The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 2197: Last 1 hit

Inside the dark royal palace.

Lucifer’s face finally showed a long-lost smile. “Bruce, have you seen it? This is the third time. It’s only took less than half a month for Markov to take three cities, Ben. After all, the Lord is not looking at the wrong person."

"Yeah, the news spread to hell, Nile, Galo, and many nobles all sent a congratulatory message. Markov was in danger, and under the blessing of the Lord, he won the victory and broke the myth of Qin's unbeaten. Thank you, congratulations."

"That is also the wise and wise, and the people have a way."

"We have a new **** of war in hell, and recover the southern part of the Black River, just around the corner."

"Congratulations to the Lord!"

The public will also congratulate, for a time in the hall, the long-lost sounds of laughter.

Bruce is informed. In this case, although he and Qin Hou did not face each other, but the relationship between the two is almost perfect, the eight cities of Markov are in the middle of the Qin to lure the enemy deep strategy, once the main force All out of the city, Pring's 100,000 soldiers and horses will be like a dynamite barrel, which will blow up the Markov.

"Angel grows up, this is a conspiracy. Markov will only destroy our city."

A big drink came, Drew strode in.

As soon as I saw Drew, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly suppressed, and there is no doubt that Drew is not suitable for this kind of joyful atmosphere.

"General Drew, are you not leaving the military camp to cultivate? How come back?" Lucifer frowned.

"Adult, this is a very obvious conspiracy. Can't you see it?"

"This gang of villains, they are numb your wise god, Markov has never been in the army, he has no war experience at all, how can he win and win, this is clearly the trap of Qin."

Drew’s eyes were red and shouted.

Lucifer’s face was very gloomy, and his gaze was staring at Drew. Of course he knew that Markov did not have the talents and strategies of Yitong, but now he has just stabilized this position. Markov’s “God of War” can be the biggest. Improve his prestige.

As long as his prestige is up, the hearts of the people in **** have gained vitality, and then they can fight a real long-lasting battle with Qin.

Even if this is a false news, he must also be the real news, exaggerated propaganda.

Drew can see it, can he not see it?

He is more serious than Drew, but he is more annoyed that he does not understand the situation and does not understand his own difficulties.

"Drew, are you jealous of Markov? I know that your teacher, Prin, has suffered a great defeat, and your heart is unbalanced. Now the Markov army is sweeping the world, it is better than your teacher, you are very upset, we can understand. ”

"But today is the celebration party. If you are willing to celebrate together, sit down and have a drink, if you don't want it, please leave now."

Bruce knew that Lucifer was difficult to speak and responded to Drew.

"Bruce, you are the first traitor in the world, your wisdom, your strategy, all are blinded by the wealth of wealth."

"And you, one by one, are thieves. One day, when the **** is dead, you will know how stupid what you are doing today."

Drew pointed at the crowd and was heartbroken.


"Come, come out and fight."

Lucifer was lazy to listen again, and screamed.

"You don't have to fight, I go, I am dead, the dark palace is going to die, the traitor is in the road, the Lord is unknown, I am going to die."

Drew laughed in the sky and walked away with tears.

"You are all scattered."

Lucifer waved his hand in a bored voice.

He is not confused yet, but sometimes it is painful to be awake.

"Devil Lord, Drew does not understand your pains, you don't go to the heart, one day, he will know."

Bruce comforted.

"Yeah, in his eyes you are a traitor, I am the Lord."

"Just now I have no choice, I can only believe that Markov can defeat Qin."

"I need Markov's victory, whether it is true or not, you pass the Markov's reward twice, and then add it as the deputy chief of the angel, and rank it under you, let him fight with peace of mind, win the battle, and then I personally celebrate for him. ”

Lucifer sat in a chair and was exhausted.


Markov was in the city, and the 40,000 army had a high morale. They continued to go down the city to let them taste the long-lost victory. With the reward of Lucifer, all the soldiers could not wait to continue the siege and strive for more. Military power.

"Adult, the special envoy is coming." The deputy came in.

"It is definitely good news, fast pass." Markov said with great joy.

The special envoy came in with joy and opened the edict and read: "Let, Markov has achieved meritorious deeds, and he was promoted to the deputy commander of the Angel Army. His officers and ministers will be promoted to the rank of official, and the reward is 100 million. In recognition of the bravery of the generals, I hope to continue to make meritorious deeds and strengthen my voice."

Markov and others were very happy, and they quickly took the initiative.

"The special envoy, small meaning, not respectful, hard work."

Markov took a money ticket from his pocket and sneaked it into the pocket of the special envoy.

"Mc. Markov, the Lord of the Lord has placed high hopes on you. Now this seal has been a great person. I have been with the Lord for so many years. This promotion is unprecedented."

"In the future, the adult will return to the palace, but it is second only to the No. 3 character of the Lord and Bruce. Don't forget to take care of it."

The special envoy is polite.

"Required, must." Markov laughed.

After the special envoy left, stood on the shelf and said to everyone who was beaming: "Have you seen it? Listening to me is right, only playing, only coming out, only victory has a future."

"That is the future with the adults, I will thank the adults for their promotion."

"The big talent is the real **** of war. It is an honor for me to follow the adults."

Everyone happily touted.

"Well, prepare for the troops and attack the four cities. As long as the four cities are taken down, we can go straight to Huanglong and fight against Qin." Markov said.


Under the expectation of Lucifer, the Markov army launched an attack on the 4th city.

According to the law, I thought that the No. 4 city would be harder than the No. 3 city. I didn't expect the defense in the city to be as strong as I thought. After a week, I took it down.

This made Markov more and more inflated. On the day after occupying the city, he launched another general attack on the No. 5 city where Qin Lan was stationed.

The 40,000 army has all been pressed to the city!

"Brothers, have you seen it?"

"That is the end of our victory. As long as you win this city, the war in the south can basically end."

Markov pointed to the No. 5 city and told the people around him.

"Adults, our artillery and our troops are all in place, please also order."

Deputy general.


Markov is domineering and waving.


The fire of the sky roared to the city.

Markov's strategy is very simple. First, the cannon first hits a round, and after the city gate collapses, the cavalry rushes into the door.

However, this time is not destined to let him get what he wants.

PS: Today is the chapter, tomorrow three more, good night, friends.


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