the strength of Qinhou is lacking. It is just a strong support. To put it plainly, it is a flower stand."

"The grown-up is simply a **** of war."

Several deputies will pick up the wine glasses, and Markov, who is heading up, will respect the road.

Markov fluttered: "If you don't say that people are awesome, maybe Qin is not so terrible. To put it bluntly, we are all scared by our own people. The ridiculous Principal, who is known as the famous, is still oystered. It’s ridiculous.”

"Adult, I played the secret last night. Today, in the early morning, there was news from Guanli. The master of the devil sealed you up for the general of the South, and rewarded a house in the Dark Royal Palace. Not only that, but also gave us There are countless grains and wines, and the brethren are now looking forward to going down to the city and rewarding them with the adults."

The deputy will be very happy.

"You can rest assured that following me to keep your spicy food, I will go to the secret to go back and write for you. The promotion of the promotion, the wealth of the rich, one must be indispensable." Markov said with great joy.

"Thank you for adults."

"Well, I will take a break for the third day and continue to attack the No. 3 city. But this time I expect that there will be a hard fight. Everyone must be mentally prepared."

Markov reminded.

Three days later, the remaining 15,000 troops of Markov began to attack the No. 3 city.

This time, the resistance was strengthened. After playing for seven days, the Markovs were frustrated. When they finally broke the city, there were only less than 6,000 people left.

Into the city, there are still food and there are residents!

After Markov entered the city, Qin Yu’s support army came. Markov immediately closed the city gate and asked the spy to ask for additional troops to Heishuihe.

"Come on, let Blackwater shut up and then reinforce 20,000 soldiers and horses, let us fight for the first time to win the Ninetowns." Markov wiped the blood from his face, holding the helmet and telling him while walking.

"Adults, let's ask for support now is too dangerous. Our 30,000 people have to stay in the customs. If they are sent out, if the remnants of the city outside the city come in, it is not easy to do it."

The deputy will remind you.

"Don't you see it yet? Qinhou's city is not difficult to fight. His important defenses are concentrated in the five cities. With our current strength, if you want to take it in one breath, you must make all the soldiers. And attack."

Markov Road.

Then, he snorted and dismissed: "As for the wastes of Purin's men, they are as timid as the rats. As long as we hold the North Gate, the three thousand army is enough, they can't get in."

"Right, don't forget to continue to present a good report to the Lord of the Lord."

"Let's let those people in **** see that there is more than one Yitong in the world."

Marco Fulan channel Yes. ”

The special envoy arrived at the Heishui River Pass. The defenders here are all Markov's loyal confidants. Although he was hesitant about this order, he eventually fell out of the nest, leaving only two thousand people to guard the city and watch the hungry outside the North Gate. The 100,000 remnants of the roar, the rest of them all passed through the Heishui River secretly and came to the Three Cities.

When the army entered the city and defeated the reinforcements sent by the Qin dynasty outside the city to support, and then gathered in the city, Markov held nearly 40,000 soldiers and horses. It was a high-spirited, fully confident that there is reason to win all the remaining cities.


In the No. 5 city, Qin Lan stood under the eaves and watched the drizzle falling in the sky, and the mood was exceptionally calm.

This is a good phenomenon. When his heart is very quiet, it means that everything is developing in the expected direction.

"Hou Ye, Markov has sent his own 50,000 soldiers and horses, and now the Black River is completely empty."

"Everything is as you expected, you are really a god, even if the Lord God is far less than Hou Ye."

At the moment, Yitong has already voted for the five bodies that Qin Yu admire.

"You told me about Markov. When a loser is in a hurry, he is crazy."

"And this madness will destroy him. Maybe Markov himself can't believe it at the moment. He is such a generation of God of War."

"In addition, in order to stabilize the position, Lucifer will definitely raise all kinds of high and advocate Markov. He does not want to be mad."

"Tell me to order, the fourth city to reduce defense, don't let him lose too bad, so as not to scare him away, then drag him outside our city, after all, we have to give some time to the opposite 100,000 brothers what."

Qin Xiao smiled.

PS: Today's update is over, Happy New Year, good night, friends.


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